Tuesday, 2020-11-17

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.opendev.org/76229606:23
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rpittaugood morning everyone! Maybe someone here can help me finding some documentation on lower-constraints? Having a clear explanation or at least a "best practice" about its content would be great, I feel there's still some ambiguity on that left10:27
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hberaudrpittau: this doc seems a good starting point but I suppose you already seen it => https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/dependency-management.html#solution11:51
hberaudrpittau: also notice this tooling => https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/dependency-management.html#build-lower-constraints it could be worth to dive deeper into it to learn things and grab the "best practices"12:06
hberaudI think that the lack of related documentation about this topic is related to this tool that aim to abstract lower-constraints management12:07
hberaudhopefully it help you12:08
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rpittauhberaud: thanks! I saw both already, I was more interested in some sort of final clarification on the content of lower-constraints.13:02
rpittauWhat I know is that it should have at least the min versions of all the requirements for a project, excluding test/doc requirements13:02
rpittauwhat stays in the limbo is how to treat the hidden dependencies, so all the libs that the requirements rely on13:02
hberaudI see13:03
hberaudrpittau: AFAIK they could be managed by using `pip -c <constraints-file.txt>` however I think that if you want to manage hidden dependencies then using "lower-constraints.txt" isn't the right place as it will be tested/compared with global requirements, so maybe a solution could be to define your own hidden-constraints.txt to check reqs that are not managed by openstack/requirements13:08
hberaudnot sure to be clear :)13:08
rpittauhberaud: it's clear, I think I was not clear! :D13:12
rpittauwhat I'm looking for is an understanding on what needs to be or would best to have in lower-constraints, should we also include a requirement that is not a direct requirement of a project but a requirement of one of its requirements?13:12
rpittauFor example, ironic doesn't depend on six, but some of its requirements do, should we include six in lower-constraints?13:12
hberaudrpittau: The first thought that comes to me while reading your comment is "explicit is better than implicit". It could allow you to manage your reqs with finer granularity, however it could be also overkill to redefine everything13:17
hberaudrpittau: example of more or less similar topic => http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-October/017740.html13:18
rpittauhberaud: mmm yeah, kind of the same thought13:19
rpittauhberaud: thanks for the exchange :)13:19
hberaudif it works well for you since a while without explicit definition then I think you can continue like that13:20
hberaud(with six by example)13:20
hberaudI think it's depends on the kind of requirement, by example on a messaging POV if you rely on kombu you could need to define explicitelly a version of py-amqp too to pull a specific version for some specific technical needs13:22
hberaudrpittau: you're welcome13:23
rpittauhberaud: yeah, I guess we probably need to differentiate case by case13:23
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smcginnisrpittau: The intention is that lower-constraints contains all dependencies that get pulled in, not just direct dependencies.14:45
smcginnisSo anything that ends up being in a pip freeze output after doing an install, so it can constrain the entire set of dependencies.14:45
rpittausmcginnis: yes, but that intention is nowhere to be found in the docs, as far as I can see :)14:46
smcginnisrpittau: Yeah, I can't recall what is all in the docs at this point. The original ML post from Doug Hellmann explained the intention much more thoroughly. Should probably copy paste all of that into the docs. :D14:49
hberaudcould be worth14:52
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