Monday, 2020-10-19

openstackgerrithanjiangxue proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: url fix
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sboyronThere is a huge amount of review since several days on URL, all these patch are not always doing the same stuff... I think this should/could be standardize to always use the same syntax11:43
sboyronshould we point to /latest or not since /latest is a redirection; should we standardize the usage of {{ pypi_name }} instead of the project name string ?11:44
sboyronSometimes we point to th wiki, sometimes to the git code, why not creating an rpm macro to always use{{ pypi_name }} or{{ pypi_name }}/latest11:48
sboyronthis could allow us to change it to{{ pypi_name }}/src/branch/stable/{{release}} when all branch are created to uniformize all project and ensure when we branch, all projects are pointing to the right location ?11:49
sboyronjpena, dirk, hberaud any feeling on it ?11:50
hberaudsboyron: ya IIRC dirk proposed a all in one patches so IMO 1. these patches could be ignored 2. I agree this could be uniformized to{{ pypi_name }} as we refer to a git repo (AFAIK latest doesn't exist on it) 3. stable branch could be uniformized too as you suggested11:53
hberaudsboyron: however prefer to submit a all in one patch for 2 and 311:54
hberaudsboyron: and 1 single patch per stable branch11:54
hberaudnormally it could be done with ~4-5 patches11:55
hberaudbut please let's wait for feedback from jpena|lunch and dirk too11:56
sboyronhberaud: all these patches has been done by zhangyc and he is not thereto have this discussion11:56
hberaudsboyron: yeah I know but we already discussed about this last week11:56
hberaudsboyron: and dirk proposed to ignore them11:57
sboyronhberaud: ok, so I missed this discussion ^^ sorry11:57
hberaudsboyron: he already submited a related patch11:58
sboyronhberaud: my feeling is that it could be more relevant to generate directly a new macro to fix all in once with a new macro, that should be updated when branching to ensure all rpm URL description will point to the right version.11:58
hberaudif a macro can be based on branch name and refer automatically to the right location then this is the path to follow12:00
hberaudsboyron: ^^12:00
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sboyronhberaud, ok great I missed this one in the list; all URL are not the same indeed ...I meand depends on project there is not always a pypi name or pypi name can be formated with upper case, so it would require a "| lower" .. maybe this coul be relevant to have the right var with a canonical name used for the repo to allow us to uniform this. This is not really related to this bunch of review, but more a reflexion for a minor12:02
hberaudagreed, maybe few projects need a specific url, but it could be easily solved as we want to bring the git repo url so I agree a canonical name could be an elegant solution to standardize all these specfiles12:17
hberaudI think the specific part is around the pypi name12:17
hberaudsboyron: ^^12:17
hberaudas normally all these projects are more or less under|x) it could be easily to standardize12:18
sboyronpypiname is not always "canonical" but pypiname could point to this canonical name the major part of the time. I think we could engage a small talk about this and maybe we should add it to next meeting subjects12:20
hberaudgood idea12:21
sboyronCan't remember do we make a call this week ?12:22
sboyronI mean with the opendev summit12:22
sboyronthe next meeting is the 22 or 29 ?12:24
sboyronI am updating the etherpad ....
sboyronand there is not yet the next meeting, jpena|lunch ?12:24
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jpenawe did not say anything against a meeting this week, so let's update the schedule to do it on the 22nd12:29
sboyronok jpena I was asking that to feel correctly th etherpad.12:32
sboyronI won't be there this week, I've got a training thursday, so I'll let the point on the following meeting the 29th of October12:33
sboyronby the way, I allowed myself to update the etherpad, I hope it's the right way to do ;)12:34
jpenaof course, everyone can update the etherpad12:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: update python-dracclient Uniform Resource Locator
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: Fix several typos in some explanatory notes
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: fix IRC channel url
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: url fix
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