Wednesday, 2016-07-27

openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Check for missing run-time requirements
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/requirements: Unblock oslo.context 2.6.0
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ceilometerclient version to 2.5.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
dirktonyb: sigmavirus: prometheanfire: number80, all: upcoming requirements meeting, join #openstack-meeting11:56
dirkcoolsvap: toabctl : dims_ : ^^11:57
* dirk thinks we should have a courtesy ping section somewhere11:57
coolsvapdirk: ack :)11:57
coolsvapmeeting started12:00
prometheanfiremeeting ended :P13:00
coolsvapi am happy the guest bot did not showed up today before or in the meeting13:00
prometheanfireso, our logo13:02
prometheanfirebeaver, spider, spiderweb13:02
prometheanfirethose are the only three with votes13:02
prometheanfirewould be nice to have 1-2 more13:02
coolsvapbees(maybe beehive) and scorpion13:04
prometheanfireadd and vote :p13:05
coolsvapadded voted13:06
* coolsvap afk13:06
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* dirk wonders why noone suggested the big elefant ;)13:07
dirkprometheanfire: well, can I do more than one vote? I'd vote for ants or spiders really13:10
* dirk casted two votes13:11
prometheanfirewe never specified, don't think we can now13:11
prometheanfirea bit late to specify 213:11
dirkok, spiders it is then13:12
prometheanfireok, sending then13:14
prometheanfiremail sent13:19
prometheanfirewe do need to clean up13:21
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prometheanfiredhellmann: sending an email soon about a few of us self nominating for ptl, we are going to send that list to the TC next week iirc13:32
dhellmannprometheanfire : nice. I'm not sure if the TC needs the list of candidates, or just the results of the election, frankly.13:33
prometheanfiredhellmann: well, one of the nominees is tonyb, so they might need to review or something13:33
prometheanfireatm, we are just gathering self nominations here
dhellmannbecause he's normally an election official?13:34
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dhellmannI can help find you some other folks to run the election13:35
prometheanfireya, that'd be nice, if only to cya13:35
dhellmannI only suggest this because putting something on the TC agenda is just asking for a delay13:35
prometheanfiredhellmann: nominees also need to send mail to -dev right?13:37
prometheanfireI think that's a thing13:37
dhellmannprometheanfire : that would be consistent with the way other teams do it, yes13:38
dhellmannI'm not sure if that's official, or just traditional13:38
dhellmanneither way, a good thing to do13:38
prometheanfireya, including it in the email13:38
coolsvap_i think during election nominees need to submit it to election repo13:38
coolsvap_dhellmann: i need your help related to a query in release-tools repo13:39
coolsvap_whenever you are bit free13:39
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : I think using the election repo applies for official teams, I'm not sure we can use it for this yet13:40
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : how can I help with the query?13:40
coolsvap_dhellmann: after n-2 I was looking at tools which can bulk move bugs to other milestone13:41
coolsvap_thats when I looked
coolsvap_but I was not able to use it13:41
dhellmanndid it fail, or did it not do what you want?13:42
prometheanfireok, election email sent13:42
prometheanfirewe should probably reply to it with our nomination stuffs coolsvap_ tonyb13:42
coolsvap_prometheanfire: ack!13:43
coolsvap_dhellmann: it did fail with runtime error for launchpad lib13:43
prometheanfireboth emails sent :D13:44
coolsvap_I did not find the way to initialize launchpad creds13:44
coolsvap_prometheanfire: (y)13:44
dhellmannah, right13:44
dhellmanncoolsvap_ :
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : the oauth step requires a browser on the same system where you're running the login command13:45
coolsvap_dhellmann: so I am doing it on my laptop13:46
coolsvap_I am getting this error for launchpad-login Could not connect to Launchpad: No recommended backend was available. Install the keyrings.alt package if you want to use the non-recommended backends. See README.rst for details.13:46
prometheanfiredhellmann: you sure you don't want to? :P13:48
dhellmannanteaya and I will run the election13:50
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : it sounds like the keyring package changed yet again, or that you're missing some sort of dependency it assumed was present13:50
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : there's apparently a way to force keyring to just use a plain text file, but I don't remember it off the top of my head. you could look for that and we could update the scripts to use it.13:51
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : otherwise I think it ties in to gnome and OS X's keyring. possibly others.13:51
dhellmanncoolsvap_ : you could also try downgrading the keyring package you have installed (I'm assuming you're using a virtualenv)13:51
coolsvap_dhellmann: let me try downgrading the kryring package or I will dig it bit more13:53
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is being restarted now to relieve performance degradation13:53
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils minimum to 3.16.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Check for missing run-time requirements
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prometheanfiredhellmann: anything we can do for to move it forward?16:18
patchbotprometheanfire: patch 340588 - reno - Add YAML configuration parsing16:18
dhellmannprometheanfire : I think we're waiting for reviewers. ttx is on PTO this week.16:20
prometheanfireya, didn't know how many other cores there were for that16:20
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coolsvapprometheanfire: ceilometerclient is required for heat16:30
prometheanfireit should still be mentioned in the commit :P16:30
prometheanfireChanges to update the minimum version of a library developed by the OpenStack community can be approved by one reviewer, as long as the constraints are correct and the tests pass.16:31
prometheanfirethat's neat too, we don't need two +216:31
coolsvapprometheanfire: ack! I will merge it tomorrow then.16:33
tonybnumber80: Are you around? do you have time to help me understadn your optional-requirements.txt proposal?16:37
prometheanfiretonyb: I can help a little16:38
prometheanfirebasically its for things that are optionally imported16:38
prometheanfirethe c based json/redis stuff for instance16:39
prometheanfiremassive improvements in speed, not technically needed16:39
number80tonyb: I must leave in few minutes16:39
tonybWhy are they optional? eitehr they're being used or not16:39
tonybnumber80: okay no stress16:39
prometheanfirethey don't have to be used16:40
prometheanfiretry import foo16:40
number80it's mostly to separate what is necessary for running services from "optional things" like performance bumps16:40
prometheanfireexcept import bar16:40
number80that would encourage people to use abstraction layers like anyjson or oslo.utils16:40
tonybprometheanfire: Oh so they're an extra16:40
tonybpip install foo[fast] as opposed to pip install foo16:40
prometheanfireI'm not familiar with that syntax, but seems right16:41
prometheanfirelike use flags on gentoo :P16:41
tonybokay I get the optional part, why do we need another way to track them?  what's wrong with g-r?16:42
prometheanfirenothing I think? ask number80 :P16:43
tonybSo it seems lunch is now  ....16:43
* tonyb leaves the conversation16:43
tonybnumber80: we'll chat tomorrow16:43
openstackgerritHaneef Ali proposed openstack/requirements: Add jira, jira client library for JIRA issue tracker
openstackgerritHaneef Ali proposed openstack/requirements: Add jira, jira client library for JIRA issue tracker
number80I can forget about having my night off17:17
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for neutron-lib to new release 0.3.0
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: update constraint for python-neutronclient to new release 5.0.0
tonybprometheanfire: why for did you merge that elasticsearch change?19:03
prometheanfiretonyb: because your response didn't show up when I hit the button19:04
tonybprometheanfire: Hmm ok. ... Makes us look a little clown car.19:14
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prometheanfireya, just noticed it after :(19:39
prometheanfireI even checked if there were any other comments in gertty, but it looks like gertty didn't update in time19:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump global-requirements.txt for Elasticsearch python client to 2.3.0.
dhellmannprometheanfire , tonyb : revert?20:19
tonybdhellmann: It's landed now, just 24hours ahead of schedule.  I think we're to just leave it there and watch the gate20:20
tonybdhellmann: happy to be convinced otherwise20:21
dhellmannnah, I was just pointing out that if you were worried about coordination, this stuff isn't written in stone20:21
tonybdhellmann: It was more that I said we'll leave a 24hours window for PTLs to hit the stop button and then didn't20:24
dhellmannah. well, it's up to you, I'm just throwing it out as an option20:25
prometheanfireif anyone feels like it they can hit revert22:25
prometheanfirebeaver and spiderweb are not likely22:29
prometheanfirelooks like it's a scorpion atm22:48

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