Thursday, 2016-06-23

openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/requirements: Bump requests-mock to 1.0
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Update license for paramiko
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coolsvaptonyb, good morning05:08
tonybcoolsvap: Hey, how are you today ?06:23
coolsvaptonyb, good how are you?06:23
tonybcoolsvap: Yeah doign okay.  Just looking at the normalize tool06:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update license for paramiko
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Integrate normalize as part of the requirements tools
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number80tonyb: damn, I just realized that I misunderstood you about adding it as cmds, sorry, I'm still not familiar with the tooling07:08
openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Integrate normalize as part of the requirements tools
openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Normalize global-requirements.txt
openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Add --save option to normalize-requirements command
number80tonyb: I rebased the previous review upon yours (and rebased yours against master at the same unchanged)08:20
tonybnumber80: Thanks.08:49
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openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Normalize global-requirements.txt
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openstackgerritWenzhi Yu proposed openstack/requirements: Add marathon 0.8.1
openstackgerritWenzhi Yu proposed openstack/requirements: Add marathon 0.8.1
openstackgerritWenzhi Yu proposed openstack/requirements: Add marathon 0.8.1
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openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Add --save option to normalize-requirements command
openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Normalize global-requirements.txt
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Update license for crc16
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: remove reno from the blacklist
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: remove reno from the blacklist
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update license for crc16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump requests-mock to 1.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Integrate normalize as part of the requirements tools
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: remove reno from the blacklist
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update to reno 1.8.0
openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed openstack/requirements: now imports packaging.specifiers
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openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Add --save option to normalize-requirements command
openstackgerritHaïkel Guémar proposed openstack/requirements: Normalize global-requirements.txt
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rbrndtAn error is blocking CI jobs for at least monasca and magnum, fix is in review here
rbrndtcan anyone here take a look?20:42
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tonybdhellmann, dims: ANy chance you're around can can help me with some requirements history?22:58
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Update requirements.txt
tonybprometheanfire: ^^23:09
tonybprometheanfire: could use a better subject but it's kinda urgent23:10
tonybdirk: Thanks for the quick review23:45
dirktonyb: yw.23:47
dirktonyb: I am still puzzled how that happened initially but I didn't look through the patches recently23:48
dimstonyb : what's up?23:48
tonybdims: I worked out the history, sorry for the23:49
tonybdims: I wanted to know why we don't explicitly install requiremnts.txt in toix but I get it now23:49
tonybdirk: I wrote the patch that broke it.  but I did so in a venv created with tox which menat that I have the modules installed so didn't notice the breakage23:50
dirktonyb: ah, I see. we don't have a check job that checks whether the change-request can be pip installed23:52
dirksounds like we should have that23:52
tonybdirk: Yeah.  We should fix that23:52
dirkdims: could you review above CR?23:54
dirktonyb: right, but how? how does one "refer" to the current HEAD in order to pip install it?23:54
tonybdirk: pip install . ?23:55
tonybdirk: but it's more than installing it It's runtime checkign for Import failures23:55
dirkso basically we want to run the commands in a tox env without test-requirements deps23:56
tonybdirk: Yup.23:59

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