Wednesday, 2023-05-31

opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for tooz to new release 4.1.0
tonybprometheanfire: What's the gentoo equiv of apt-get update && apt-get install python-all? ... Ideally that will use pre-built binaries ... So far I have emerge-webrsync && emerge dev-lang/python but that's going to builds from source and that's slow?17:33
tonybprometheanfire: I'm doing this inside a "stage3" container if that matters17:33
JayFtonyb: there are no official prebuilt binary packages for Gentoo17:35
JayFtonyb: there used to be some trusted binhosts in the community, but I don't think so anymore17:36
JayFtonyb: you *can* use tooling inside gentoo to make your own binary packages for installing on later installs/putting on a binhost/etc, but there's nothing provided other than "yep you gotta compile it"17:36
fricklerthat's why gentoo is so much fun, isn't it? ;)17:37
tonybJayF: Thanks, that's too much effort, I just want to test an ansible role on a bunch of distros 17:37
JayFtonyb: yeah, but I will say ... stage3 should have python already installed17:37
tonybI guess I'll just build it once and tag the resulting container17:37
JayFtonyb: it might be possible to take a stage3 container, make a venv using python-built-in stuiff (e.g. python -m venv  instead of `virtualenv`) and go from there17:38
tonybOh is does17:38
JayFportage (emerge) is a python app :D17:38
tonybNow I need to figure out why ansible doesn't think it is17:38
JayFwhat's the role you're testing? if it's public I can look for any red flags, at least17:38
tonybIt's an update to a zuul role.  Highly doubt there is a problem but I want to test on platforms that seem to be supported ATM17:41
JayFmakes sense. I think you're going about it the least painful way possible.17:41
tonybI "fixed" ansible /bin/python3 != /usr/bin/python317:41
JayFGentoo is borderline a platform more than a distro though, so confirming it works on one config might not confirm for all ... but if someone is running gentoo for zuul in production they probably know that :D 17:41
tonybI have a super ugly bash script that pullls like 7-8 containers, installes python if needed and then connects in with ansible to test the role17:42
* tonyb hopes so :) I'm doing what I consider the acceptable testing expecting SMEs to chime in if I did it wrong ;P17:43
tonybcentos 8 (not stream) took a while to figure out too17:44
tonybJayF: If you're interested is the change20:01
JayFhard to imagine that breaking20:02
tonybYeah but I did test that setting 'gentoo_mirror_enabled' behaves as expected20:04
prometheanfiretonyb: you have to pick your python version and I don't think there's a official binpkg for python like there is for firefox/chrome/libreoffice22:01
prometheanfiretonyb: the gentoo dib image creates binpkgs that it uses when building, I have not used the container target in dib with gentoo as the distro, but I see no hard blockers there22:02
prometheanfirethe currently available stable pythons (all co-installable) are... 2.7, 3.8 - 3.1122:03
prometheanfire3.12 beta1 is available, but would take a little extra work22:04
tonybWell JayF pointed out that I don't need to install python anyway ... once I fixed ansible_python_interpreter everything is fine22:47

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