Monday, 2015-06-01

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ttxdhellmann: around? Would like to discuss how we track progress on the various stuff we set out to do in liberty13:17
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dhellmannttx: good morning13:57
dhellmannor afternoon, as the case may be13:57
ttxdhellmann: hmm, bit busy now, may I ping you again in ~45min ?14:02
dhellmannttx: sure, I'll be here14:02
dhellmannI'm going to start releasing libraries for the week14:02
ttxdhellmann: fwiw been starting to dump themes and plans @
ttxthen we can discuss how to best track progress there14:03
dhellmannttx: ok, I'll look over that14:04
dhellmannhmm, I don't have permission to do things to python-barbicanclient in launchpad14:09
dhellmannttx: can you add me to ?14:12
ttxdhellmann: done14:15
dhellmannttx: thanks, trying again14:15
dhellmannworks :-)14:16
dhellmannit looks like ironicclient hasn't been marking any of their bugs as fix-released; this is going to be a big milestone14:20
mesterydhellmann: ping regarding new client and the release team not being able to create milestones, etc.14:59
mesterydhellmann: How can I help make htat happen? :)14:59
dhellmannmestery: hey!14:59
dhellmannmestery: we need to have the "openstack-release" team added to the neutron-drivers team in launchpad, I think15:00
mesterydhellmann: Doing it now ...15:00
dhellmannoh, wait, that's in there15:00
mesteryYeah, I see it now too15:00
dhellmannI might need ttx or fungi to help figure out what's missing, let me go see if fungi is in infra15:01
mesterydhellmann: Following you there15:01
ttxdhellmann: stuck in travel planning hell, looks like it will take more time than expected15:02
dhellmannttx: no worries, I'm still sorting out lib release aftermath :-)15:02
morganfainbergdhellmann: so what is the policy on announcement emails? Typically do you want them as a release is cut (and what about stable branches)? I wasn't sure where that conversation finally landed.15:11
* mestery wanders back in15:19
dhellmannmorganfainberg: yes, to both. we're going to be asking to centralize the release work this cycle, so let's discuss when I get that email written?15:19
dhellmannmestery: I've moved the existing 2.5.1 milestone to a "liberty2" series15:19
dhellmanncan you delete the empty liberty series now?15:20
mesterydhellmann: I was thinking that might the solution.15:20
mesterydhellmann: Doing it now.15:20
mesterydhellmann: I can't delete it because it' the "focus of development" according to LP, moving focus to Liberty2 for now15:20
mesterydhellmann: Since you created liberty2, I can't make it the focus. Can youd that?15:21
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mesteryChicken and egg problem it appears :)15:21
dhellmannhahaha, launchpad15:21
dhellmannhmm, no, I can't -- I don't have the "change details" link on
mesterynuts, ok, looking in more detail15:22
morganfainbergdhellmann: ack15:22
dhellmannmestery: how about renaming liberty to "ignore-this" or something :-)15:23
mesterydhellmann: trying that15:23
morganfainbergmestery: yay LP issues :(15:23
mesterydhellmann: done15:24
dhellmannok, and liberty2 is now liberty15:24
* dhellmann re-runs release script15:24
mesterymorganfainberg: I know, right? :(15:24
mesterydhellmann: yay! Success!15:25
dhellmannyep, looks like it's working15:25
dhellmannso now we just need to figure out how to change the active series, but we can do that whenever15:26
mesterydhellmann: You show up as the release manager for liberty now, but you can't make it the focus?15:26
dhellmannI think changing the focus requires acls on the project, rather than the series, and I don't have edit rights to the project15:27
mesteryGood call, you'd think I would have that :)15:27
dhellmannyeah, I'm not sure what's going on there15:28
dhellmannmestery: ok, after being given more acls I was able to change the focus15:31
mesteryand you cleaned up the old branch too, nice!15:32
dhellmannmestery: should the bugs on be part of 2.6.0?15:33
* mestery looks15:33
dhellmannthe old thing is still there, but it's marked obsolete so it doesn't appear in the ui15:33
dhellmannactually, those should be untargeted since they're not closed15:33
mesterydhellmann: Agreed, I'll untarget them15:33
dhellmannok, thanks15:34
dhellmannmestery: the goal this cycle is to avoid having to fiddle with things so much, so we'll target bugs as they are released15:34
mesteryThat's a good goal!15:34
dhellmannyou can use a "next-liberty" milestone if you want to target active stuff in a lib, that milestone name will be automatically renamed to the next version during a release15:35
mesterydhellmann: Let me ask you this, if we wanted to release a new version of python-neutronclient for kilo, for example, would we then have to create a branch and backport the fixes and then release? Wondering about the process.15:35
dhellmannor you can just leave things untargeted and the milestone will be created for you15:35
mesterydhellmann: I'm fine either way, lets go untargeted for now15:35
dhellmannmestery: yes, you should already have a stable/kilo branch in that repo15:35
mesterydhellmann: Excellent! Thanks!15:36
dhellmannyep, just letting you know in case you were tracking priority reviews or something15:36
mesteryNot yet, but thanks for staying on top of all this!15:37
dhellmannthanks for working with me to get the acls fixed today!15:37
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ttxdhellmann: ready now15:49
dhellmannttx: ok, I have about 10 min before the oslo meeting15:50
ttxlet's see what we can do15:50
ttxI guess my question is, what should we use to track all the things we are changing15:50
ttxwe can use an etherpad15:50
ttxor whatever suggestion you have15:51
dhellmannI like the free-form nature of the etherpad for this for now15:51
ttxOK. I just was feeling a bit lost in the middle of all the things we are pushing :)15:51
dhellmannthe outline you have is a good structure for notes15:51
dhellmannyeah, we should add links to the email threads we've started already15:51
ttxI guess 3 and 4 are the same15:52
dhellmannoh, heh, yeah15:52
ttxNot adding any of the stable stuff since I consider that a separate subteam15:54
dhellmannwith the semver switch, should we stop including version numbers in the setup.cfg for projects?15:54
ttxdepends whether the project switches from milestone-based to intermediary-release model15:55
ttxSo I'd say it's orthogonal to the nature of the version numbers15:55
dhellmannok, we might need to find a time to discuss that when we have more time, so I can understand how those 2 things are or are not related15:55
ttxwe still want, say, Nova to use pre-release to 12.0.015:56
dhellmanndo we?15:56
ttxso nova would still issue a 12.0.0b1 at liberty-115:56
ttxand more importantly a 12.0.0rc1 at RC1 time15:56
dhellmannwould it simplify the release period work if we just tagged 12.0.0 as RC1 and then made patch releases to it on the stable branch at that point?15:56
dhellmannI guess I do see how they are orthogonal, so we can talk about it more later15:57
ttxthat... is one way to do it. We'd stop tagging milestones ?15:57
* ttx can already hear packagers complaining15:57
ttxor random ops like on the stable thread15:57
dhellmannwe could -- I suppose that would mean moving everyone to effectively doing intermediate releases15:58
ttxright. Maybe one step at a time15:58
dhellmannso maybe that's something to address next cycle, after we see how ironic's shift goes this cycle15:58
ttxdhellmann: more generally, it wouldn't be completely crazy to plan a regular Monday meeting for "the team"15:58
ttxsince we do it anyway15:59
dhellmannyeah, a regular chat makes sense15:59
ttxJust thinking doing it in #openstack-meeting and logged may make sense15:59
ttxand Monday is a good day since we can plan work ahead on milestone weeks15:59
dhellmannesp. since I'm going to be asking for some volunteers to help with the library work, and we'll want to sync up on which libraries are ready15:59
ttxin advance of the office hours day15:59
ttxWould 13 UTC be too early for you ?16:00
* dhellmann does time math16:00
ttx(we could revisit that in winter time16:00
dhellmannthat's 9:00 here, which should be fine16:01
ttxAlright, I'll go and propose that16:01
dhellmannsounds good16:02
ttxI'll et you focus on the oslo meeting now :)16:02
dhellmannI'll watch for the calendar change to find out where we'll meet16:03
ttx#openstack-meeting looks free16:04
dims_dhellmann: looks like the gate is holding up with all the libraries released today :) congrats!20:11
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