Tuesday, 2015-04-14

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* ttx grabs coffee08:01
ttxstevebaker: you attend on behalf of asalkeld right ?08:06
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ttxjohnthetubaguy: o/08:12
johnthetubaguyttx: good morning08:13
ttxlet me start logging08:13
ttx#startmeeting ptl_sync08:14
openstackttx: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.  Use #endmeeting first.08:14
openstackMeeting ended Tue Apr 14 08:14:09 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)08:14
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/incub_sync/2015/incub_sync.2015-04-09-14.52.html08:14
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/incub_sync/2015/incub_sync.2015-04-09-14.52.txt08:14
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/incub_sync/2015/incub_sync.2015-04-09-14.52.log.html08:14
ttx#startmeeting ptl_sync08:14
openstackMeeting started Tue Apr 14 08:14:21 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.08:14
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.08:14
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'ptl_sync'08:14
ttx#topic Nova08:14
ttx#Info RC1 was out last Friday08:14
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential08:15
johnthetubaguyyes, thats a sorry list, there are a good few we will want for RC208:15
ttxI see a critical bug fixcommitted there, probably a good reason to trigger a RC2 soon08:15
johnthetubaguyyes, some of the high ones are probably required too08:15
ttxAt this point I'd like to keep the RC1 up for a couple more days, so best to pile up the fices on master ?08:16
johnthetubaguyI think so08:16
johnthetubaguylol, I like the typo...08:16
ttxWhen we'll open the RC2 we'll consider all the fixcommitted stuff on that list08:16
ttxso that we can open and close it fast08:17
johnthetubaguyOK, thats sounds good, I don't think I will loose sleep over any of the non-fixcommitted ones at this point08:17
ttxBut givne the critical bug I think we should target end of week for Nova RC208:17
johnthetubaguyyes, that sounds good, we will want folks testing it out08:17
ttxso ideally we would have all the showstoppers fix committed in master by Thursday or so08:18
ttxopen then, backport all, and tag on Friday ?08:18
johnthetubaguyyeah, right now, I think we are already there, assuming we don't find any more08:18
johnthetubaguyyes, that should work08:18
ttx#info Likely RC2 by end of week due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/144265608:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1442656 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "live migration fails, because incorrect arguments order passed to method" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Timofey Durakov (tdurakov)08:18
johnthetubaguy(looking forward to two host devstack gate...)08:19
ttxOn the lib side, you don't have any critical bug to ship in python-novaclient, right ?08:19
johnthetubaguygood question, I haven't seen any crop up08:19
ttxwe'll cut the stable branch there asap after RC108:19
johnthetubaguyit would have been good to support v2.1 at release, but thats a good way off at this point08:19
ttxOk, my last topic would be the design summit space allocation08:20
ttxI've seen people in #nova discussing the choice of 18 fishbowl sessions08:20
ttxthat will be hard to change at this point, given that I allocated most of the slots so not a lot of wiggle room08:21
johnthetubaguyI think it was the feeling of being "left" out of having the project room things08:21
johnthetubaguybut honestly, we never really used the pod when we had one before, so thats probably fine08:21
ttxNote that it doesn't actually prevent you from disguising a fishbowl into a work session08:21
ttxby using the right titles08:21
johnthetubaguyyes, thats fair08:22
ttxThe only difference is the rooms size / setup and how it looks like on the schedule. For the latter, disguise is possible.08:22
johnthetubaguycool, thats a good point, will pass the message on when we pick sessions08:22
ttxOK, that's all I had. I'll be in touch Thursday/Friday so that we open/close that RC2 then08:23
ttxI'll be traveling those two days so I may not be very available08:23
johnthetubaguyyes, that sounds good, I am around normal times Thursday and Friday08:23
ttxbut I'll make sure I'm here for the critical steps08:23
johnthetubaguyah, gotcha, understood08:24
johnthetubaguysafe travels!08:24
ttxstevebaker: around ?08:25
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eglynnttx: knock, knock ... if you've the flexibility to start a few mins early, just shout11:49
ttxeglynn: I do11:50
ttx#topic Ceilometer11:50
eglynnthanks for getting kilo-rc1 cut11:50
eglynndo we need an explicit kilo-rc2 milstone in LP?11:50
eglynnor created on demand?11:50
eglynn(i.e. if we a blocker we want to get on proposed/kilo)11:51
eglynnif we *have a ...11:51
ttxactually we only open the milestone once we decide a respin is warranted11:52
ttxotherwise it detrracts testers from giving rc1 a spin11:52
eglynna-ha, cool, so on-demand11:52
eglynnmakes sense11:52
ttxyeah, so we should review the kilo-rc-potential list now11:52
ttx#info Ceilometer RC1 was published last Thursday11:53
eglynnnada as yet on that tag11:53
ttxThe list being empty, I'd say there isn't much on your radar yet ?11:53
eglynnnope, but I'll keep an eye on it ... as is gordc obviously11:54
ttxNote that we'll proabbly do a RC2 anyway to clean up translatiosna nd import the last requirements pins11:54
ttx(once everyone has done a RC1)11:54
* ttx has a quick look to FixCommitted bugs11:54
ttx(which means they are fixed on master but not backported yet11:54
ttxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1403024 is probably fixreleased and not fixcommitted11:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1403024 in Ceilometer "Ceilometer upgrade is coupled to other projects" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to gordon chung (chungg)11:55
ttxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1408248 is not really backport material11:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1408248 in Ceilometer "Alarm action should be checked when create alarm" [Undecided,Fix committed] - Assigned to ZhiQiang Fan (aji-zqfan)11:56
ttxSo at this point, I would say we are good11:56
eglynnspeaking of gordc, just wanted to clarify the timing on the transition11:56
eglynnle PTL est mort, vivre le PTL! ;)11:57
ttxYou handle kilo he handles liberty11:57
eglynnyeap, so I'll continue with these 1:1s until kilo is finalized11:57
ttxYou don't have anything coming up on the library side until release ?11:57
eglynnbut Gordon will be coming to the cross-proj meetings for summit planning etc.11:57
ttxThis is more for gordc, but any issue with your summit space allocation ?11:58
ttxI think we could grant what you asked for11:58
eglynnis there any flexibility to increase that slightly?11:58
eglynnI ask because we'll be sharing with gnocchi11:58
eglynnnot a big issue, just wondering if any wiggle room11:59
ttxnot really, as I explained in my email. We have free room but it comes with constraint11:59
eglynncool enough11:59
ttxlike runs at the same time as cross-project sessions11:59
eglynnyeap, non ideal11:59
ttxI have one extra fishbowl slot, I can add you on the ballot11:59
eglynncool, thanks11:59
ttxAlready have two teams asking for it :)11:59
ttxAlright, that is all I had12:00
eglynnme too, thanks for your time :)12:00
ttxok, ping me if something critical comes up12:00
eglynnwill do12:00
ttxso that we do the RC2 soon rather than late12:00
dhellmannttx: I'm not sure we have much to cover today, but I'm around if you want to chat12:14
ttxdhellmann: I do want to chat.12:14
* dhellmann feels warm and fuzzy12:14
ttx#topic Oslo12:14
ttxI don't think I have any Osloic stuff to cover12:14
SergeyLukjanovttx, good morning, ready when you are12:14
ttxbut I wanted to ask if you would be available / interested in chairing the cross-project meeting tonight12:14
ttxsince I'll be busy cutting the last RCs at that time12:15
dhellmannsure, I can do that12:15
ttxdhellmann: i'll be around but probably multiplexing12:15
ttxso I prefer to let someone else drive the discussion12:15
* dhellmann checks the agenda12:15
dhellmannok, is there anything special about either of the specs topics you wanted to make sure we covered?12:16
ttxnot really. Just get the discussion moving. The first one was added by the proposer, I added the second one to pad the agenda12:17
dhellmannand are we ready to open up cross-project submissions (I may have missed an email about that if you've already sent it)12:17
ttxThe other topic is playing with caps tomorrow. We expect the last RCs today / early europe tomorrow, so that means we should be able to cut the requirements stable/kilo branch in your morning12:17
dhellmannwhat sort of "brainstorming" were you looking for?12:17
ttxdhellmann: already opened12:17
dhellmannok, I'll find that email to provide links for folks12:18
ttxdhellmann: like see what's on the list and what else is missing, and who volunteers to post it12:18
dhellmanngot it12:18
ttxSo I was wondering if you would have some time in your tomorrow morning to help me run through that12:18
ttx(the requirements kilo stuff12:18
dhellmannyes, definitely, let me make sure I don't have anything scheduled12:18
ttxsince I'd prefer to have people to peert review what I do12:19
dhellmannI'm wide open tomorrow12:19
ttxtry to avoid blatant missteps while we fumble our way through this12:19
dhellmannyep, we can share the blame :-)12:20
ttxOK, I'll etherpad the plan how I see it, so we can prep a bit12:20
dhellmannsounds good12:20
ttxdhellmann: thanks a lot! I'm traveling Thursday morning so I'd rather have that past us on Wednesday.12:20
ttxso your help is mucho appreciated.12:21
dhellmannno problem, I'm happy to help12:21
ttxthat is all I had for today. Focus for today is to get all RC1s done but there isn't much to do to help there12:22
ttxI'm already barking up all the trees12:22
ttxdhellmann: ttyl!12:22
ttxSergeyLukjanov: around?12:22
dhellmannok, I'll let you get on with SergeyLukjanov then12:22
dhellmannttx: thanks12:22
ttx#topic Sahara12:22
SergeyLukjanovttx, yup12:22
ttx#info Sahara RC1 was out last Thursday12:23
SergeyLukjanovno critical issues right now12:23
SergeyLukjanovto be fixed in Kilo12:23
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential12:23
SergeyLukjanovthis two marked with a tag on other projects (launchpad sucks)12:23
ttxyep, we are good. I don't think https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1435439 is worth a respin12:24
openstackLaunchpad bug 1435439 in Sahara "Long name of templates in scenario yaml files leads to validation failures" [Medium,Fix committed] - Assigned to Evgeny Sikachev (esikachev)12:24
SergeyLukjanovfor Sahara we've marked them to be fixed in Liberty12:24
SergeyLukjanovyeah, it's a minor issue with tests12:24
ttxSergeyLukjanov: note that we'll probably do a RC2 anyway to clean up translations and import the stable/kilo requirements, but no hurry12:24
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ttxIf you don't have anything critical up, no reason to rush it this week12:24
SergeyLukjanovttx, great, we'll probably want to fix a few issues in docs12:25
ttxNo last-minute surprise lib upgrade ?12:25
SergeyLukjanovttx, nope12:25
ttxHow about your Design Summit space allocation ? Let me know if you have too much :)12:25
SergeyLukjanovttx, we'll discuss it on the irc meeting this week, but I think that it's ok, it ~ the same as in Paris + half day meetup12:26
SergeyLukjanovin Paris time was fully used, so, I think that we'll consume more time this summit12:26
ttxWell, if everything works -- you can also spend some time on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/Kilo already :)12:27
SergeyLukjanovttx, ack12:27
ttxSergeyLukjanov: let me know if anything critical comes up. Talk to you later!12:27
SergeyLukjanovttx, yup, thank you!12:28
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mesteryttx: Here when you're ready13:39
ttxjust a sec13:40
mesterySure, no problem13:41
ttxmestery: o/13:44
ttx#topic Neutron13:44
mesteryttx: o/13:44
ttx#info Neutron RC1 was published last Thursday13:45
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential13:45
ttxI see a critical fixcommitted thing there13:45
mesteryYes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/144018313:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1440183 in neutron "DBDeadlock on subnet allocation" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Dane LeBlanc (leblancd)13:45
mesteryBut the real fix isn't committed yet13:45
mesteryThe committed thing is a partial13:46
mesteryThe real one is here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/17209213:46
ttxShould we turn that bug back to InProgress ?13:46
ttxSo it looks like you'd rather want an early RC2 than a late one13:46
ttxI'd like to keep RC1 up for testing for a couple days more13:47
mesteryLet me sync with armax and HenryG on that fix13:47
ttxif only so that all RC1s are done first13:47
ttxWe could open a RC2 window at the end of the week and backport all RC stuff then13:47
mesteryIt's likely we'll want that fix in our RC113:47
ttxIn the mean time, just pile up fixes on master13:47
mesteryMakes sense13:47
mesteryGot it13:47
ttxI'll be in touch toward the end of the week to do the RC2 window13:47
mesteryOnce we open it, I'll backport all the ones we need into the RC branch in preparation for RC213:47
ttxalthough I'll be traveling and seeing some users, so probably not very available13:48
mesteryOK, email works too, we can do this async13:48
ttxworst case scenario we'll close it next Monday13:48
mesteryThat works too13:48
ttxWhat else.. no suprise last-minute library bump ?13:49
mesteryHeh, nothing planned now.13:49
ttxok :)13:49
mesteryOUr library plan is this:13:49
mestery2.3.x for Juno, 2.4.x for Kilo, and 2.5.x for Liberty13:49
ttxideally that would follow semv er rather than cycle, but if you can make that work, why not13:49
mesteryI think that does follow semver, right?13:50
ttxSure, but basically if you want to do multiple releases that change API in the same cycle you could bump Y twice in the same cycle13:50
mesteryAh, got it!13:50
mesteryThat makes sense13:50
ttxbetter than not doing it and breaking semver13:51
ttxOn the design summit side, saw your space allocation ?13:51
mesteryYEs, looks like we got what we wanted I believe. Do you hve that link handy by chance?13:51
ttxI gave you an extra fishbowl compared to what you asked. If you don't need it, let me know13:51
mesteryOK, I'll let you know, and thanks!13:52
mesteryI had missed the extra fishbowl for some reason13:52
mesteryGood of you to point it out13:52
ttxI try to fix the most blatant activity / allocation mismatches13:52
ttxJust worked on a room layout that avoids conflicts across the board. Not my idea of fun13:53
ttxSo I don't look forward making adjustment13:53
mesteryoh wow13:53
mesteryno kidding13:53
mesteryThanks for all your work here! Brutal I bet.13:53
ttxWill publish the proposed layout at end of week, so you can all point to mistakes I made :)13:54
ttxit's tricky because most teams would prefer to have fishbowl sessions before their work sessions13:54
ttxbut well, spacetime doesn't bend that well13:54
mesteryWe'll make do with whatever you decide on13:55
ttxanyway, that's all I has. Run to your next meeting13:55
mesteryYou too! ;)13:55
mesteryAnd thanks!13:55
mesteryAlthough, neutron meeting was yesterday, we rotate, today I get to do actual work after our 1:1! :)13:56
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ttxnikhil_k: o/14:19
ttx#topic Glance14:19
ttx#info Glance published its RC1 last Friday14:19
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential14:20
ttxThere are a few bugs in there, but nothing fixed yet14:20
ttxso nothing to backport14:20
nikhil_kyes, not yet14:20
ttxAnything aboslutely critical that you'd definitely include in a RC2 ?14:20
nikhil_kthere's one thing breaking in the client14:21
nikhil_khttps://trello.com/c/sT073qbx/44-re-enable-the-juno-and-kilo-check-runs-for-the-client-https-review-openstack-org-c-172999 is related14:21
nikhil_kttx: this one for kilo https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/143687714:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1436877 in Glance "metadef JSON files need updating for the Kilo release" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Wayne (wayne-okuma)14:22
nikhil_kttx: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/143270114:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1432701 in Glance "Glance API fail to list 'deleted' images" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Fei Long Wang (flwang)14:23
ttxnikhil_k: ok, you should get those fixes in master ASAP so that they are ready to backport14:24
ttxWe could open a RC2 window once those two are fixed in master14:24
ttxideally at the end of the week14:24
nikhil_kttx: one more that I'm still trying to find if it's in RC1 or not https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/143423714:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1434237 in Glance "glance-manage db_export_metadefs fails with NoSuchColumnError" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Ashish (ashish-jain14)14:25
nikhil_kttx: and thanks, I will look into those 2 for reviews14:25
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ttxthat last fix is in RC114:26
nikhil_kttx: yes, found it. thanks14:26
nikhil_kttx: what can we do about the client?14:27
nikhil_kwill a new release be acceptable?14:27
ttxXdepends how much there is in it14:27
nikhil_kok, may be I will discuss about backporting a fix then14:27
ttxWe could cut the stable branch before and make a point release in the kilo branch14:27
ttxso that it's a backport and not a master tag14:28
ttxIn all cases the fix will have to be in master too14:28
ttx#info Likely to require a glanceclient point release to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-glanceclient/+bug/1442664/14:28
openstackLaunchpad bug 1442664 in python-glanceclient "Since 0.16.1 client breaks nova when using https" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Stuart McLaren (stuart-mclaren)14:28
ttxNothing on the glance_store side right14:29
ttxOn the design Summit space allocation, I think I gave you what you requested14:29
ttxLet me know if you have too much. Or if you'd really want more14:29
ttx(I don't have anything to give but some projects might have overcapacity)14:29
nikhil_kabout glance_store14:30
ttx(see http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-April/061167.html for reference)14:30
nikhil_ksome people want glance_store 0.4.0 as stable14:30
ttxthat is what you'll have14:30
nikhil_kand about the space allocation, all good for now. And I have discussed with the team and nothing came back for requesting changes14:31
ttxsince it's out already14:31
nikhil_kttx: thanks!14:31
ttxAlright. I'll be in touch at the end of the week to open this RC214:31
ttxIn the mean time... get those fixed in master14:31
nikhil_kttx: I've been a little out of sync with lib stable release structure but thanks for the pointer14:31
ttxotherwise I'll stay with the RC1 :P14:31
nikhil_kand yeah, I will look into those 2 for backports14:32
ttxthingee: around?14:32
thingeettx: o/14:33
ttx#topic Cinder14:33
ttx#info Cinder RC1 was out last Thursday14:33
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential14:33
ttxOne fix ready for backport on the list... how critical is it ?14:34
thingeenot critical14:34
* thingee removes tag14:34
ttxok, so nothing RC yet ? Let's keep the RC1 up at least until Monday then14:35
ttxWe have to do a RC2 to sync translations and requirements one last time anyway14:35
ttxwe should see then what we have fixed in master and available for backports14:35
ttxSounds good?14:36
thingeeoh well if that's the case, we could probably have this fix ready. It just has some nits in the change. Maybe admin adjusting quotas is a bit important :)14:36
ttxright, we usually have a look at all FixCommitted to see which are safe fixes to include once the window is open14:37
thingeeI've already tested the patch. just has some nits on test assert order :)14:37
ttxso the best thing to do is just to get them fixed in master14:37
ttxIn the mean time you can start working on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/Kilo14:37
ttxAnything critical coming up on the library side ?14:37
thingeenope, but I was traveling all of monday. so I might be a little out of date14:38
ttxHaven't heard anything :)14:38
thingeeI will triage today and ping you if there is anything added in the tag14:38
ttxI sent an email to the list last week with proposed space allocation for design summit14:38
ttxyou should doublecheck I got you something you can work with14:39
thingeeyes saw that14:39
* thingee notices etherpad appears to be down to check current sessions14:39
thingeeoh there we go14:39
ttxneeds a full reload, changed servers14:39
thingeemostly work sessions14:40
ttxNote that you can turn a fishbowl into a work session by choosing an obscure title. The other way around is more difficult since workrooms are so small14:40
thingeeI might balance things to be in the fish bowl14:40
ttxsure, as soon as you want non-Cinder-core to notice, should be a fishbowl14:41
ttxAlright that is all I had14:41
ttxI'll talk to you at end of week or early next14:42
ttxdavid-lyle: around?14:42
david-lylettx: o/15:17
ttxdavid-lyle: around?15:17
ttx#topic Horizon15:18
ttxSo, we still have to produce a RC1, and ideally that would hjappen today, since Horizon will be the last to hit RC1 and therefore the only reason why we are still freezing requirements15:18
ttxWhat are we waiting on at this point ?15:19
david-lyledjango_openstack_auth 1.2.0 has been released15:19
ttxhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/173162/ ?15:19
ttxhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/173161/ maybe15:19
david-lylewell there's an open questoin15:19
david-lylewe could potentially leave the requirements cap open and not require 1.2.015:20
david-lylebut allow it15:20
david-lylebut only 1.2.0 will allow Django 1.715:20
david-lylebut the older versions are backward compatible15:20
david-lyleerr, newer versions15:21
david-lyleother than python 2.6 support being removed in 1.2.015:21
ttxHmm, let me think15:21
david-lyleI would like to make a stable branch with 1.2.015:21
ttxKilo requires Django 1.7 ?15:21
ttxor not15:21
david-lyledoes not require15:21
david-lyle1.4 - 1.7 are supported15:21
david-lyle1.4 because it was the last LTE15:22
ttxBut to run django 1.7 you need doa 1.2.015:22
ttxdoes doa 1.2.0 require django 1.7 ?15:22
ttxor just support it ?15:22
david-lylesupports it15:22
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ttxhmm, then I don't see the point in forcing people to use it15:23
ttxWe need it out for sure15:23
david-lyleI feel like the d-o-a release we enough15:23
ttxbut only people running django 1.7 need it15:23
ttxyeah, sounds like it15:23
david-lyleok, let tag horizon then15:23
david-lyleand I'll abandon my other patches, the question is about stable branch of d-o-a for Kilo15:24
david-lylecan we just make that from 1.2.0 ?15:24
ttxwill be <1.3.015:24
david-lyleok, that works15:24
ttxnext doa on liberty will have to be 1.3.0, and we keep 1.2.x for backports in case of need15:24
david-lylewill be less risky for horizon plugins in the eco-system too to not bump the requirements version15:25
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* ttx just has a mental picture of Doug dancing Gangnam style15:25
david-lylethat works for me15:25
david-lyleand makes an immediate RC possible15:25
ttxdavid-lyle: anythign else we should wait on ?15:25
david-lylethat was the last thing15:26
ttxShould we clear the 4 bugs on https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/kilo-rc1 ?15:26
ttx(if they happen to make it I'll catch them up anyway15:26
david-lylewe can defer those, the medium would be the nicest to have, but it came lat15:27
david-lyleHorizon will require an RC-2 for finalized translations15:28
ttxdavid-lyle: we can always include it in a RC2 if that merges by then15:28
david-lylelow risk change, and much better behavior15:28
ttxmaybe make a quick check of the outstanding reviews, then approve open-liberty15:28
david-lylesure will do15:28
ttxand I'l lpush the tag once that lands (hopefully later today)15:29
ttxLet me know when it's in the queue, I'll recheck it as needed15:29
david-lylethere's no horizon jobs in the gate15:29
david-lyleand I don't know of any critical issues, will double check though and approve the liberty patch15:30
david-lylettx: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171241/ is approved and making way through gate, the last two bugs in RC1 would be low risk and high gain RC2 possibilities15:45
david-lyleI don't have an RC2 milestone yet, so left them in RC1, moved the others to L-115:45
ttxOK, we should probably tag them kilo-rc-potential then15:45
ttxthat's how we tarck RC2 high gain stuff15:46
ttxLet me do that15:46
david-lyleboth are15:46
ttxOK, I'll add them to my list so that I don't forget about them15:46
david-lyleapparently a lot of items are, I'll remove it from the others15:46
ttxyes, you can clean that list up a bit15:47
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ttxmorganfainberg: o/15:50
morganfainbergHere! :)15:51
ttx#topic Keystone15:51
ttx#info RC1 up since last Tuesday15:51
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential15:51
morganfainbergWe have a couple critical fixes15:51
morganfainbergI expect at most 1 more.15:52
morganfainbergBut that list looks accurate.15:52
ttxmorganfainberg: do we have a security fix too ? Or is that in the libs ?15:53
ttxmorganfainberg: we could open the RC2 window tomorrow, unless you prefer to wait for more testing ?15:53
morganfainbergThe security fix was still "OSSN or ossa"15:53
morganfainbergNot sure what was decided.15:54
ttxI'll have a look15:54
morganfainbergI think rc2 window would be good.15:54
ttxprobably OSSN but since it discloses the other one we can't open it until later today15:54
ttxrigth, I'd like to finish up RC1s and unfreeze reqs first15:54
ttxbut we can open one tomorrow and get the backports in15:54
morganfainbergWhichever we go with that can be backported post release or in rc15:54
morganfainberg++ ok tomorrow rc2 works for me.15:55
ttxI'll ping you tomorrow aruond that time for that15:55
ttxIn other news, sent the email about design summit space allocation last week15:56
ttxlet me know if you have too much, or desperately need more.15:56
morganfainbergWe also might be moving keystonemiddleware under the normal release cycle.15:56
ttxkind of makes sense15:56
morganfainbergI might want 1 more fishbowl. Will confirm with the team at the meeting today15:56
morganfainbergBut for the most part, I'm happy with the allocation.15:57
ttxI should auction that last one and be rich15:57
morganfainbergThe big win for us is the 2x working days.15:57
morganfainbergs/days/sessions on Friday.15:57
ttxack, we'll see how that goes15:57
ttxThat is all . Talk to you tomorrow.15:57
ttxnotmyname: ready when you are15:58
ttx#topic Swift15:58
notmynameTONS going on!!15:58
ttxI think your patchseries landed15:58
notmynameSO EXCITING15:58
notmyname(also, not much sleep)15:58
notmyname#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173398/15:58
notmyname#info EC merge to master happening right now15:59
notmyname#info CVE-2015-1856 disclosed and patches pushed this morning15:59
notmynameother patches queue for master will be pushed later today15:59
notmynamethey were pending because of the ec-related freeze on master16:00
ttxnotmyname: ok, by your EOD before you fall asleep send me either a SHA or the url of the last patch16:00
notmynamesummary is that I expect to have a SHA later today16:00
ttxI'll be around 5 hours from now due to meetings, we can check the status then16:01
ttxIf not ready yet I can tag first thing tomorrow morning instead16:01
notmynameok. I think the limiter will be the gate16:01
ttxnotmyname: ack16:01
ttxOn the design Summit side, you end up with 6 fishbowl and 10 work room sessions + full day meetup16:02
ttxI don't have more work rooms, except on Tuesday where they conflict with cross-project & ops stuff16:03
notmynameI think we're good for now16:03
notmynamehonestly we haven't spend a lot of time on that part yet. all ec, all the time so far16:03
ttxfair enough16:03
notmynameI expect to have more summit planning later this week16:03
ttxOK, I'll be in touch later today. Have a great busy day16:04
ttxI'm having a great busy day myself16:04
notmynamegood times16:04
ttxdevananda: ready when you are16:04
devanandattx: hi!16:05
ttx#topic Ironic16:05
ttxdevananda: I don't think we have much to discuss given how recent your RC1 is16:05
devanandathree things on my mind today16:06
devananda- translations16:06
ttxdevananda: any red flag already ? I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential is still empty16:06
devananda- client16:06
devananda- summit timing16:06
ttxwhat's up with translations?16:06
devanandanothing. just chekcing that that's ok :)16:06
devanandawe're still under 20% for any non-english language16:07
ttxwe'll do a last sync/ delete of the incomplete ones at RC2 stage16:07
ttxso likely to delete all16:07
devanandaok, sounds good.16:07
ttxwhat about client?16:07
devanandaon the client, we had a very serious issue in the 0.5.0 release, which is still the current one on PIP16:07
devanandait refuses to connect  with older servers, eventhough it's perfectly capable of doing so16:08
ttxHow much extra stuff would a 0.5.1 happen to include if you tagged it now ?16:08
devanandashould be just the fix for that issue... let me check16:08
ttxthen it's fine to push it now. Alternative is to fix in a 0.6.0 and wait until stable/kilo is cut to issue a 0.5.116:09
ttxIf the only diff between 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 is the critical issue fix, no reason to delay imho16:09
devanandaone other fix for cmdline arg parsing16:09
devanandaso yes, it's just 2 bug fixes16:09
devanandai'll gladly push that today, then :)16:09
ttxIf you think they are safe, please do16:10
devanandawas holding off only because of the global library freeze16:10
ttxright, as you should :) We mostly want to prevent gratuitous changes16:10
devanandaso, lastly, summit planning16:10
devanandasaw your email with our slot count, but not anything yet about slot timing16:10
ttxas long as you don't bump requirements the library point release should be fine16:10
ttxright, I can't really work on that until the slot allocation is final16:11
ttxwhich is why I sent it first to see comments16:11
devanandaoh. looks like someone snuck in a change to the requirements line for hacking :-/16:11
ttxsince there are no comments so far , I started working on a strawman today16:12
devanandaah, test-requirements16:12
ttxI plan to post the proposed layout at the end of the week / early next week. Anything you need to know ASAP ?16:12
devanandaahh, I see. no worries then.16:13
devanandanope. I'm happy to tell folks they need to wait a little longer to find out16:13
ttxIjn my strawman Ironic is mostly Thursday.16:13
ttx(and the meetup Friday morning)16:14
ttx(still highly subject to change at this point though)16:14
devanandafriday morning? thought we had 2 slots == all day friday ?16:14
ttxoh, you do16:14
ttxsorry misread my spreadsheet. Full day Friday16:14
ttxdevananda: ok, I'll be in touch later this week -- just let me know if somethign urgent surfaces16:15
devanandattx: will do. cheers!16:15
ttxflaper87: all set @ https://launchpad.net/zaqar/+milestone/kilo-rc1 -- master on liberty now. Feel free to announce on ML16:21
ttxSlickNik: around?16:21
SlickNikttx: o/16:21
flaper87ttx: danke, sir!16:21
ttx#topic Trove16:21
ttx#info Trove did its RC1 on Friday16:22
ttx#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential16:22
ttxOne bug there, not fixed in master yet16:22
ttxNot sure how critical it is16:22
SlickNikSo far there's one bug — not very critical for us.16:22
ttxSlickNik: feels like we can wait until the end of the week or the start of the next and see what we have then16:23
SlickNikSo I'm not inclined to cut a new RC just for that.16:23
SlickNikttx: sounds good.16:23
ttxWe'll likely respin the RC with a translations and requirements refresh next week anyway, so let's wait for the moment16:23
ttxin the mean time if you find a bug just get it fixed on master ASAP16:23
ttxI'll be in touch end of week / early next week to see the status then16:23
SlickNikOkay, sounds good.16:24
ttxWhat else.. let me know if you have any issue with your space allocation as posted on the -dev ML last week16:24
SlickNikI'll drop you a note in case we find something as well.16:24
ttxI'll work on, the room layout this week16:24
SlickNikTook a look at that, and it looks good.16:24
ttxalright, that is all I had. Anything on your side ?16:24
SlickNikWorking on session planning this week.16:25
ttxsounds good16:25
SlickNikThat's all I had on my side as well.16:25
ttxCool, ttyl!16:25
SlickNikThanks — will talk to you later!16:25
openstackMeeting ended Tue Apr 14 16:25:48 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:25
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ptl_sync/2015/ptl_sync.2015-04-14-08.14.html16:25
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ptl_sync/2015/ptl_sync.2015-04-14-08.14.txt16:25
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ptl_sync/2015/ptl_sync.2015-04-14-08.14.log.html16:25
ttxdavid-lyle: RC1 all set, master now switched to liberty. Cheers16:57
david-lylettx :\o/16:58
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ttxstevebaker: have been looking for you earlier to do the 1:1 for Heat :)21:03
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stevebakerah sorry, have family staying21:03
ttxwanted to know if you had any critical stuff warranting a RC2 yet21:03
ttxLooking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bugs?field.tag=kilo-rc-potential it feels like you may have stuff21:04
ttxmaybe wait until end of week to open a RC2 window and backport stuff that would have made it to master then ?21:04
stevebakerto me, nothing in kilo-rc-potential is critical, but they are all polish fixes for bugs which should be fixed in kilo. should backports be proposed yet?21:08
ttxno, at thius point just pile up fixes in master21:13
ttxWhen we decide to open a RC2 window for some reason, then we look at recent fixes and backport the safe/useful ones21:13
ttxstevebaker: so I think we are good ^21:14
stevebakerttx: ok, thanks21:14
ttxKiall: all set at https://launchpad.net/designate/+milestone/kilo-rc1 -- master now open for liberty dev21:23
morganfainbergttx: keystonemiddleware will move to named release in liberty21:30
morganfainbergttx: FYI. so we'll re-work all the testing and such to properly test as a normal project would.21:30
ttxmorganfainberg: and jump to 2015.2.0 type versioning too ?21:30
morganfainbergttx, whatever it means for the project, if it should conform to that, yes21:32
morganfainbergttx: my view is it then falls under rel-management team, they get to pick things like version scheme etc.21:32
mikalttx: hey, not sure how to make a stable branch for python-novacleitn when you have a moment21:35
morganfainbergttx: also let me know what info you want about SPF and FF deadlines about liberty, keystone has made the decisions21:35
mikal(wow worst typing ever)21:35
morganfainbergmikal, dude, new project name! *hi5*21:35
mikalpython-novacleitn can be the _real_ nova client project, and the other one can be a decoy21:35
morganfainbergmikal, if ttx gets swamped, fungi or infra can, you just need to know what to create the branch off of.21:37
mikalmorganfainberg: herm, fungi pointed me here. I'd be happy to provide a git SHA if that's what's needed as input21:38
morganfainbergmikal, it's better if ttx does it. but i *know* fungi can do it.21:38
morganfainbergmikal, we had to fix a couple mistakes on branch creation21:38
ttxmikal: which one do you need ?21:39
mikalttx: we need a stable branch in python-novaclient, yes?21:40
ttxyes, we planned to cut them all tomorrow with dhellmann21:40
mikalttx: should the sha be that of the latest released version, or just the current state of master?21:40
mikalOh, ok21:40
mikalI was being pinged about doing it, so I thought I'd dropped the ball21:40
ttxit will be cut on the last tag21:40
ttxso let's see21:40
ttx2.23.0 will be the kilo stable thing21:41
ttxWe'll have stable/kilo requirements say <2.24.021:41
mikalOk, works for me21:42
mikalI will bravely wait for you folk to do things for me then21:42
ttxthat leaves the whole .Z for potential security fixes and whatnot21:42
ttxWe want to unfreeze requirements first, which is why we waited until all RC1s were done21:42
ttxRC1s should be all done by tomorrow morning (your evening)21:42
ttxso we shoudl have that done by your tomorrow morning.21:43
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