Friday, 2014-11-21

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ttxjohnthetubaguy: did you go through the blueprints priorities ? May I switch the autokick script on for Nova ?10:10
johnthetubaguyttx: yes, I tidied up the few loose ends, lets turn the script on, thanks10:11
* ttx dry-runs to check10:12
ttxjohnthetubaguy: it will kick out those:
ttxdoes that sounds right ?10:13
johnthetubaguyttx: I think so, I have been checking the specs as they merge, I think those don't have their specs yet10:14
johnthetubaguyttx: those comments from the script helped prompt people to ask for how to get things approved before, so I think its a good thing10:15
ttxok, enabling10:15
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: gating is going offline while we deal with a broken block device, eta unknown21:46
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