Thursday, 2018-05-31

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/queens: Freeze cmd2 library on python2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/pike: Freeze cmd2 library on python2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/ocata: Freeze cmd2 library on python2
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Bump os-brick to version 2.5.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.messaging to new release 6.3.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for osprofiler to new release 2.1.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.vmware to new release 2.29.1
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.policy to new release 1.36.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslotest to new release 3.5.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/pike: update constraint for tripleo-common to new release 7.6.13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/pike: update constraint for os-net-config to new release 7.3.6
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: add stestr directory to gitignore
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstackdocstheme to new release 1.21.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/pike: update constraint for instack-undercloud to new release 7.4.12
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bnemecShould we expect the bot to propose updates to the stable branches for the cmd2 cap?16:58
dhellmannthe bot no longer proposes requirements updates16:58
bnemecWondering because there have been some manual patches proposed like
dhellmannwe stopped doing that on stable branches before we stopped on master16:58
bnemecAh, okay.  So we do need the manual syncs for this then.16:59
dhellmannyeah, unfortunately16:59
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openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/requirements stable/queens: Update constraint for python-novaclient to 10.1.0
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rm_workhey, does this seem sane?
rm_worki just whipped that up, is there an official way to do this?19:03
rm_worknot for the gate, but so devs can run the reqs check locally in a simple way (the gate will do it via inherited zuul playbooks, I know)19:04
rm_workdhellmann: oh, there's no more bot requirements updates? i guess i hadn't seen one in a while...19:05
rm_workso what happens when stuff changes in g-r and our project no longer has the correct info? we just start having gate failures until it's resolved?19:06
rm_work(assuming something even triggers the requirements gate to run)19:06
rm_workI assume this is the case since that is what I was JUST dealing with -- first update to one of our reqs in a while, triggered the gate to run, and we're failing due to completely unrelated entries19:06
rm_workI guess I missed the memo there19:07
dhellmannrm_work : what is it you're trying to do there?19:12
dhellmannrm_work : it's all explained in this thread:
rm_workahh, ML19:13
rm_workthe issue is: we finally made a requirements change, and the gate was breaking on some other thing (IE, it is also breaking on master)19:14
rm_workI went to try to figure out the fix, and realized we had no tox job to actually do this check in a similar way to the gate (because the gate check is an inherited zuul task)19:14
dhellmannyeah, I don't like that that's the case either19:15
rm_workso I'd like to be able to do `tox -e requirements` locally, and make sure my stuff will pass19:15
rm_workso yeah, i proposed
dhellmannthe new checks are a bit more lenient, so once we get you fixed up it shouldn't be as much of a problem as it was in the past19:15
rm_workfor our project at least19:15
rm_workjust to make it easier19:16
dhellmannthat's only going to work if someone has the right repo checked out with the check script, right?19:16
rm_worki wondered if that looked OK or if there's a preferred way to do it19:16
rm_workit makes a new env, installs the reqs repo, and runs the same script the gate does19:16
dhellmannoh, I guess the deps line will do that19:16
dhellmanndoes it work? :-)19:16
rm_workit "works for me"19:16
dhellmannif so, it seems ok19:16
dhellmannI'm not sure why you need the sh -c bit?19:17
dhellmannyou could probably just run python {envdir}/...19:17
rm_workk, so no recommended fancy/complicated but more reliable way to do it? :P19:17
rm_worki don't know if we can run that script directly?19:17
rm_workI suppose I can do that19:17
dhellmannit doesn't make any difference to me; I was curious if you'd tried it19:17
rm_workbut, the script itself uses env to detect the python version19:17
rm_workwhich might be safer19:17
rm_worki had not, i just copied how everyone else seems to run everything19:18
rm_worki did look up if there was some special way to run python stuff in tox, but i didn't see anything19:18
dhellmannyou might want to look at the --local flag to the script19:18
dhellmannthat bypasses some git checkouts and stuff you may not need19:19
dhellmanndid you work out the causes for the failures you were seeing?19:19
dhellmannyou should be able to keep the >=1.10 for netwokx in that doc/requirements.txt list19:20
dhellmannwe do generally prefer to have a minimum value specified19:20
rm_worki just copied what the check script told me, and what was in g-r.txt which was nothing19:21
dhellmannok, that's not quite how it works any more19:21
rm_workwill try that out19:22
dhellmannwe stopped setting a minimum in the g-r list19:22
rm_workso how would i know what to put there?19:22
dhellmannbut you should still set one locally19:22
dhellmannthat allows them all to be different, at the lower end19:22
dhellmannyour "exclusions" need to match those in g-r (so anything != or <)19:22
rm_workyeah this seems fine, pushing up19:22
rm_workadded --local and added the minimum back19:23
dhellmannwe have the lower constraints lists in each repo, too, but I'm not sure if we check the doc requirements against that19:23
rm_workthanks :)19:23
dhellmannsure thing -- and do read that thread for more of the background19:23
rm_workyeah, i suppose i should ML more... i generally find all MLs to be cesspools but this one seems "ok", i've just been avoiding it for like 3 years19:26
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dhellmannwe tend to make announcements for changes like this on the mailing list, so it's a key part of keeping up with what's going on in the community19:37
radezre: it seems there's a verion conflict on pexpect20:26
radezthe package I'm trying to add wants 4.520:26
openstackgerritDan Radez proposed openstack/requirements master: Adding ansible-runner to global-requirements
radezI think upper constraints point to 4.5 but lower constraints show 3.1, why doesn't the 4.5 req not fit into thisrange?20:28
radezdirk: ^ are you around, could you help me understand this20:40
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/ocata: update constraint for tripleo-common to new release 6.1.7
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for neutron-lib to new release 1.15.0
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