Wednesday, 2018-12-12

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for python-glanceclient to new release 2.13.1
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/queens: update constraint for python-glanceclient to new release 2.10.1
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-api-ref to new release 1.6.0
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abregmanhey, what does this means? "Incompatible requirement found!"12:42
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/requirements master: Pin dogpile.cache below 0.7.0
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/requirements master: Cap grpcio to below 1.16.0
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove daiquiri from global-requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-api-ref to new release 1.6.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for python-glanceclient to new release 2.13.1
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/queens: update constraint for python-glanceclient to new release 2.10.1
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prometheanfire16 min20:14
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prometheanfire#startmeeting requirements20:32
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec 12 20:32:05 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is prometheanfire. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:32
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'requirements'20:32
prometheanfire#topic rollcall20:32
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prometheanfiretonyb, prometheanfire, number80, dirk, coolsvap, toabctl, smcginnis, dhellmann20:32
prometheanfirenet may be going down20:37
prometheanfire#topic open issues in queue?20:37
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prometheanfireonly thing is libvirt and they know what to do20:38
prometheanfirethere are some open things that could use votes though20:38
tonybsorry I'm late20:39
tonybjust libvirt as you say but I don't think that's urgent and tbarron and hodgepodge seem motivated to get it in20:40
prometheanfire#topic open floor20:40
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dhellmannis still open just because it's a stable patch?20:40
dhellmannI guess it's only 2 days old, but it's a constraint update20:41
dhellmannI don't see any comments indicating a problem, so I was going to approve it if that's ok20:41
tonybdhellmann: Yup because it's stable, I just approved it20:41
dhellmanndoes the failure on makes any sense to either of you?20:42
smcginnisDo we need to get the libvirt stuff written down somewhere?20:42
* smcginnis tries to catch up20:42
tonybdhellmann: Nope, that one is goign to require digging20:42
prometheanfiresmcginnis: I'd rather use gate jobs for the libvirt stuff20:42
smcginnisGate jobs as documentation?20:42
tonybsmcginnis: I'm planning on turning the conversation into a doc once we've worked it through to conclusion20:43
smcginnisIt just seems there's recurring confusion around how to handle that and requires a discussion every time it happens.20:43
tonybI'm kinda expecting somethign new to pop up once we get to the next step20:43
prometheanfiresmcginnis: someone complains about failures, point them to update the gate job for their new broken OS20:43
smcginnistonyb: ++20:43
tonybsmcginnis: Yup20:43
dhellmann is a request to add a new thing to the stable/queens requirements, which seems controversial to me20:43
prometheanfiredhellmann: ya, iirc new feature dev is done there?20:43
prometheanfiretonyb: ?20:44
dhellmannalthough maybe not highly so?20:44
prometheanfirenot highly so from my pov20:44
dhellmannprometheanfire : yeah, we support feature work in stable versions of deployment tools20:44
tbarrontonyb: it's not lack of motivation, it's being swamped by the other job(s)20:44
dhellmannoh, although that's a neutron driver20:44
prometheanfirehmm, OSA has been doing feature backports for a long time20:44
prometheanfiretbarron: ack20:44
dhellmann"networking-ansible ML2 driver invokes ansible..."20:44
tbarrontonyb: sorry to respond out of context but my ircs are delayed due to thrashing and deadlines20:44
tonybtbarron: Yup, I fuigured as much.  I just meant it seems to have landed on you :(20:44
tonybdhellmann:, prometheanfire: I'll need to look at that ansible-runner review.  It is controversial but perhaps there are mitigating circumstances20:45
tonybtbarron: np20:45
tbarronpeople want me to say what we did in this sprint and shit like that, and plan rfes for future 3 month releases, rather distracting20:45
dhellmanntonyb : I've just asked for a ML thread20:46
prometheanfireas far as capping grpcio I don't like it, I'd rather mask known bad versions until upstream is unbroken20:46
tbarrontonyb: but I will go throug the livirt doc you pointed me to and try to figure from zuul what the various distros max is for each stable/* branch20:47
prometheanfireor at least have a review in queue to uncap it20:47
tbarronit's not in the doc20:47
tonybtbarron: Ok, it's possible that there isn't a max and I'm wrong on that point20:47
dhellmannprometheanfire : I think before we give that feedback we probably want to fix the bug in the validate job, but I don't disagree20:47
tonybdhellmann: cool, comments passing in the ether ;P20:47
prometheanfiredhellmann: I thought I was mistaken about the bug20:47
prometheanfireunless you found something new20:48
tbarroni need to learn in decentralized zuulv3 world how to find for each stable/* what release of each nodeset runs20:48
tbarronunless there's a better way20:48
* prometheanfire was going on little sleep for that email20:48
dhellmannprometheanfire : the job failed reporting that a constraint that isn't present in the constraints list does not match the requirements settings20:48
dhellmannunless there's already a constraint line there and bnemec added a new one instead of updating the old one20:48
prometheanfiredhellmann: ?20:48
prometheanfireah ok, was thinking something else20:49
tonybtbarron: I'd probably just pick a job on the branch and look at the logs ?20:49
bnemecI don't see an existing entry in g-r.20:49
dhellmannbnemec : line 53 of upper-constraints.txt20:49
dhellmannI left a comment20:49
tbarrontonyb: i don't know e.g. where to find a job thar runs with gentoo on stable/queens20:49
bnemecOh, u-c, not g-r.20:50
prometheanfiredhellmann: beat me to it :D20:50
tbarrontonyb: for ubuntu and centos it's easy20:50
tonybit *probably* measn that something higher up already required grpcio and is grabbing the latest version20:50
prometheanfiretonyb: it was defined earlier in UC20:50
dhellmanntonyb : yeah, grpcio was already in the constraints list20:50
tonybtbarron: Ther wont be a job for gentoo, prometheanfire .... what OpenStack releases do you have in gentoo and which libvirt versions20:51
tonybOh okay validate not check my bad20:51
prometheanfireya, rocky/queens (I'm removing pike soon)20:51
tbarrontonyb: ah, you mentioned gentoo and SUSE20:51
prometheanfire4.5.0-r1(0/4.5.0){xpak} ~4.9.0(0/4.9.0)20:51
prometheanfirefor libvirt20:51
tbarrontonyb: and if I look at nodesets in zuul there could be others20:52
prometheanfire4.9.0 is not marked stable yet20:52
tonybtbarron: I did we 'support' them but I don't think we have nodepool images yet20:52
prometheanfireas a general note, I've never capped libvirt or constrained it in my gentoo packages for this reason20:52
prometheanfireit's an exception20:52
prometheanfireI do set a minimum though20:52
prometheanfirehaven't had problems (myself) or bug reports20:52
tonybprometheanfire: when would a user install 4.5.0-r1 vs 4.9.0 ? is it there choice?20:52
prometheanfiredefault for amd64 is 4.5.0-r120:53
tbarrontonyb: kk, guess I'll ask prometheanfire for gentoo, zigo for debian, toabctl for suse, for each stable/*20:53
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/requirements master: Cap grpcio to below 1.16.0
prometheanfireuser can keyword 4.9.0 and install that if they want20:53
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove daiquiri from global-requirements
tonybOkay tbarron so gentoo is 4.5.0 which may be the new minimum version?20:53
prometheanfireiirc cent is 4.5.0 right?20:54
tonybprometheanfire: Okay that's cool that answer the question at hand20:54
tonybtbarron: would know20:54
prometheanfiretonyb: we constantly update, so don't use us for the min20:54
tbarrontonyb: prometheanfire: thx, centos is currently also 4.5.020:54
prometheanfiregenerally when a libvirt bug comes out we will stablize the new and remove the old versions as a matter of course20:54
prometheanfireanything else (I think we've beaten this dead horse)20:55
tonybbnemec: Thanks for going for the bonus points \o/ #awesome :)20:55
* tonyb will find a suse person to identify the same datappint for suse20:56
tonybdirk: seems busy20:56
* bnemec is the teacher's pet :-)20:56
* prometheanfire pats bnemec on the head20:56
tbarrontonyb: thx, toabctl last updated the libvit doc you pointe me to20:56
tbarronand he's back from paternity leave, nice one they get in DE20:57
tonybtoabctl, dirk, jhesketh: Any chance one of you can confirm which OpenStack version ya'll support (in SLES and OpenSuse) and which version of libvirt ship with them and what, if any, impact us bumping the libvirt-python version will have on you20:58
prometheanfirewill wait another min before ending the meeting20:58
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec 12 21:01:21 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:01
openstackMinutes (text):
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/requirements stable/rocky: Bump libvirt-python requirement to 4.5.0
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/requirements master: Add octavia-lib to global-requirements

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