Friday, 2019-03-15

prometheanfirejungleboyj: how goes it?01:48
jungleboyjprometheanfire:  Getting close.01:49
jungleboyjDo I have a drop dead point here?01:49
prometheanfirewell, sooner is better01:50
jungleboyjprometheanfire:  Ok.  Cool.  I literally have the test status open on a screen watching it.  :-)01:50
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for sushy to new release 1.8.1
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efriedprometheanfire: os-brick should be ready to release at this point. jungleboyj said he was gonna do it, but if an hour or two will make the difference for you, I can propose it now.13:06
jungleboyjefried: I am on it. Will have it add soon as I get to my computer.13:08
efriedjungleboyj: ack. (I've got no skin in this, just trying to keep the release-schedule-oriented ptb happy)13:08
jungleboyjYep. No worries.13:11
jungleboyjI was watching it last night and then sleep took over.13:11
efriedjungleboyj: only took two more rechecks <rolls eyes>13:19
jungleboyjefried: prometheanfire smcginnis
jungleboyjsmcginnis:  If you can help get that merged it would be appreciated.  I will e-mail out the FFE now.13:53
efriedjungleboyj: Since the cutover that *added* the rename was a major bump, shouldn't the cutover that *removes* same also be a major bump?13:54
* jungleboyj gags13:55
efriedor not, you da boss13:56
prometheanfirejungleboyj: efried I'll let you guys argue about that :P13:56
jungleboyjIt really is up to smcginnis on that one.  It seems to me that bumping the major version again is silly given that we are blacklisting 2.8.0 .  Lets see what the release team says.13:57
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prometheanfirejungleboyj: you may need a ffe for it15:00
prometheanfireif you want to work ahead for that15:00
jungleboyjprometheanfire:  An ffe for what?15:02
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jungleboyjYeah, can I start that now regardless of figuring out the number?15:07
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jungleboyjprometheanfire:  Also, did we decide we needed some version of Eric's patch?
jungleboyjJust need the upper constraints change though or do we just need to os-brick release to land and you to do the FFE?15:15
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fried_ricejungleboyj: We do need some version of that patch, but it won't fly until os-brick is released and percolates through u-c because otherwise I'm blacklisting the current u-c.15:38
jungleboyjfried_rice:  Ah, ok.  There you are mr casual nick friday.15:39
fried_ricejungleboyj: and yes, that needs to land before the release. Otherwise we've got a release that allows 2.8.0 to exis.15:39
jungleboyjfried_rice:  I could use that name today.15:39
fried_riceYeah, it's only 10:30 but I'm starving. I think I'll go scrounge something up.15:39
* jungleboyj continues on the walking desk while dancing to Seven Lions.15:39
jungleboyjfried_rice: and prometheanfire The FFE is out there now.15:43
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prometheanfirejungleboyj: blacklisting is probably the right thing to do, I'd make depend on the update to upper-constraints (or just combine them)16:02
jungleboyjfried_rice: ^^16:04
* fried_rice waits for that patch16:05
fried_riceassuming, of course, that smcginnis winds up on board...16:05
smcginnisI really don't think it's necessary, but we won't cause any big issues by following through on the current plan.16:07
smcginnisOther than creating more work for the Dell EMC folks in Train.16:08
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for tripleo-common to new release 10.6.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstack-release-test to new release 1.3.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-brick to new release 2.8.1
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/requirements master: Blacklist os-brick 2.8.0
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/requirements master: Blacklist os-brick 2.8.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for sushy to new release 1.8.1

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