Thursday, 2015-03-12

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redrobotttx o/16:00
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ttx#startmeeting incub_sync16:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Mar 12 16:02:37 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:02
ttxredrobot: o/16:02
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'incub_sync'16:02
ttx#topic Barbican16:02
ttxWe are one week from feature freeze, which I suspect you'd like to match16:03
ttxStill a lot to cover if that page statuses are to be trusted16:03
redrobotYep, I think the worker retry BP is going to need a FFE16:03
redrobotthe two others that are not in review should have patches before the end of the week.16:04
redrobotso lots of code reviews for us through next week.16:04
ttxok -- FWIW I won't be involved in granting them, you can decide directly. You can also ping me and askj me for advice if needed16:04
redrobotok, sounds good16:05
ttx#info add-worker-retry-update-support likely to require FFE16:05
ttx#info everything else in the pipeline and needing review16:05
ttxAs usual, goal is to tag sometimes before thursday16:06
ttxbut it's not a big deal if previously-incubated projects miss the window by a day16:06
ttxany question ?16:06
redrobotno, I think I'm good for now.16:07
ttxalright then16:08
ttxbswartz: ready to go now ?16:08
ttx#topic Manila16:08
ttxLooking quite good, 5 left on the train16:08
bswartztoday it's actually cleaned up before we meet16:08
bswartzwe've had tons of rebases as stuff merged and creates conflicts with other changes16:09
bswartzbut we're getting the number smaller and smaller16:09
bswartzhonestly I'm not too worried about the deadline16:09
ttxYou also have two unassigned bugs targeted to k3, for which you might want to get someone to work on16:09
ttxor remove them from list16:09
bswartzyeah, the bugs really haven't gotten the attention I hoped16:09
* ttx shall create RC1 milestones so taht we can start piling up RC bugs16:10
bswartzeveryone is waiting until after the FF to work on those16:10
ttx#action ttx to create rc1 milestones for all projects16:10
bswartzI thinkI already did that for manila16:10
bswartz1 sec16:10
bswartzyeah it's there16:10
bswartzwith no date though16:10
bswartzI guess I'll start retargetting bugs16:10
ttxyou have a blueprint targeted there -- you might want to clean that one up (unless it's a granted exception)16:11
ttxnot your fault, the permission model around milestones is a bit weak :)16:11
ttxso, any question at this point ?16:12
bswartzyeah this BP is just to remove some tests16:12
bswartznot really a feature16:12
ttxok, then it's fine16:12
ttxmaybe comment on the whiteboard so that I don't ask you that question again16:12
ttx(like "no FFE needed, just affecting tests)16:12
bswartzsure thing16:12
ttxany other question at this point ?16:13
bswartzeverything is good here16:13
ttxthat's what I like to hear. Have a great week!16:13
ttxflaper87: you around?16:13
ttxKiall: you can go now if you're already around16:14
Kiallttx: on a conf call, was about to say I might actually be lae16:14
Kialllate *16:14
ttxKiall: ok, ping me when available16:15
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KiallHey ttx16:31
ttx#topic Designate16:32
KiallI think the bot abandoned you ;)16:32
ttxStill 75% to go16:33
ttxvalidation-cleanup is also unprioritized16:33
KiallJust made a change or two! Everything is up for review now :)16:33
KiallI expect we'll have those all marked done by Monday16:33
ttxshall I set prio to Low for validation-cleanup ?16:33
KiallOh, I missed that.. I'll set it now.16:34
ttxIn other news, you ahve a number of bugs targeted to k3 that do not have an assignee, so unlikely to get completed16:34
ttxI'll craete a rc1 milestone soon so that you can use that list as a RC bug list16:34
KiallYes, I was going to ask you to create the rc1 milestone so I can bump them :)16:34
ttxso taregt there all thge release blockers16:34
* ttx adds16:34
KiallPerfect, Many of those will be bumped for rc1 later today16:35
ttxok, sounds all good16:35
ttxwe'll typically tag / feature-freeze Tuesday-Thursday next week16:36
KiallRe rc1 - Friday of next week, correct? So SHA1 to you between Mon->Thu?16:36
Kiallre k3*16:36
ttxthat would be kilo-3 but yes16:36
ttxIdeally tag by Thursday16:37
ttxthat's what I ask for integrated projects16:37
KiallK - No problem16:37
ttxbut if yours is only there on Friday no big deal16:37
ttxOK... questions?16:37
KiallAt the latest, this meeting on Thu .. Hopefully we can have all the stuff merged well before Thu :)16:37
ttxsounds good16:37
ttxok, if you don't have anything else, have a great week16:38
ttxflaper87: still not around?16:38
KiallAnything else? I'm good on Q's, since the scroll back answered the only 1 I had ;)16:39
KiallCool - Cya then :)16:39
ttxcool, closing shop then16:39
openstackMeeting ended Thu Mar 12 16:39:19 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:39
openstackMinutes (text):
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