Thursday, 2014-03-27

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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to stackforge/puppet-sahara: Update README file
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Remove Mirantis copyright from README
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to stackforge/puppet-sahara: Update README file
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Remove Mirantis copyright from README
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-extra: Standardize README file header
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Standardize README header
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add note about OS_TENANT_* to integration tests
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add EDP support for Vanilla 2 plugin
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add EDP integration tests for vanilla 2 plugin
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: [DO NOT MERGE] Test gating
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add EDP integration tests for vanilla 2 plugin
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix transient clusters termination
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Add integration tests for vanilla 2 plugin
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Add note about OS_TENANT_* to integration tests
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Compatibility improvement
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Horizon compatibility fix.
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Horizon compatibility fix
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Horizon compatibility fix
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix parallel running integration tests with vanilla plugins
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Remove agent remote
dmitrymetmckay: ping, re
dmitrymeI am not sure I understood you correctly15:56
tmckaydmitryme, hi, working on that now, actually15:56
tmckayon what?15:56
dmitrymeare you going to make changes based on our conversation in comment, or you would prefer to commit the code as is and fix it later15:57
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dmitrymeit is not clear from your responses and you didn't post new patch sets in a couple of days, so that is why I am asking15:59
tmckaydmitryme, doing my best to address the comments now. For instance, I have no idea why RuntimeError is used in that print statement, I don't see the benefit.  And I agree on the admin flag, it should be removed.  Also, file deletion should be fixed.15:59
tmckaydmitryme, ack, I meant to but I got sidetracked :)15:59
dmitrymeok, thanks16:00
tmckaydmitryme, currently looking closely at Singleton wrapper -- when I run the test from tox without a config file, I get the message printiing 3 times.  That doesn't seem very "singletonish" to me16:00
tmckayCould be from time slicing -- that Singleton wrapper is not necessarily thread safe.  Although, I'm not an expert on green threads16:01
tmckaynot sure what I'm seeing, but I'd like to understand it16:01
dmitrymetmckay: there is no eventlet in python-saharaclient, so there is no green threads16:10
dmitrymelooking at the tests, frankly I don't understand how they are run16:12
dmitrymehmm, comparing toxin of sahara and saharaclient, seems like testr is used in both16:13
dmitrymeI know that testr runs tests in several processes simultaneously16:14
tmckaydmitryme, yes, I just printed out process ids :)16:14
tmckaymultiple processes.16:14
tmckayI wonder if that message should just go to a log instead of the console.  Weird to see it three times.  But, minor.16:15
tmckaydmitryme, actually, my sidetrack was splitting the cluster building out to a separate class and testing hdp.  Got it working.16:19
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dmitrymetmckay: got it16:20
tmckaydmitryme, had a strange problem with nova, though.  When a cluster is launched and the bridge is set up for floating ips, if I am using wireless I lose my connection to the outside world.  Hard wired, it works.  Any chance you know anything about that? :)  Besides "use neutron"16:20
dmitrymetmckay: fortunately we got separate hardware where we run OpenStack16:22
dmitrymegenerally we don't run it on our laptops16:22
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tmckaydmitryme, yeah... I need separate hardware :)16:26
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Integration tests for IDH 3.0.2
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli integration test
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toskyuhm, has not been renamed - does it need a blueprint for that?17:45
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SergeyLukjanovtosky, nice catch => /me updating17:53
toskySergeyLukjanov: also the linked page of course17:53
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ErikB1jspeidel, hi17:59
aignatovI'll join the meeting a little bi later18:01
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toskyuhm, no meeting?18:06
mattfSergeyLukjanov, aignatov, who's chairing the meetiing today?18:06
SergeyLukjanovmeeting time18:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix running integration tests by tag
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Add transient tag to transient cluster test
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aignatovwe should postpone Heat by default19:00
jspeidelaignatov, +119:00
aignatovbecause of bug I've filed today at least19:01
aignatovin the heat19:01
tmckayaignatov, jvyas may have some stuff related to analyzing proteins, trying to find him but maybe he's on vacation19:01
tmckaythat would be cool, and different19:01
aignatovtmckay: yes19:01
jspeidelmattf, can we discuss my comments on api v2?19:01
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, what's your launchpad id?19:01
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elmikoi think mimccune19:03
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elmikoyea, that's it19:03
tmckayaignatov, okay, I emailed jvyas, we'll see if he pops up.19:04
jspeidelmattf, are you sill here?19:04
aignatovtmckay: thx, I still wait for ErikB1 ideas too :)19:05
aignatovotherwise, we should brainstorm and generate our case for demo :)19:05
tmckayagreed.  I'll try to remember to look in the books, I left them at home this time19:07
aignatovtmckay: before the final decision on the example of my last demo at HK summit I got an idea from folks about calculating KLOC metric on openstack sources19:10
aignatovwith mapreduce19:11
aignatovbetween for example havana and icehouse releases :)19:12
mattfjspeidel, yeah, moment19:12
jspeidelmattf, ok, I have 15 mins until I have a call19:13
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tmckayaignatov, that's a great idea19:13
aignatovtmckay: you think so?19:14
aignatovactually there is an program
aignatovfor linux :)19:14
aignatovprobably we could use streaming map reduce for this19:15
aignatovor just java action19:15
tmckayaignatov, yeah, the target audience would love it, wouldn't they?  Is it big enough?  Enough total files across openstack?  Maybe mappers do file diffs, and reducer adds up the totals?19:15
aignatovyep, It'll be the funniest thing to know what is the price of code of icehouse release :)19:16
tmckayaignatov, I like it.  Wondering what's the best way to supply a mapper with files to diff.19:17
aignatovtmckay: today, all openstack sources has about 1GB19:17
aignatovin raw19:17
tmckayand it has to have a way to deal with files that are not in both19:17
tmckayaignatov, maybe we just run 2 jobs, instead of trying to diff.    Total in havanna, total in icehouse19:18
tmckayThat's much simpler19:18
aignatovtmckay: it's up to us :)19:19
tmckayaignatov, we could count comment lines as a metric, to see how well developers are documenting their work :)  As a percentage of total lines of code19:19
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tmckayI think diffing in the mapper is overcomplicated, firing off 2 parallel jobs at the same time is better and shows Sahara doing more than one thing at a time19:20
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jayunit100hola tmckay19:20
jayunit100did you miss me ?19:20
tmckayjayunit100, I did!  We're looking for cool hadoop demos.  aignatov had this idea .....19:21
tmckay(03:10:59 PM) aignatov: tmckay: before the final decision on the example of my last demo at HK summit I got an idea from folks about calculating KLOC metric on openstack sources19:21
tmckay(03:11:06 PM) aignatov: with mapreduce19:21
tmckay(03:12:00 PM) aignatov: between for example havana and icehouse releases :)19:21
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jayunit100If you say the word demo i say "bigpetstore" !19:22
tmckayjayunit100, I wondered if you had some cool sciency thing we could run19:22
tmckayjayunit100, unfamiliar with bigpetstore19:22
aignatovpigbetstore is something from Java Spring19:22
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tmckayokay, wait.... pigbetstore, or bigpetstore?19:23
tmckayThey both make sense, sort of19:23
aignatovpig or big? that's the question :)19:24
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tmckayah, I see, jayunit100 has bigpetstore on github19:25
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aignatovok, looking on it19:27
tmckayaignatov, the big advantage is, it's already written :)19:27
jayunit100sorry just got back19:27
tmckayjayunit100, how widespread is that thing?19:27
tmckayWould it still be novel for a Hadoop audience?  did you originate it, or just respin it?19:28
jayunit100tmckay: I'm working on a video for it19:28
jayunit100well, the "pet store" analogy been around for a while in relational databases19:28
jayunit100so, time for a bigpetstore !19:29
tmckaynice.  Seems original enough.19:29
jayunit100tmckay: aignatov im about to make a video for it.  Why don't you guys watch the video and then you can decide if its worth your while :)19:29
jayunit100basically, the idea is this:19:29
jayunit1001) BigPetStore is FUN.  Everybody likes animals.19:29
jayunit1002) BigPetStore generates an arbitrary amount of data (from 1 KB to 1PB).19:30
* tmckay thinks they're tasty19:30
tmckaypetabytes baby, now you're talking19:30
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jayunit1003) BigPetStore uses the whole ecosystem, demonstrating the different value of different tools.19:30
jayunit1004) BigPetStore has a data model thats easy to understand.  No need to read a bunch CSV files to figure out what the examples are doing.  They all build off of ONE generated data set: Pet store transactions.19:31
tmckayjayunit100, sounds good.  If it can be launched from the hadoop command line, we can launch it from Sahara via Oozie.19:32
aignatovjayunit100: ok, that looks nice19:32
jayunit100Ive tested it both on EMR hadoop, and on glisterfs hadoop with up to 1 TB of data.  In the end you get this:19:32
tmckayaignatov, no reason we can't potentially have multiple demos.  Get one in the can, fast, and then if we want we can work on another19:32
tmckayjayunit100, where do you get the map rendering?19:34
jayunit100^^^ thats the visualization widget.19:34
aignatovtmckay, jayunit100: agree, pet store looks nice, especially it could be visualised well as I see in jayunit100's github19:34
jayunit100aignatov: you a javascript hacker?19:35
tmckayjayunit100, crobertsrh is19:35
aignatovno :)19:35
tmckaywe can kidnap him on this too19:35
crobertsrhmore of a hack than a hacker at times :)19:35
jayunit100crobertsrh: would you be interested in joining a google hangout to help me with the bigpetstore visualization widget ?19:35
tmckayelmiko, ^^19:35
tmckayyou know some javascript, right?19:36
crobertsrhI can't atm, but I would certainly be willing to help19:36
elmikotmckay: yes19:36
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tmckayjayunit100, elmiko also has a vested interest in a quality demo :)19:37
elmikolol, i suppose that's true :)19:37
jayunit100elmiko: would you be interested in contributing some javascript expertise to bigpetstore?19:37
elmikosure, i don't have a google account though19:37
jayunit100if so i can organize a hangout to show you how it all works19:37
crobertsrhIs tomorrow morning an option?19:38
tmckayI can come too, maybe I'll pick up some stuff19:38
jayunit100yes !19:38
elmikoi could do tomorrow morning19:38
jayunit100tmckay: great.  thanks .19:38
tmckayI have type some javascript before ...19:38
jayunit100elmiko i guess you'll need a google plus account19:38
crobertsrhthat will also give me time to get the google hangout stuff installed again19:38
elmikoi'll set one up tonight19:38
jayunit100great thanks guys !!!!!!!!!!!!19:39
aignatovguys, can you record your meeting?19:39
jayunit100yeah we can try to do the hangouts on air thing19:39
tmckayI think I have trevormckay2, but I don't remember the password19:39
jayunit100okay, we will sync up in here in the morning and stuff19:39
tmckaywow, I remembered :)19:40
elmikosounds good jayunit10019:40
tmckayjayunit100, we may want to schedule around a certain internal meeting ...19:42
tmckay10-11 EST19:43
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Change tag for vanilla integration test to 'vanilla1'
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jayunit100okay tmckay thats cool19:48
jayunit100brb we will schedule an internal 10-11 meeting19:48
tmckayjayunit100, 10-11 is the slot we *dont* want :)19:49
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Integration tests for IDH 3.0.2
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
jayunit100tmckay: oh ok20:15
openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add fixed and floating IPs discovery via neutron
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jspeidelmattf, hey20:18
jspeidellets discuss api v220:18
mattfhit me20:19
jspeidellooked at the latest CR and made some comments20:19
jspeidelwould like to discuss some design aspects of the api20:19
mattfyup, i replied to those comments20:19
jspeidelok, let me see ...20:20
jspeidelok, I had responded to your responses20:20
mattfoh, let me look then20:20
jspeidelfirst concern is the query mechanism20:20
jspeidelinstead of adding a new endpoint for each query field, would like to have a generic query framework20:21
jspeidelwould also like to see a consistent structure of collection_resource/instance_resource20:21
mattfi don't disagree20:21
jspeidelso in the current proposal we have20:22
mattfi'm mostly just apathetic re the plugins endpoint20:22
jspeidelversion should not be an endpoint20:22
jspeidelinstead we should do20:22
jspeidelwont let me send it20:23
jspeidellet me change format20:23
mattfthe value of having /name and /name/version escapes me really. why not just have /name provide a list w/ all the details you get from /name/version ?20:23
mattfiirc, when you do /name/version it actually queries a plugin for some config info20:24
jspeidelconfig info about the plugin with the provided name?20:24
SergeyLukjanovyup, it returns thousands of configs from plugin20:25
SergeyLukjanovfor specified version20:25
mattfnot really "thousands"20:25
SergeyLukjanovwe need it to display in UI20:25
mattfjspeidel, iirc /name/version is a hack to get details of the processes etc the plugin supports to the dashboard for hints20:25
jspeidelwhat I am proposing is that there is only a cluster collection endpoint such as /plugins20:25
jspeideland an instance endpoint such as /plugins/HDP20:26
jspeideleverything else is in the query string20:26
jspeidelby default the instance endpoint will return all info about the plugin, unless there are sub-resources20:26
* mattf screws his head on straight20:26
jspeidelmaybe configuration ...20:26
SergeyLukjanovon the other hand, we have just several versions per plugin, so, it'll not be bad to return details for all of them I think20:26
jspeidelso /plugins/HDP/configurations20:26
jspeidelanyway, keep the collection/instance model20:27
* SergeyLukjanov thinking about dedicating at least one design summit session for API v220:27
jspeidelI would like that very much20:27
jspeidelI designed the ambari rest api so have thought alot about REST api design20:27
* mattf nods20:28
mattfi'm wondering if we aren't just exposing an implementation detail her20:28
jspeidelwould you like me to write up an abstract for api v2?20:28
jspeidelI am not discussing implementation20:28
jspeidelonly api resources20:29
mattfwhy have plugins = {HDP, IDH, Vanilla} and each plugin have versions = {X, Y, Z}20:29
mattfwhy not have plugins HDP1 HDP2 IDH2 IDH3 Vanilla1 Vanilla220:29
jspeidelyeah, so that was why I had asked in my comments about what would this return20:29
mattfwho cares if internally there is one "plugin" that implements HDP1 and HDP2 w/ a few extra params to switch on?20:29
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jspeidelwhat info would this return?20:30
jspeidelis this meaningful20:30
jspeidelor would be need to specify a version for it to be meaningful20:30
mattfit returns the versions20:31
jspeidelthat makes sense20:31
jspeidelso versions are a sub-resource of the plugin instance endpoint20:31
mattffor better or worse20:31
jspeidelno, that is good20:31
jspeidelthen we would have20:32
mattfwell, i'm starting to wonder if we're exposing an impl detail, shouldn't have have /plugins return {HDP1, HDP2, IDH2, IDH3, Vanilla1, Vanilla2}20:32
mattf /plguins/:name/versions/:version is more rest-y, at first glance20:32
jspeidelif you query the plugins collections resource you should get HDP, IDH vanilla20:32
jspeidelthen you can drill down to the versions for each plugin20:33
mattfwhy should /plugins return HDP instead of HDP1 and HDP2 ?20:33
jspeidelnot an impl detail, an api detail20:33
jspeidelit could, but to me it seems more logical to have a common parent for all related plugin versions20:34
jspeidelHDP1 and HDP2 are not distinct plugins20:34
jspeidelthey are the same HDP plugin20:34
mattfit means clients have to make an extra call to get the details they want20:34
mattf<jspeidel> HDP1 and HDP2 are not distinct plugins20:34
mattf<jspeidel> they are the same HDP plugin20:34
mattf^^ that's the impl detail imho20:34
mattfwho cares that they happen to be the same module on the backend (impl)?20:35
jspeidelwill they not have any common data?20:35
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mattfi'd expect they have data that intersects but doesn't completely overlap20:36
mattfe.g. process names between hdp1 and hdp2 are different20:36
mattfsome of the config is the same, but not all20:36
mattfas it stands, /plugins/HDP doesn't give you common data between all versions20:36
jspeidelwhat does it return?20:37
mattfit's kinda just an extra level (http call) before the client gets to the good stuff20:37
mattf /plugins atm should return HDP, IDH, Vanilla20:37
mattf /plugins/HDP would return the versions 1 & 220:37
mattftmckay, do yuo have a working sahara cli atm, mine is still called savanna and semi busted (gotta fix it still)20:38
jspeidelthat makes alot of sense to me20:38
mattfdoes it make sense primarily because the code is organized into an HDP plugin module that supports two versions of HDP, v1 and v2?20:39
mattf...because i'd call that an impl detail that doesn't need to be exposed through the api. the client cares mostly for HDP1 or HDP220:39
tmckaymattf, yes, I've been testing with master.20:39
jspeidelit makes sense to me because different versions of the same plugin are related20:39
mattftmckay, will you pastebin the output of sahara plugins-list and plugins-show ?20:40
mattftmckay, thanks20:40
jspeidelanyway, perhaps we can get back to this later and continue discussion on other api points20:40
jspeidelsuch as queries and the basic collection/intance model20:41
mattfwe debated queries a few months back, turns out the way to go is to do queries client side20:42
jspeidelif we can agree on these then the above question of what a plugin is should be easy to get resolution on20:42
mattfnova, keystone, cinder, neutron, swift clients20:43
mattfopenstack common client too20:43
jspeidelso if a user wanted to get a plugin with name=foo and prop2=bar, how would he do it?20:44
mattfthe code is less than straight forward. it you look at the Resources you'll find a FindableResource (or something similar)20:44
mattfyou can't right now.20:44
jspeidelwe would need to have a distinct endpoint for each queryable field?20:44
mattfgiven the infra we currently have, the code would grab all plugins and do a search client side20:45
jspeidelin v2 are we wanting to do better?20:45
mattf(FindResource, not Findable)20:46
mattftmckay, thanks, can do oyu a --version too for hdp?20:46
mattfjspeidel, imho, query for plugins at least isn't very valuable20:47
jspeidelwhat about for any of the resources that are exposed in out api?20:47
mattfjspeidel, for other types query is more valuable, creating the infra service side may be more work than its worth tho20:47
jspeidelmattf, I guess my question is what is the goal of the v2 api20:48
jspeidelmattf, and then how much work do we want to put into it20:49
mattf - Goal of the v2 API is a consistent and clean evolution of the v1.0 and v1.1 APIs.20:49
mattfjspeidel, i've already put a lot of work into it20:49
elmikois there a documentation of the /v1.1/{tenant id}/clusters endpoint?20:51
mattfelmiko, should be in the api docs20:51
jspeidelmattf, I wasn't implying that there wasn't alot of effort put into the api20:51
jspeidelmattf, my apologies if I cam across that way20:51
mattfjspeidel, oh no worries. just saying i've been around the block on it.20:52
* mattf didn't take it that way at all20:52
elmikomattf: i don't see the /clusters endpoint in there (sorry to interrupt)20:52
jspeidelmattf, in the bp it really doesn't say much about query capabilities and query use cases20:52
jspeidelmattf, I was also questioning the somewhat inconsistent pattern such as ('/plugins/<name>/<version>'20:53
jspeidelwhich doesnt follow the collection/instance pattern20:54
mattfelmiko, my bad20:54
elmikomattf: thanks20:54
mattftmckay, sorry, i forgot --version was todo because the py client doesn't support it20:54
mattfnow i'm wondering why we have it at all20:54
jspeidelmattf, I would think that this would instead be "/plugins/HDP/versions/2.0"20:54
mattfjspeidel, query was pushed off for v3, imho20:55
jspeidelmattf, ok, then we won't discuss query :)20:55
mattfjspeidel, that's perfectly reasonable. i'd like to debate some more if we even expose HDP distinct from HDP2.020:55
mattf# TODO(mattf) - saharaclient does not support query w/ version20:56
mattf#           metavar='<version>',20:56
mattf#           help='Optional version')20:56
mattfdef do_plugin_show(cs, args):20:56
tmckaymattf, ack20:56
mattfjspeidel, ^^ the client doesn't even let you get at the version details, so i'm kinda wondering what's going on. i've swapped out all the context...20:56
jspeidelmattf, ^^ ouch20:56
mattfjspeidel, imho /plugins/HDP/versions/2.0 is more rest-y and thus cleaner20:57
jspeidelmattf, so all you can get is the generic plugin info?20:57
jspeidelmattf, +120:57
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mattf$ sahara plugin-show --name hdp21:02
mattfPlugin {u'title': u'Hortonworks Data Platform', u'description': u'The Hortonworks OpenStack plugin works with project Savanna to automate the deployment of the Hortonworks data platform on OpenStack based public & private clouds', u'name': u'hdp', u'versions': [u'2.0.6', u'1.3.2']}21:02
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jspeidelmattf, seems that we have agreement on the collction/instance pattern and that this is followed for all uri's in the bp except the one we just dicussed21:02
jspeidelmattf, and that we will punt query to v321:02
mattf$ grep -A3 get_version saharaclient/api/plugins.py21:04
mattf    def get_version_details(self, plugin_name, hadoop_version):21:04
mattf        return self._get('/plugins/%s/%s' % (plugin_name, hadoop_version),21:04
mattf                         'plugin')21:04
mattfso my TODO is wrong21:04
* mattf wipes brow, world is sane21:04
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mattfjspeidel, yeah, i still want to challenge if we have plugin + version or just plugin w/ version21:05
jspeidelmattf, great21:05
jspeidelmattf, need to run in 5 mins, maybe we can sleep on it and come back tomorrow?21:05
mattfjspeidel, there are still a few things to debate, like access to convert config (from spi), where you're knowledge of good rest apis will come in very handy21:06
mattfjspeidel, we debated a good deal on openstack-dev21:06
mattfi'm pto tomorrow21:06
jspeidelmattf, then monday?21:06
mattfalso in some old meeting minutes21:06
mattfmonday it is21:06
jspeidelmattf, it's a date21:07
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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Integration tests for IDH 3.0.2
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