Monday, 2025-03-24

opendevreviewBoxiang Zhu proposed openstack/releases master: Release RC2 for Skyline-Console
opendevreviewBoxiang Zhu proposed openstack/releases master: Release RC2 for Skyline-Console
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh07:55
opendevreviewBoxiang Zhu proposed openstack/releases master: Release RC2 for Skyline-Console
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [process] Update www landing page refresh task
stephenfinelodilles: Any chance you could close this for us? Unmaintained branches don't make sense for clients16:33
stephenfin...and if there's something I can edit to prevent those getting created in the future then I'll happily go do the necessary if you can point me in the right direction :)16:33
elodillesstephenfin: you mean they don't make sense because openstackclient can be used from master branch anytime?16:35
stephenfinelodilles: yes, exactly, and I expect most users of OSC do so on their workstations, installing from pip, distro repos, or homebrew16:36
elodillesi don't know whether that's true in all cases, but yeah, i can imagine o:)16:37
elodilleslet me search for the script that does this16:38
elodilleson the other hand, i'm not sure that is the right fix. maybe, if you are right and no one uses the stable branches of python-<project>client repos, then they should be branchless16:41
elodilleswhich is maybe not a good idea based on the dependency issues we constantly have16:42
elodillesif we keep the stable branches for clients then the same should apply to unmaintained branches as well16:43
elodillesnevertheless, here is the script that creates the patches:
elodillesand it's called from here:
stephenfinelodilles: Were they supposed to be different links?16:59
elodillesstephenfin: ah, yeah, sorry... the new way of (not) working of the copy buffer kills me lately...

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