Tuesday, 2014-07-22

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johnthetubaguyrussellb: should have all patches going through the gate right now, https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/juno-211:05
johnthetubaguyrussellb: well we got one merged, the other need rebases and tests fixing now, the code had rotted, so moved them to juno-3, but make for a very sorry looking juno-2 list12:19
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russellbjohnthetubaguy: very nice, thanks!12:52
russellbjohnthetubaguy: i'll email mikal to get his go ahead and then tag away12:53
russellbjohnthetubaguy: just emailed the 2 of you12:55
johnthetubaguyrussellb: cool, thanks, not sure if mikal would want to wait to sneak a few more into j-2, will leave that as his call12:59
* russellb nods13:00
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SlickNikhey russellb16:13
SlickNikI'm taking a look at the trove juno-2 work items as we speak, and going through what's done / remanining.16:15
SlickNikThere's a couple of work items that are very close to merging, and that I'd like to have completed in juno-2.16:16
russellbSlickNik: o/16:39
russellbSlickNik: which are you specifically wanting in?  the last 2 blueprints?16:39
russellbany of the bugs you want to block on?16:39
SlickNiko/ Just the BPs. If the bugs land in the meanwhile, that would be a bonus, but I'm not going to block on it.16:41
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markwashrussellb: glance is ready for the j2 cut. we've one bug left in the list. however, it is fixed--I just can't seem to update launchpad due to repeated timeout errors.18:04
markwashwell, nm, I actually got through the timeout errors by breaking up my updates18:05
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kgriffsrussellb: hey, just wanted to let you know the Marconi team is trying to get everything squared away by EOD today for j-2, so I should have a tag for you tomorrow.19:24
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mesteryrussellb: Just waiting on 3 final bugs to make it through the gate and neutron will be ready for the Juno-2 tag.19:57
russellbkgriffs: thanks!20:41
russellbmestery: sounds good, thanks!20:42
mesteryrussellb: 1 down, 1 almost down, last one is 50 minutes out at least.20:42
russellbmestery: so i'm free to tag once that's done?20:42
russellbmestery: if they merge at least20:42
mesteryrussellb: Yes, I'll give you the heads up.20:42
mesteryrussellb: If the last one fails, we can probably just tag without it, but lets wait and see.20:43
russellbmestery: yep, and we can always try to reverify it and see if it will go in overnight20:43
russellbwe've got some time20:43
russellbdavid-lyle: o/20:43
russellbdavid-lyle: wanted to check in on https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/juno-220:44
mesteryrussellb: Yup, I'm watching the two remaining changes, thanks!20:44
russellbdavid-lyle: seems a bunch needs to be deferred20:44
david-lylea few are in the gating process, a couple have status out of sync with recent merges20:45
david-lyleworking on cleaning up the latter class now20:45
russellbdavid-lyle: OK.  we should aim to be able to tag by EOD tomorrow20:46
david-lylesounds reasonable to me20:46
russellbdavid-lyle: so anything that you don't think has a chance to merge by then should just bump to juno-320:46
david-lylewill do20:46
russellbany bugs you want to block on?  or just need to decide on bps that can make it?20:46
david-lylerussellb: no bugs that are blocking20:48
david-lylejust trying to get a few more bp to land20:48
russellbdavid-lyle: OK, feel free to defer any bugs that you know won't make it.  otherwise i'll defer them when we go to make the tag20:48
david-lylesome bug fixes are in the gate as well, but won't hold tagging based on those20:48
david-lylerussellb: sure20:48
russellbdavid-lyle: alright, sounds good, let's sync again tomorrow20:49
david-lylerussellb: ok, thanks!20:49
russellbdavid-lyle: good thing about a mid-cycle milestone like this is that it's really not too bad to defer anything since it's just a checkpoint, not a deadline20:49
russellbbut sounds good to see what can get in in the next 24 hours or so20:49
david-lylejust makes me have to clean up j-3 further20:49
david-lylelots of pruning to do20:49
russellbyeah ... milestone 3 is usually painful in that regard :-/20:49
russellbdavid-lyle: good luck!  and have a nice evening20:50
david-lylerussellb: thanks, you too20:50
russellbgriff: o/20:50
griffrussellb: o/20:52
griffrussellb: ruh roh... it's Tuesday20:52
russellbgriff: indeed it is :)20:53
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russellbgriff: wondering which of this stuff you'd really like to get in20:53
russellbmarkwash: btw, got your update from earlier, thank you!20:53
griffrussellb: yeah... looking now20:53
russellbgriff: i'd imagine the stuff not in "needs code review" probably doesn't have a chance, unless the status isn't accurate20:53
griffrussellb: most likely correct.. yes20:54
griffrussellb: so the *ok* news is...20:54
griffrussellb: there's NOTHING here that I'd hold up the milestone for20:54
russellbgriff: OK, that's good20:54
griffrussellb: anything that doesn't make it that's in progress I'm fine with exception/defer to J320:54
russellbgriff: so, should i just feel free to take late tomorrow with whatever is there?  or would you like to choose a final set?20:55
griffrussellb: I *think* that will be ok20:55
griffrussellb: I'll spend some time tonight sorting it again20:55
griffrussellb: and I can shout tomorrow if I see something I missed20:55
russellbgriff: OK sounds good ... i'll ping you tomorrow to check if i haven't heard anything20:56
griffrussellb: sounds good... thanks!20:57
russellbgriff: anything i can help with?  want me to defer stuff not in review?20:59
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griffrussellb: I'll buzz through it this afternoon21:01
griffrussellb: should have it cleaned up for ya by COB today21:01
russellbgreat, ttyl then21:01
griffrussellb: kk... thanks!21:04
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mesteryrussellb: Just waiting on https://review.openstack.org/105622 to merge now.21:55
mesteryrussellb: I'm heading to my daughter's track meet now, but will be back in 3-4 hours or so to check on things.21:55
mesteryrussellb: Just FYI.21:55
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