Thursday, 2020-10-08

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: Add validations-libs
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/victoria: Switch to victoria tarballs
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sboyrondamani: dirk: Suse CI  on is not working. The issue seems to be: "OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig" reference file does not exist: "this file that not exist": FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file09:15
sboyronMy feeling is that it is related to SUSE CI configuration, damani is there some recent changes on Net::SoftwareConfig ?09:16
sboyrondirk: Where are the templates used in SUSE CI to deploy devstack ?09:17
sboyronWe extracted all the errors here with hberaud :
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hberauddamani: apparently nic-config is available in tripleo-heat-template so maybe either we missed to package some project or we need to refactor some existing packages09:20
damanisboyron, can you try to ask on tripleo chanel please ?09:52
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
sboyrondamani, yeap, it's done :)11:17
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sboyronjpena: dirk: hberaud: I won't be able to attempt to the whole meeting (and the following); I won't be available between 3:50pm to 4:15pm CEST (pick up my daughter from school)11:37
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/victoria: Switch to victoria tarballs
hberaudsboyron: ack thanks for the heads up11:45
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openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
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jpenait's meeting time13:30
jpena#startmeeting rpm_packaging13:30
openstackMeeting started Thu Oct  8 13:30:47 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:30
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:30
jpenaping toabctl, dirk, apevec, jpena, number80, kaslcrof,  rha, hberaud, sboyron13:30
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging'13:30
jpena#chair sboyron13:30
openstackCurrent chairs: jpena sboyron13:30
jpena#topic roll call13:30
*** openstack changes topic to "roll call (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:30
jpenaRemember to add any last-minute topic to the agenda at
jpena#chair hberaud13:31
openstackCurrent chairs: hberaud jpena sboyron13:32
jpenalet's start with the agenda13:35
jpena#topic stable/victoria13:35
*** openstack changes topic to "stable/victoria (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:35
jpenaWe successfully branched stable/victoria :)13:35
jpenaI'm working on the RDO CI setup, I see the SUSE CI is already reporting13:35
jpenaI hope to have it ready by the end of the week13:35
sboyronjpena, can I help ?13:36
rpittauo/ (bit late)13:36
jpenasboyron: thanks for offering help, right now I'm trying to sort out the ordering details. You can see the current statuts at
jpenaI think it's under control, but I'll shout if I need help13:37
jpena#chair rpittau13:37
openstackCurrent chairs: hberaud jpena rpittau sboyron13:37
jpenalet's move on to the next topic13:40
jpena#topic open floor13:40
*** openstack changes topic to "open floor (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:40
jpenaIs there anything you would like to discuss?13:40
jpenago for it ;)13:41
hberaudI don't want to retrigger an already discussed topic but what do you think (u'all) about DPL?13:41
hberaudDistribued Project Lead13:41
jpenawe discussed this option at the end of the previous cycle, but it never took off13:43
jpenatbh, I don't see a big difference with the SIG status, and I'm fine with it13:43
hberaudI agree13:43
hberaudthe major is to keep our release under openstack/release13:44
sboyronmy understanding is that DPL allow to still being under release scope13:44
hberaud*the major change13:44
hberaudbut I'm not against SIG either13:45
jpenaas long as we can keep the release process simple (I think we can if we create a team in gerrit with release permissions), I don't see it as a big deal13:46
hberaudso if you didn't see any issues I think we continue in this way13:48
hberaudthat's all for me13:48
sboyronas long as we can keep the release process simple (I think we can if we create a team in gerrit with release permissions), I don't see it as a big deal < do we know if we can create this team with this permission ?13:49
sboyronIs there anything to automate related to this move to SIG ?13:50
jpenasboyron: yes, I'll see where that is located in the project-config repo and propose a review13:51
sboyronjpena, great13:51
jpenaonce we have that, I think all we need to do is to add some upload-pypi jobs for the release pipeline in renderspec and pymod2pkg13:51
jpenaif there's nothing else to discuss, let's close the meeting13:56
*** openstack changes topic to " - Regular IRC Meeting Thursdays 13:30 PM UTC in openstack-rpm-packaging"13:56
openstackMeeting ended Thu Oct  8 13:56:21 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:56
jpenathanks for coming!13:56
openstackMinutes (text):
hberaudjpena: thanks13:56
sboyronjpena thx13:56
sboyronjpena: I've got some questions regarding
sboyronI had to patch the code to having it working on SUSE CI due to PEP3151 after investigations done with hberaud14:01
sboyronwhat should be the right process to proceed with it ?14:02
jpenasboyron: did you take that patch from the tripleoclient code, or did you create it?14:03
sboyronI created it for test purpose14:03
sboyronthat's my point14:03
jpenasboyron: I'd then submit it to python-tripleoclient14:03
hberaudjpena: we just want to test if it help to fix the issue first14:03
jpenait seems so, I can see the SUSE CI output14:04
sboyronhberaud: it does fix it14:04
sboyronpushing it upstream is like a regression in a sens regarding the PEP3151, if I understand well this is relative to the python version used in SUSE CI14:06
jpenaaah ok, I think it was a different case14:06
jpenaI would then ask dirk or toabctl, they may have a better idea14:06
sboyronif it was an issue in the project, of cours I'd pushed it to the project14:06
sboyronin this particular case I do not really know what to do14:07
sboyronexcept claiming here that the CI issue is now solved ^^14:07
sboyronindeed, I just proposed the patch to tripleo team14:24
sboyronjpena: tripleo team advise me to do it.14:25
jpenasboyron: ack14:25
sboyronjpena, My understanding right now, is to lock ou tripleoclient review until the upstream is merge, then we will be able to merge this one14:26
sboyronam I right ?14:26
jpenasboyron: the upstream review will not be part of tripleoclient 13.7.0, my suggestion would be to keep the patch in the spec (with a comment relating it to the review)14:28
jpenaonce it merges and gets included in a future release, we can remove it from the spec14:29
sboyronyes of course, we will keep my patch for this version, but should we wait the upstream patch is merged before merging our review14:33
sboyronto ensure this will be included in a future release14:33
jpenasboyron: at least getting one +2 would be advisable, it gives us a hint that we have a good chance of success14:38
sboyronit's already done ;)14:39
sboyronThen I reworked a bit my review, add comments, and remove my -114:39
hberaudsboyron: on an openstack/release POV they can take longer to to release the patch so to move further with this topic we could just keep our added patch for awhile14:48
sboyronindeed, the most important isnot to have a release, but to ensure it will be merged one day to allow us to remove it, my feeling is that we shouldn't have to modify the code by our own on packaging side14:50
sboyron*to remove it later when we will package the right release14:51
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
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openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
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jpenaok, we have an rpm-packaging-release group:,members15:30
jpenadirk, toabctl, hberaud: are you ok with me adding you as members, too?15:30
dirkjpena: yes please15:31
hberaudjpena: yep15:31
dirksorry I missed the meeting15:31
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
openstackgerritBoyron Sébastien proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-tripleoclient to 13.7.0
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