Saturday, 2022-10-29

opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Drop unbuildable package from global-requirements
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Add requirements-tox-py310-check-uc job
fricklertonyb: prometheanfire: so the TC discussed the sphinx topic at the PTG and decided that it is o.k. to leave the cap in place. I'm wondering now whether this should be formalized by placing it into g-r instead of us silently placing a manual fix into every uc update09:23
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Add requirements-tox-py310-check-uc job
fricklermeh, cross-horizon-npm is also broken now since jammy snapped firefox09:36
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tonybyeah I'm a little miffed that the TC had that discussion.  I think we cap it in g-r and then propose a community wide goal for "bugbear" or "cantelope" to get rid of the cap16:17
prometheanfirefrickler: tonyb: agreed, if it's now official policy we can cap it, not that I like the decision21:22
tonybyeah.  still it makes the next few weeks easier and frankly I don't have the energy to argue.22:00
tonybI already requested that the TC try to do courtesy pings for topics like that.22:01

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