Wednesday, 2014-04-23

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openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Moved information about processes names to plugins
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, can someone look at the ci lab - - failure appears to be a dns issue08:41
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dmitrymemattf: IvanBerezovsky taken a look into it. The hostname resolution errors are misleading. They are actually harmless and caused by calling 'sudo' while machine hostname is not setup properly. The issue is caused by the change itself - see Ivan's comment on that09:02
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mattfdmitryme, thanks missed one in my rebase shuffle11:18
mattfIvanBerezovskiy, good catch11:18
mattftho i'm a bit concerned that adding root-passwd breaks the ci11:18
mattfIvanBerezovskiy, dmitryme, what is the host system for the ci?11:18
IvanBerezovskiymattf, ubuntu11:19
mattfis it just that sudo doesn't work on the ci system?11:21
mattfif so the cdh-hadoop element likely doesn't work11:22
mattfSergeyLukjanov, +a ?
IvanBerezovskiymattf, sudo is ok. You can see warnings like  'unable to resolv host ...'. It means that hostname isn't in /etc/hosts11:22
openstackgerritMatthew Farrellee proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Add -d option to vanilla images
mattfError during setup password for root11:24
mattfIvanBerezovskiy, think ^^ is the real failure?11:24
mattfare you able to build an image w/ the new -d option (add root-passwd to elements)?11:24
IvanBerezovskiymattf, real failure is 'Error during setup password for root'11:25
IvanBerezovskiymattf, i don't build images now11:25
SergeyLukjanovmattf, is in my backlog11:28
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: hey, are you there?11:35
crobertsrhI am!11:35
crobertsrhwas sick yesterday11:35
SergeyLukjanovcrobertsrh, hey, how are you?11:36
SergeyLukjanovcrobertsrh, have you received some notes re horizon meeting from mattf?11:36
crobertsrhmuch better this morning11:36
crobertsrhI did...I'll add some testing notes11:37
crobertsrhwas there a resolution on where to put the code/organization?11:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Detect selinux passwd setting bug
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, aignatov, +A?
tmckaysrc/ warning: [deprecation] Job(Configuration,String) in Job has been deprecated12:59
tmckay    Job job = new Job(conf, "word count");12:59
tmckayI hope this is why my swift confs aren't getting through in Java actions under 2.3.013:00
tmckaystill, "deprecated" shouldn't mean broken ... but it might13:00
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tmckaybe back soon13:12
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tellesnobregacrobertsrh: sorry, i just saw it now. Feeling better? how is the migration of sahara UI into horizon going?13:12
crobertsrhtellesnobrega:  I'm doing a bit least enough to work today, thanks.  I hope to get some patches up for sahara UI migration today.13:14
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: i was thinking about working on this, but i don't know how far you have gone, and if there is still something left to do13:15
crobertsrhI should be able to get all the panels incorporated fairly quickly now...there was a discussion in the horizon weekly meeting yesterday that I was waiting on.  They were discussing how/where to incorporate the sahara code.13:16
crobertsrhOnce I get the panels in, I might need a hand with other tweaks that are required/requested13:17
crobertsrhI will keep you posted....also, please review the patches I send up, that will help greatly.13:19
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openstackgerritDaniele Venzano proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Better setup for custom Java installation
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: will do, thanks13:24
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openstackgerritDaniele Venzano proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Better setup for custom Java installation
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elmikohow frequently are centos images created with the plain hadoop version?14:08
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crobertsrhtellesnobrega:  Upon further thought, I think that moving the panels over to horizon might be easy enough to split-up.  If you're still interested in doing some, let me know.14:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Moved information about processes names to plugins
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Updated architecture diagram in docs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Forced lowercase for instance names
openstackgerritRobert Nettleton proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Adds SSH support to HDP plain VM image
elmikobob_nettleton: i've been building some centos images using the base element and things are going well so far. i'm curious if there was a historical reason that it was turned off?17:19
bob_nettletonelmiko, Hi, I'm not entirely sure.  When I added the HDP images to the build, I used the same patterns/conventions used by the vanilla plugin image scripts.  It's possible that using base does not cause a problem anymore.  Who could we ask regarding the vanilla image generation for CentOS?  Is it somebody from Mirtantis?17:21
elmikoi'm not sure about who to ask, i've been trying to confirm that these images work by running them through the stack.17:22
elmikoi've only just started the testing work, but i figure if everything works while using the base element as part of the image creation we might want to turn it back on.17:23
bob_nettletonelmiko, yeah, it might be a good idea.  What kind of things are added by base though?  My only concern is that somebody must have had a reason for that -n.  :)17:23
elmikoyea, that's what i'd like to know as well. i've been asking around but no answers yet /shrug17:24
elmikobob_nettleton: i figure, at the least, if i keep testing and come up with good results it will push the issue and hopefully the answer will emerge at that point.17:26
bob_nettletonelmiko, sure.  makes sense.  Are you trying with the vanilla images or HDP, or both?17:26
elmikoi've been testing hdp so far17:27
elmikoi haven't yet made it to running jobs as i still have some configuration issues with the hdp plugin17:27
bob_nettletonelmiko, I've just taken a quick look at the "base" element.  There are a few things that look almost Ubuntu-specific, so that may be a concern.  One of the scripts also forces a package manager update across the system, so maybe this was a potential problem a while back.17:31
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elmikobob_nettleton: ok, that makes some sense17:32
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crobertsrhNikitaKonovalov:  I re-patched my sahara api review, but are you sure that the new way is really better?  The new way is more flexible, but I'm not sure I like making the user add that to their config since it's not something that is ever going to change.17:45
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Add support various oozie version for vanilla images
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openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: correcting the elements sequence for centos+hdp+plain+debug
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tmckayanyone know how to force jdb to see source files?19:51
tmckaytrying to track down this exception with swift configs in hadoop 2.3.019:51
tmckayI've got WordCount in the debugger, but I can't look at sources.  Even if I put source in the current directory19:52
tmckayor, anybody know another command line debugger besides jdb?19:52
elmikodo you need to adjust the classpath that the debugger knows about?20:00
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tmckayelmiko, hmm, could be pilot error20:22
elmikoi'm definitely not the goto guy for java, i'm just tossin it out there20:23
tmckayI may have found my issue ... testing a theory now20:24
tmckayelmiko, I ain't no Java guy either20:24
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tmckayelimiko, another laugh or cry dilemna20:48
elmikouh oh...20:48
tmckayelmiko, the Java action example I was using is a modified WordCount from hadoop examples.  I just added some stuff to make it work with Oozie swift configs20:50
elmikosounds cool so far20:50
tmckayelmiko, but I never changed the package name.  In hadoop 1.2.1, it didn't matter.  In hadoop 2.3.0, the original hadoop example jar is on the classpath and it ran that one instead of mine ....20:51
tmckayso, it looked like it was executing, but it always complained that the swift configs weren't there.  Which they wouldn't be.20:51
tmckayname space problem, masked by 1.2.1, blows up in 2.3.0.  Duh.20:52
elmikohey, at least you found it within the day :)20:53
tmckayyeah, been busted for a while.  I decided to find it today.20:54
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, aignatov, if we are going to make sahara java packages (for examples, let's say) what should we use for a namespace? org.openstack.sahara.examples?20:55
* tmckay goes with it20:58
elmikosounds good to me, fwiw20:58
tmckayon the bright side, I found out how to compile it on 2.3.0 :)20:59
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tmckayI think I need to break up the resource dirs for tests into hadoop-version specific dirs, and probably include the source.  I'll have to double check if the 1.2.1 compiled jar will run on 2.3.0 ( I think I read that it won't)21:04
elmikowhat do the resource dirs hold?21:06
tmckayelmiko, for the integration tests, the reource dirs have some jars.21:08
tmckaytruth is, they should have source code, too, and build instructions (not just jars)21:08
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elmikotmckay: when you run instances in devstack, do they ever have a route to the internet?21:25
tmckayI believe so.  If I use floating ips.21:26
elmikodoes your floatingip pool share an ip range with the physnet?21:26
tmckayhaven't checked for a while, but I think I had that working under both neutron and nova21:26
tmckaylooks like most recently I just let floating_range get the default21:27
elmikoi'm using neutron and just doing some sanity testing on these image, but it's strange they don't have a route to the internet21:27
tmckayI'll have to check again, looks like I have nova set up at the moment (don't remember why)21:28
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