Monday, 2016-10-10

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toabctlIgorYozhikov, astsmtl any comment on the proposed config schema handing from ?09:10
toabctlor jpena ?09:10
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toabctlapevec, any comment on the proposed config schema handing from ?09:10
jpenatoabctl, I like the idea, just like number80 commented this is quite similar to what we do in RDO. The main difference is that we also have another config file with distro defauls09:18
apevecwe'll need to abstract Version, 7.0.0~b3 is not following Fedora guideline09:19
apevecI'll add inline comments09:19
toabctljpena, I thought the upstream config is still in /etc/$service/$service.conf in your setup. no?09:20
apevecjpena, I guess we could try to finally push that patch to oslo.config for dist.conf09:20
apevectoabctl, it is, overriding distro defaults in  /usr/share/$service/$service-dist.conf09:20
apevecorder of config files matters, latter override former09:21
toabctlapevec, jpena but do you ship a upstream config template somewhere?09:23
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jpenatoabctl, yes, at /etc/$service/$service.conf09:24
apevecyes, as generated in /etc09:24
apevecah I see suse has different approach09:24
apevec /etc is empty09:24
toabctlso /etc/$service/$service.conf overrides /usr/share/$service/$service-dist.conf ?09:24
toabctlapevec, it's a proposal. we don't use that yet09:25
apevecthe unmodified config provided by upstream - that's all commented out right?09:25
apevecas effectively == empty09:25
apevec(as generated by o-c-generator ) ?09:25
toabctlapevec, yes09:25
toabctlapevec, but it's still useful to know all the config options09:25
apevecso no point in shipping that in usr/share which users are not supposed to modify09:25
apevectoabctl, that woudl be /usr/shar/doc/  then09:26
toabctlapevec, ca I download somewhere the openstack-neutron rpm for Newton to have a look?09:26
apevecyou can grab latest trunk builds from
apevecah newton09:27
apevecor from CBS Koji
toabctlapevec, /usr/share/doc would also work for that.09:28
apevechere is dist.conf for neutron
toabctlapevec,  so you are not shipping a sample config, right?09:29
apevecit is shipped in /etc/09:29
apevecbut then config mgmt can overrwrite it09:30
apevecso yes, we're missing unmodified copy for doc purposes09:30
apevecwe should add that to /usr/share/doc/$service09:30
toabctlapevec, but then an empty /etc/$service/$service.conf would be fine, right?09:31
apeveceffectively yes09:31
apevecunless someone uses things like augeas and uncommenting options :)09:32
* apevec assumes not09:32
toabctlapevec, that would still work I think09:32
apevecpuppet is just using ini writer09:32
number80I prefer having working config files for people not using cfgmgmt09:33
toabctlnumber80, an empty file would still work09:33
apevectoabctl, actually, yeah, augeas lens would need to know about all options, and I don't think anyone has done it for openstack configs?09:33
number80toabctl: service would not be running09:33
apevecnumber80, we ship all comented out conf09:33
number80I mean you can launch it but it would be plain unusable09:34
apevecas generated by o-c-gen09:34
apevecnumber80, that;s why you need deployment tool09:34
toabctlnumber80, you would have the dist.conf and and empty /etc/$service/$service.conf . that should be enough. no?09:34
apevecit is not09:34
number80empty or commented out?09:34
toabctlapevec, why not?09:34
apevecnone of openstack RPMs work out of the box09:34
apevecw/o configuring at least db09:35
apevecand creating db schema before that09:35
toabctlapevec, with "should work" I mean it's the same as it is today09:35
apevectoabctl, ok then09:35
toabctlnumber80, is there a difference between empty and all commented?09:35
apevecI thought you need it would work out of the box :)09:35
number80toabctl: for end-users, yes09:35
apevecthere is n't09:35
toabctlnumber80, add a README to /etc/$service which explains the config structure09:36
apevecnumber80, but they read docs in /usr/share/doc/ don't they ?09:36
apevecnumber80, is there anyone doing manual openstack config by reading config files?09:36
toabctlhopefully not :-)09:36
apevecthey at least start with upstream install guide09:36
number80apevec: not always, I'd rather not find thread on m-l about us shipping broken packages09:36
number80last time, it was because we had missing keys in the config fie09:37
apevecit would be the same, but yeah, I think we can do both:09:37
apevecall commented out in /etc09:37
apevecand copy in /usr/share/doc/09:37
toabctlbut /etc/$service/$service.conf is not overridden by a package update. so you would end up with an old template after an update09:38
toabctla release-update I mean09:38
apevecif not touched, it would be over written on rpm update09:38
toabctlwell, true09:38
apevecand if user touches it, they're on their own and we respect their right to shut themselves into whatever body part they  like09:39
toabctlI still like an empty /etc/$service/$servic.conf more because after an update there is no missleading "doc" in that file (because I think nobody does use an unchanged $service.conf)09:40
toabctlalso configuration management systems usually override /etc/$service/$service.conf so users shouldn't modifiy that anyway. that's why I would like to have the /etc/$service/conf.d/common dir09:41
apevecI don't think mixing conf mgmt + user modification is a good idea, and we'll definitely want input from puppet, ansible etc. folks on config layout proposal09:45
toabctlapevec, there are situations where you config management system doesn't support featureX but you still want to configure it09:46
apevecah interesting use-case09:47
toabctlapevec, for the available systems, nothing would change. they just use /etc/$service/$service.conf .09:47
toabctlapevec, also if you add e.g. a 3rd party plugin (e.g. for Neutron) which is not supported by your config management system. that's imo not unusual09:48
number80yep, and you prefer such changes to be in a separate file09:48
apevecok, for neutron plugins use-case we'll need to include our networking folks, current setup is all Ihar's09:49
number80 <= Ihar's talk about configuration09:51
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apevecfrom is explanation of autodiscovery and then rdo patch for /usr/share dist.conf10:01
toabctlapevec, is that -dist.conf patch already proposed upstream?10:03
apevecI don't think, it was done long ago by pbrady10:04
apevecwe should propose it and see how it goes10:04
toabctlbut I anyway like more the explicit way to add --config-dir/--config-file parameters when launching the service. that's easier to debug imo10:05
toabctlI think I'll write a mail to openstack-dev about the config handling topic.10:06
apevecyeah, thinking about it, better move to explicit --config param vs pushing that oslo patch upstream - but IIRC it was also to have those defaults from CLI, I'll put task in RDO to review this10:19
toabctlapevec, number80 mail sent.11:03
number80thanks :)11:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack/pymod2pkg: Fix k8sclient to k8s
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number80dirk, toabctl, IgorYozhikov, jpena|off:
number80it's still early for the main repo but that's also something we should change at some point (likely release:trailing)19:11
dirknumber80: yeah, saw that comment, thanks for doing the change request19:16
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging: Update keystoneclient to 3.6.0
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging: Update keystonemiddleware to 4.10.0
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging: Update keystoneauth1 to 2.13.0
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging: Update python-openstackclient to 3.3.0
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging: Update osc-lib to 1.2.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/renderspec: Remove filter for license

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