Saturday, 2024-02-17

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Block scrypt==0.8.21
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Fix for automated upper-constraints.txt update
fricklerthe "netaddr===1.0.0" bump seems to be a nasty one, too :-( that said, my idea of having a rebaseable commit (or two) for sure did bring down the work required to keeping things up to date. now let's see what this latest batch brings09:59
fricklerhmm, I was hoping 1.1.0 would fix some things, but it seems tkajinam was faster already ..., so it looks like we'll have to fix some projects10:05
frickleryeah, things have gotten rather worse than better with 1.1.0. not sure if some further discussion with the maintainer would help after seeing the above issue
tkajinamI'm pretty sure the maintainer just says "this is not what we intend to support".11:11
tkajinamseeing how my early report was closed11:11
tkajinamI've not yet looked into that error in detail but my first guess is that the new validation logic for IPv4 address killed some usages11:13
tkajinamwhich accepted very wired values such as None or 111:13
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Fix for automated upper-constraints.txt update
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Update netaddr to the latest version
fricklerwell there are two things to consider. a) something like None is certainly not a valid IP address, the question is whether each application needs to make that check on it's own or whether the netaddr library could simply include that and return False instead of an exception13:34
fricklerb) IP addresses in the end are simply integers, so not accepting them as valid IP addresses is a bit more questionable IMO13:35
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Fix for automated upper-constraints.txt update
tkajinamfrickler, I sent out
tkajinamthe first change (switch from INET_ATON to INET_PTON) may have huge impact on neutron, because it changes the ip address format it can accept.17:35
tkajinamand the other projects may follow the strategy in neutron later17:36
tkajinamI wasn't sure why we accepted some strange formats like '192.0' or even '1' but that's what we implemented in the past. I'm unsure how much impact it may have in case we drop support for these formats17:36

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