Monday, 2014-04-28

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritYaroslav Lobankov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IT] More coverage of EDP in tests
openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add sahara-all binary
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mattfdmitryme, ^^ smart, my first objection to the api/engine split was going to be on the lines of complexity (1 service -> 2 services + message bus), my second objection was going to be along the lines of "when does a deployment need a separate api & engine" -- having a sahara-all eases my concerns13:06
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mattfthat said, the bp for the api/engine split needs to contain criteria for when the split is necessary -- at what level of cluster scale, openstack scale, network layout, multi-tenancy do we need to stop using sahara-all and start using sahara-api + n sahara-engines13:07
dmitrymemattf: the idea to add sahara-all alias came from SergeyLukjanov13:17
mattfdmitryme, what's the criteria where a sahara user would want to split the api/engine?13:18
dmitrymeregarding the rationale on why to split sahara into api and engine, I see the main gain in splitting user-interacting part from provisioning one. That way whatever happens during provisioning, the API and UI will be responsive. The monolithic sahara-all might get stuck on provisioning and stop responding to the user's requests, or do this very slowly.13:20
mattfi'm 100% with you there, but doing the split adds deployment complexity. so i'd like to know when it is advised to do the split.13:21
mattffor instance, we can define "very slowly" to mean it takes > 5 minutes to start a 32 instance cluster13:22
mattfthen we figure out what may cause >5 min provisioning time, and say if you're a deployment in said environment then we recommend you use sahara-api+engine instead of sahara-all13:22
mattfanother tack is to not talk about performance, but about user interaction. if you have X users of sahara & cluster churn rate of Y, then you'll experience delays as the sahara-all engine is going to serialize operations, in such an environment you should deploy api+engine13:24
mattfwith motivations of ^^ form that are concrete, doing the api+engine split is nice engineering and architecture, but doesn't address a concrete need and may decrease usability (reliability & increase deployment complexity) of sahara13:25
* mattf hops off soapbox for a bit13:25
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dmitrymemattf: I pick option #2 of those proposed by you: do not talk about performance, but about user interaction. As for the threshold when to deploy split Sahara services, I think the right answer is 'whenever you go in production'. Running two services is not complicated in OpenStack in general. Nova and Neutron have more than 5 each. And they do this for the very same reason: to increase manageability of the service. Also remember that split is only13:33
dmitrymepart of overall plan. Did you see the spec link in the blueprint?
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-extra: Change the package name of the example to org.openstack.sahara.examples
mattfdmitryme, i'm skimming it again. it looked out of date to me before. still does actually, there's an s-conductor in there, and i thought that idea died on the vine.13:39
mattf...and was chopped off13:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Better setup for custom Java installation
dmitrymemattf: we figured we don't really need DB access as a separate service. The only reason Nova does that is because it needs to run agent on compute nodes, which are considered to be 'untrusted'. On the other side, with the local conductor we've reached another goal: we incapsulated all the DB logic inside the conductor, while before that DB model objects were scattered all over the source code.13:50
tellesnobregahi, when using CentOS vanilla image for sahara, is there any password needed?13:52
mattfdmitryme, will you be updating the bp?13:55
dmitrymetellesnobrega: nope, you should get access to the instance via keypair you've specified during boot13:55
tellesnobregadmitryme: ok13:56
dmitrymemattf: ok. I will discuss that with SergeyLukjanov and either me or he will update the blueprint13:57
tmckaycrobertsrh, I started thinking about ways to streamline job running -- I wonder if we can create/destroy data source objects on the fly and skip a step for the user (via CLI or UI)13:57
SergeyLukjanovdmitryme, you, please :)13:57
crobertsrhtmckay:  Hmm, that is probably do-able.13:57
tmckaycrobertsrh, currently, data source objects are only 1) path and 2) credentials for swift.  They could be passed directly as arguments in job executions13:58
dmitrymeSergeyLukjanov: ok :-)13:58
mattfdmitryme, thx13:58
crobertsrhIs there any use case for still allowing the more permanent versions of data sources?13:58
tmckayfor hdfs data sources, the job execution just needs 2 url strings.  For the current swift impl, we could extend the url a la qpid and have swift://user@password/container.sahara/object13:59
crobertsrhI suppose there might be some benefit to defining the DS once and reusing it13:59
tmckaycrobertsrh, well, there could be13:59
tmckayI was thinking that we make the treatment context sensitive.  If you pass on ID, you get data source objects.  If you pass url strings, you get transient objects created/destroyed for you under the hood14:00
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crobertsrhThat makes sense to me14:00
tmckaycrobertsrh, that lets someone launch a job just by defining the binaries, grouping them in the job, and launching14:00
crobertsrhI do like the potential for the minimalist path to execution.14:01
SergeyLukjanovfolks, I'm mostly offline today, will read scrollback tomorrow14:01
SergeyLukjanovif you need something - please, ping me directly in private msg14:02
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Split sahara into sahara-api and sahara-engine
tmckaycrobertsrh, all we need is a hook to mark transient data sources and blow them away when the job completes, or alternatively pipe the path info straight in to the job execution if it's not too much trouble for the job manager (currently built around data sources)14:15
dmitrymetmckay: re swift://user@password/container.sahara/object . Credentials are not enough, you might need to supply tenant name or region name as well for Swift14:15
tmckaycrobertsrh, the other question is what to do about advanced swift authentication14:15
crobertsrhright, yhat might be trickier14:16
tmckaydmitryme, could be.  We don't do that currently.14:16
tmckayworth thinking about, though.  crobertsrh, dimitryme, when I was running a bunch of jobs for testing/playing with demos, it seemed to me that having to create the data objects as a separate step slowed me down.14:17
tmckayunless I was running the same job with the same in put over and over ....14:17
dmitrymetmckay: right now I don't see how we can improve it. We can provide user with ability to specify data sources inline in Job Creation dialog. But that will not be much faster IMHO14:21
dmitrymehmm, but maybe it can be viable and faster, I am not sure14:22
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tmckaydmitryme, agreed.  I'm not sure if it's a win or not.  We might want to think about how to combine it with better authentication -- we've already raised issues about passing swift credentials around (storing in the database, putting in the oozie flows in plain text, etc)14:27
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add EDP jobs to cli integration tests
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Stub integration tests for vanilla, vanilla2 and hdp plugins
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Change the package name of the example to org.openstack.sahara.examples
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add cli cluster creation and teardown test
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add EDP jobs to cli integration tests
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Add EDP jobs to cli integration tests
tmckaymattf, changed default skip_all to True for hdp/vanilla2 on those CLI CRs16:08
* tmckay looks for a Hive example to play with16:09
mattfkinda bummer. i'd hope vanilla2/hdp2 would be default16:09
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tmckayhmm, right, vanilla is kind of old news16:13
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tmckayhmm, I'm getting Service Temporarily Unavailable on  Anyone else?16:45
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dmitrymetmckay: Gerrit is down for upgrade16:46
tmckaydmitryme, oh, thanks16:48
elmikotmckay: you broke it16:48
tmckayelmiko, probably :-D16:49
elmikoyou've abused your gerrit privileges and angered it ;)16:50
tmckaytoo many rebases16:50
elmikolol, that would do it16:50
crobertsrhAh...small heads-up.  Gerrit is currently down.
elmikoyea, tmckay broke it16:58
crobertsrhheh, dmitryme beat me to it :)16:59
crobertsrhand yes, tmckay broke it16:59
tmckaylol, I'm looking at a bagger for my mower, maybe I should take up landscaping17:00
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elmikoErikB1: hey Erik, did you or Bob get a chance to look at that email I sent last week?19:07
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elmikoif i'm using use_neutron=true, i should use_floating_ips=false and use_namespaces=true?20:18
tmckayelmiko, you can use floating ips with neutron if you want to, but you have to tell horizon, too that you're using neutron, and you have to supply a floating ip pool value with the node template20:34
tmckaybut, I think "false" is fine20:34
elmikodo i need false if i turn namespaces on though?20:34
tmckayI don't know20:35
elmikoalso, it looks like devstack sets sahara up for neutron and floatingips. i'm just trying to get a little deeper into the configs20:35
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elmikocool, and i just figured out how to manipulate the conf from local.conf.20:38
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tmckayhmm, well, I got a hive job to run on my vanilla node, invoking hive directly.  I wonder if I can make it work from oozie now :)21:13
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