Thursday, 2020-10-15

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openstackgerritzhangyc proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: Remove setuotppls Requirement from karbor
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openstackgerritzhangyc proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: Remove setuotppls Requirement from karbor
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jpenait's meeting time13:31
jpena#startmeeting rpm_packaging13:31
openstackMeeting started Thu Oct 15 13:31:21 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jpena. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:31
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging'13:31
jpenaping toabctl, dirk, apevec, jpena, number80, kaslcrof,  rha, hberaud, sboyron13:31
jpena#topic roll call13:31
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jpenaRemember to add any last-minute topic to the agenda at
jpena#chair hberaud13:32
openstackCurrent chairs: hberaud jpena13:32
hberaudhow are you?13:35
jpena#chair sboyron13:37
openstackCurrent chairs: hberaud jpena sboyron13:37
jpenahberaud: doing well, can't complain :)13:37
hberaudit's a good start13:38
jpenawe don't have a lot in the agenda, so we're going straight to open floor13:38
jpena#topic open floor13:38
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jpenaAnything to discuss?13:38
apevecjpena, I missed who is PTL now :)13:39
hberaudnothing on my side13:39
jpenaapevec: we're a SIG rather than an official project, so there's no PTL13:39
jpenawe can have one or many chairs13:39
apevecah cool13:39
jpenawhich reminds me13:39
jpenaI'm currently the only listed chair, if anyone else wants to join just raise your hand13:40
apevecdo you have a link to the SIG process docs?13:40
sboyronI've got a point to discuss13:40
jpenasboyron: go ahead, the stage is yours13:42
apevecthanks jpena++13:42
sboyronI would like to talk quickly about, hbereaud seems taking a lot of time working on a tool to be used locally during dev or in CI to check dependencies and ensuring we do not miss any dependencies in .spec to avoid relying on packages deps to work13:42
apevecoh we have rdopkg reqcheck13:43
hberaudsboyron: thanks for all your useful comments on :)13:43
apevecalso Fedora py pkgs now all autogenerates deps13:44
hberaudyep it could be a way to follow here too13:44
sboyronoh, thx for the info apevec13:44
jpenaI'll have a look at the review, it escaped from my radar13:45
apevecI'll add Joel to that review13:45
sboyronmaybe there is a way to mutualize the job done on it13:45
apevecmostly he now maintaines rdopkg13:45
hberaud+1 to mutualize13:45
apevecsboyron++ yes that13:45
hberaudI don't want to reinvent the wheel13:45
apevecesp. not squarer ones ;)13:46
hberaudalso I was thinking about a CI cron too automatically sync our spec to avoid to update version manually13:47
sboyronapevec++ yep good one, thanks for pointing rdopkg13:47
hberaudI need to deep dive on that13:47
apevecamoralej, ^ do we have rdopkg reqcheck job now?13:48
sboyronyep that's was my second point I intended to discuss hberaud thx13:48
hberaudto observe how to setup zuul cron13:48
hberaudor something like that13:48
amoralejapevec, yes, but only to check status, not to automatically sync deps13:48
sboyronI'v got a script which is reading output from and update version and proposee patch automatically13:49
jpenaI'm usually scared by the amount of corner cases that can break that kind of automated dep sync13:49
hberaudspec file could be autogenerated by scanning projects their requirements in the right version13:49
sboyronI am hesitating to commit it since I always have to perform several manual checks for now to ensure this is ok before pushing a new version13:49
hberaudand we could only maintain a jinja template13:50
apevecamoralej, a-ha so are scripted?13:50
amoralejwell, i'm not sure if jcapitao has some local script to help13:50
amoralejbut not as ci bot, i meant13:51
hberaudopenstack/release give us the version and update and all rest could be generated directly from projects repos13:51
hberaudso we could abandon our "database" of version13:52
hberaudto avoid to duplicate all package info in many places13:54
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hberaudanything else?14:08
sboyronhberaud: I do not understand everything I think, what is your proposition, having a single jj2 file to trplace all .spec.jj2 files and generating everything from some config files and getting versions from openstack/release and rest from project repos ?14:14
hberaudWe could only maintain a single jinja file and extract the context from openstack/release + project sources14:15
* hberaud school run14:20
sboyronhberaud: my think is that in this type of config, we will have to maintain more than only that ... there is a lot of corner case.. I think we can automate more things, requirements, %files vs entrypoints, version bump etc ... but I am not sure we can automate absolutely everything14:27
jpenaoops, I didn't realize we had to end the meeting, sorry :o)14:36
*** openstack changes topic to " - Regular IRC Meeting Thursdays 13:30 PM UTC in openstack-rpm-packaging"14:36
openstackMeeting ended Thu Oct 15 14:36:05 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:36
openstackMinutes (text):
hberaudsboyron: yep absolutely, some points will stay there, by example, specific file/dirs access rights to manage or also deactivated tests (for some reasons) and things like that, but the majority of the informations in specfile are duplicated, I think that the goal of this team is to handle these specific points, not to simply sync things, and this kind of path could help us to reduce our scope14:46
sboyronhberaud: yes I've got the point, you propose to templatize the whole structure. it could be worth I think14:51
sboyronhberaud: IIUC it will equire some descriptives file for each project ni yaml for example14:53
hberaudsboyron: and specific case (file access, etc...) could be stored in a local yaml structure as you already suggested previously14:53
hberaudyep exact14:53
sboyronI donnow yet all the bit and bytes of this projects, but this is the role of renderspec if I understand well, so this will imply a new major version of renderspec to generate these new specfiles14:54
hberaudsboyron: could be an intermediate layer between renderspec and there15:00
hberaudsboyron: to avoid to reinvent everything15:00
hberaudsboyron: a smooth test could be to start to create an experimental structure/branch and to iterate over it15:01
hberauds/to create/by creating/15:01
hberaudsboyron: keep the current behave and smoothly migrate from A to B15:03
sboyronhberaud: I think this should be discussed and defined maybe with more core teams, jpena, dirk, to define the global target before investing so much time on it ?  But I'm in if you are motivated to start something15:03
hberaudsboyron: I don't know if we have blueprint here, but it could be a good starting point15:04
hberaudsboyron: blueprint a good entrypoint point to trigger specific discussions and design things15:05
hberaudsboyron: and take the temperature without wasting lot of time in a born dead code15:07
hberaudsboyron: example of blueprint =>
hberaudsboyron: on oslo we use blueprint with our own specification repo =>
hberaudsboyron: source repos >
sboyronjpena: is there anyone for rpm-packaging ?15:11
hberaudsboyron: and how we manage our reviews on specifications =>
jpenawe have not created any design specs, at least not that I can remember15:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging stable/ussuri: openstackdocstheme: update to 2.0.2
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dirksboyron: hberaud: so far "specs" have been mostly discussed in wiki or etherpad and then implemented or at the summit sessions17:14
dirkthe project has been pretty much on autopilot mode for the last couple of cycles however, so most of it isn't relevant anymore17:14
dirkif its okay, I wouldn't mind adding or extending the documentation in tree however17:15
sboyrondirk ok, thx for these informations, which etherpad are you talking about ?17:16
hberauddirk: ack thx for info17:18
dirksboyron: we typically used the design summit namespaces for an etherpad then17:19
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dirksboyron: hberaud: so if you're referring to the "generate all the spec files from yaml / releases etc" information, then that was discussed right at the inception of the project, and it was a requirement agreed back then to use spec files, as that is the language most people that were contributing were most familiar with17:27
dirkwe did have various iterations on that, renderspec(1) was the driving tool for that. in the end we ended up with jinja2 and a very small macro set to handle differences17:27
dirkthe goal was back then to have spec files that feel "native" to red hat and suse users17:27
dirkI agree that many of the requires: or buildrequires: could be generated from some .yaml file for example17:28
dirkbut we didn't want to use 1:1 the upstream (test-*)requirements.txt as they were often too concrete/too large17:28
dirke.g. if some project cross tests against other things that we don't package or don't intend to allow, then all those requirements would have to be removed / blacklisted17:29
dirkI'm all for automating more of the update work, but so far the actual "update" was not a main problem, the main problem was having all the stuff that openstack does not care about (like bindep dependencies for example) handled properly, requirements associated with the right subpackages and so on17:30
dirkI don't remember 100% anymore how we ended up on jinja2 templates other than the stated requirement was from both sides to keep what we maintain as close to a normal spec file as posslbe17:33
dirkrenderspec(1) was done to abstract away anything that would end up in a lot of %if / %else / %endif sections17:33
dirkand the request/requirement was to do everything that can be a rpm macro as an rpm macro, rather than a domain specific language on top of the spec templates17:34
dirkI think it is possible to extend renderspec with things that make life easier. for example suse added the "versioned dependencies" stuff and for red hat / fedora the epoch handling, which suse doesn't care about , has been added17:34
dirkrequirements/buildrequirements could be expanded from a separate foo.yaml file into the spec file, I have no issues with that17:35
hberauddirk: awesome, that was a great explanation17:39
hberauddirk: got it17:40
hberaudextending renderspec could be a good approach17:40
hberaudI need to dive deep into renderspec to see how it works and how we could extend it17:42
hberaudsorry I need to dash for now, let's discuss about this later17:45
sboyrondirk awsome!  thanks a lot for this historic on the project. +1 to discuss about it later17:58
sboyronwont work tomorrow, I'll be available from monday. Have a good day.17:59
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