Thursday, 2016-06-30

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coolsvapprometheanfire, the new requirements for monasca look good except for and
prometheanfirecoolsvap: ya, was going to look at them today, been busy03:15
prometheanfirereroof, part of kitchen redo, woo03:15
coolsvapprometheanfire, sure just wanted to let you know thought you are reviewing03:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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number80coolsvap_, prometheanfire: I think that is also problematic09:06
number80we already have a CLI library09:07
number80(so conflicts w/ guidelines to accept new libraries)09:08
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number80and likely to be dropped as clients are being ported to openstackclient09:08
number80 has the same issue, conflicts with voluptuous as in purpose09:11
openstackgerritJoan Varvenne proposed openstack/requirements: Add scikit-learn, a library for machine learning.
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coolsvap_number80, thanks i think in both cases we will need to analyse how much they depend on the libraries and what is the effort required to migrate11:25
coolsvap_number80, what is your view on
number80coolsvap_: well, from docopt to argparse should be doable11:26
number80findspark needs a bit more of analysis11:27
number80it's not a very active project but should simple to package for vendors11:27
number80it's likely not the pristine project though11:29
number80well, let's share my concerns11:34
number80*in the review11:34
coolsvap_number80, thanks!11:39
number80Not -1 as monasca folks could maintain it, it's trivial code11:42
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils >= 3.14.0
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prometheanfirenumber80: thanks, that's why I haven't +2'd much of those yet, haven't had time to check them14:04
number80Yeah, I feel like Monasca people needs some help14:05
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/requirements: Do not merge! Testing xenial wheels
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils >= 3.14.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add scipy, scientific tools for python.
openstackgerritKaiyan Sheng proposed openstack/requirements: Add monasca-common to projects.txt
openstackgerritKaiyan Sheng proposed openstack/requirements: Add ujson, an ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add python-tackerclient to global requirements
prometheanfiretonyb: what do you think?22:27
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum Tempest version
tonybprometheanfire: checking ....23:13
tonybprometheanfire: I'm with you.  I think we need a little more reserach on how compatible ujson is.  Can we add it and then transition users of simplejson?23:15
tonybbut on the other hand monasca are *trying* to do the right thing and join in this part of our community at no small cosr to them so there is a balance between the technical and social costs ...23:16
* tonyb adds that to his "don23:16
tonybt sleep until you have done .... " list23:16
prometheanfireI just commented asking them to ask on the ML about others migrating to it23:17
prometheanfireanyway, dinner23:17
tonybWell simplejson is pure python where as ujson is pure C23:18
tonybso there will be resistance to that ....23:18
prometheanfireI saw that but din't mention it23:21
prometheanfirepersonally, I feel that's fine23:21
tonybHmm so we have json and simpljson which are basically the same thing.  My vote is to add ujson and transition users of simplejson to the regular json23:22
tonybthen people that want "fast" have an option and other can do without the C builddeps23:22
* prometheanfire shrugs, I don't have a prefrence, but just want to keep the sprawl down23:22
tonyband then we add a todo list for the reuirements team to get simplejson out23:22
prometheanfire+1 on that23:23
prometheanfirereally afk23:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints

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