Wednesday, 2018-05-09

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jpenait's meeting time13:00
jpena#startmeeting rpm_packaging13:00
openstackMeeting started Wed May  9 13:00:49 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging'13:00
jpenaping toabctl, dirk, apevec, aplanas, IgorYozhikov, jpena, jruzicka, number80, kaslcrof, ykarel13:00
jpenaRemember to add items to the agenda:
jpena#chair jruzicka13:01
openstackCurrent chairs: jpena jruzicka13:01
jpena#chair toabctl13:01
openstackCurrent chairs: jpena jruzicka toabctl13:01
toabctljpena, I don't have topics for today13:03
jpena#topic Reviews13:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Reviews (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:03
jpenawe have a couple reviews to look after13:04
jpena (cinder) and (keystone)13:04
jpenaI'll go through some other reviews, I see we have several for master13:05
toabctlok. me too13:05
toabctland I'll package python-zunclient which is now neede for mistral13:05
jpena#topic open floor13:09
*** openstack changes topic to "open floor (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:09
jruzickaI see renderspec templating continue to work well... nice :)13:09
toabctljpena, I'll be out for 3 month13:09
toabctlI might join next week but after that, don't expect me to do anything until 22.8.13:10
jpenatoabctl: wow, that's a long holiday :)13:10
jruzickatoabctl, whoa, brutal holiday13:10
toabctljpena, parental leave13:10
jpenaah, congratulations then13:10
jruzickaI was starting to figure that out :)13:10
toabctlthx :)13:10
toabctlso not exactly holidays ;)13:10
jruzickatoabctl, right, but not regular work either ;)13:11
jruzickaenjoy the beginning of new cycle ;)13:11
toabctlsure. and having a break from all that crazy computer stuff is not bad tbh :)13:11
toabctlanyway - just wanted to mention it so you don't wonder where I am13:12
jruzickait feels like unplugging a cable from spine to me ;)13:12
jruzickachange is always good13:12
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jruzickatoabctl, thanks for the info13:13
jpenaanything else to discuss?13:13
toabctlnot from my side13:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: Remove unnecessary BRs for keystone
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: Update reno to 2.9.1
ykarelcan i get some eyes on
ykarelstarting to use singlespec for services ^^13:15
jpenathat's a good one. From what I saw, it looks like we'll need some changes in singlespec to make that work (due to not having a main python-glance package), but I'm not fully familiar with the macros13:15
apevecor alternative, get rid of macros, let renderspec do all the work13:17
ykareljpena, yup that can be fixed i think, i am working around it locally, will make it cleaner and push13:17
apevecI was going to have a closer look at renderspec to see if that's doable13:18
apevecjruzicka, ^wdyt13:18
apevecjpena, maybe I should write a spec, do we have them for rpm-packaging?13:18
jpenaapevec: we've never used them afaik13:18
jruzickaapevec, I personally dislike macros as they are distro specific and hard to distribute13:19
apevecok, then maybe just some docs with use-story description in the repo?13:19
jruzickaapevec, I personally would try to have everything in generic platform independent renderspec, but I'm not a big packager so I don't get to see the advantages of macros13:20
ykarelif we can go backward, with what bring both renderspec and macros to do the job, may be pros, cons are already known for it13:21
apevecI think singlespec macros is just what suse already had and for suse renderspec would still spit them in the output .spec13:21
jpenaapevec: we have some more of that in
apevecjpena, ok, so I'll try to push my thoughts as a review there13:21
jruzickaapevec, sounds good, tag me as a reviewer. I need to start monitoring upstream gerrit again...13:22
toabctlapevec, imo the question is really if we want to have a python2 *and* python3 version for services13:22
toabctldirk and me tried to exercise it with cinder as example here:
* jruzicka needs to run errands before another meeting, will read backlog later13:24
toabctlso independent of macros vs. renderspec vs. something else, which binary packages would you expect from cinder (or any other service) that supports python2 and python3 ?13:25
toabctland what is the usecase of having eg. openstack-cinder-volume-py2 and openstack-cinder-volume-py3 ?13:26
apevecwe need py3 only for services13:26
toabctlapevec, yes. so we can just package the services for python3 :)13:26
ykarelbut in rocky don't we need python2?13:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: [keystone] Switch to stestr
toabctlykarel, I would say it's13:27
toabctl up to us what we want. it would be nice to have python2 and python3, but if we only provide python3, fine with me13:27
openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: python-zunclient: Initial packaging
ykarelhmm, seeing the current case of singlespec, there is some work needed to get it work for services,13:30
ykarelbut not sure how to get python3 run on rhel7/centos713:30
ykareland yes getting only python3 would be cleaner and easier13:31
ykarelapevec, ^^13:31
ykarelwho all are consumers of the packages generated from rpm-packaging?13:32
ykarelif those do not need py2 versions we can get rid of it13:34
jpenaafaik, our packages are used by SUSE, and just openstack-macros by RDO (with plans to expand that)13:36
ykarelDo SUSE needs py2 version?13:37
toabctlykarel, SUSE uses the libs and the client packages. but not the services currently13:37
toabctlykarel, for the clients and libs, currently yes. but having the service py3 only would be ok13:37
ykareltoabctl, Ok, so we can go with py3 only spec, not depending on singlespec, right?13:38
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ykareltoabctl, Ok Thanks. I will focus on it from tomorrow. Already seeing some issues with py3 packages, but those can be fixed13:47
jpena#agreed focus on py3 for services13:49
jpenaAny other topic to discuss?13:49
* ykarel nothing from my side13:50
jpenaok, let's get 10 minutes back, then13:50
*** openstack changes topic to " - Regular IRC Meeting Wednesdays 1:00 PM UTC in openstack-rpm-packaging"13:50
openstackMeeting ended Wed May  9 13:50:40 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:50
openstackMinutes (text):
jpenathanks for attending!13:50
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openstackgerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: Update oslo.config to 6.2.0
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openstackgerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: Update oslo.config to 6.2.0
toabctljpena, does look good to you?15:15
jpenatoabctl: I haven't looked at it yet, I'll give it a try in < 1h15:15
toabctljpena, ok. thx15:15
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