Wednesday, 2017-06-28

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prometheanfiretonyb: have a few things I wanted to go over with you some time when you have time (more cores, remove inactive cores, requirements release)03:47
tonybnow's good03:48
prometheanfireso, there's been some changes to requirements code wise and I think making a release makes sense03:49
prometheanfirethat's the easy one :D03:50
prometheanfireas new cores go, Alberto Planas has been doing reviews but probably needs a bit of coaching, need to see him on irc03:51
prometheanfireand about removing inactive cores, it's what it says on the tin :D03:51
tonybprometheanfire: So I've approached the inactive cores with a timeline for that03:52
prometheanfirelifeless, coolsvap, mark mcclain, sean dague are who were on my list03:52
prometheanfireah, cool03:53
tonybYup Alberto does a lot of reviews but isn't around on IRC AFAICT03:53
tonybAlso as you say needs coaching03:53
tonybAnd yeah I can see doign a 1.1.0 release, just trying to see what it does differently03:54
prometheanfirenext time I leave a review comment I'll try to lure him in03:55
prometheanfireordering is one thing I know of03:55
prometheanfirefor UC03:55
tonyband we seem to have added new comands and of course there was blacklisting03:55
prometheanfirehmm, do we use the release-notes-generation-thing?03:58
prometheanfiredoesn't look like it03:58
tonybAre you trying to do a release?04:00
prometheanfireno, it's just something I wanted to bring up, and will do so at the meeting too04:00
prometheanfirespeaking of, you have a new time for that?04:00
tonyb,100,4726206,12&h=2172517 I think that's the main TZs04:02
tonybUTC==1200 looks okay? but it means a 7am meeting for you04:04
prometheanfirethat's not as bad as it used to be04:07
prometheanfirefine with me04:07
tonybI can do UTC 0100->0700, 1000->1200, 2000->210004:07
tonybokay can you float that at the next meeting?04:07
prometheanfirek, will use that link04:09
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove mistral from global requirements
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coolsvaptonyb: dirk prometheanfire hi09:57
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for tripleo-common to new release 7.3.0
openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/requirements master: Add neutron-fwaas/vpnaas-dashboard to projects.txt
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove mistral from global requirements
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prometheanfirecoolsvap: hi14:57
coolsvapprometheanfire: hey14:58
prometheanfiremeeting in 1 min14:59
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove mistral from global requirements
dirkprometheanfire: sorry, forgot the meeting today20:44
* dirk needs to fix his calendar reminder20:44
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
prometheanfiredirk: time's probably going to change, again20:53
prometheanfiredirk: since tony's back20:53
prometheanfiretonyb: cooolsvap was fine with the time20:53
dirkah, which time?20:54
prometheanfireI think it was 7AM US central21:03
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