Wednesday, 2014-05-07

tmckayI was using an older version00:01
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tmckayelmiko, you interested in bigpetstore instructions too?00:33
elmikosure, why not :)00:33
tmckayokay, just running through it again to make sure it's up to date with the current git.  I'll cc you on the updated instructions00:34
elmikocool, thanks00:35
tmckaytomorrow maybe I can get to the bottom of the piglib.  that would be great.  With plenty of time to spare :)00:35
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tmckayaignatov, okay, I sent you instructions.  You should be able to build the bps jar yourself, and grab the oozie pig lib from a 2.3.0 node.  I can compress them and send them to you otherwise.00:52
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openstackgerritDaniele Venzano proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add Spark plugin to Sahara
crobertsrhanyone know off hand whether or not the keystone service catalog gets cached?13:41
crobertsrh...and how to clear the cache manually?13:41
crobertsrhI'm thinking some caching must be going on.  I setup my stack....ran horizon, got Serv Catalog exception....added sahara service type and endpoints, but still get SC exception13:42
dmitrymecrobertsrh: where do you get it?13:54
openstackgerritMaxence Dalmais proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Update to fix hdp resources path
crobertsrhAnytime I hit a sahara panel (which tries to get the sahara endpoint)13:55
crobertsrhI think I figured it out13:55
crobertsrhthere is a config in keystone for cache expiration13:55
dmitrymecrobertsrh: interesting, didn’t met the problem so far13:58
crobertsrhHmm, maybe that didn't fix it13:58
crobertsrhI changed the expiry value and restarted keystone13:58
crobertsrhI'm still getting the service catalog exception13:58
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dmitrymerun ‘keystone catalog’, do you get the right endpoint with the right name?13:59
dmitryme* with the right type - ‘data_processing’14:01
dmitrymeI have no other ideas what might be missing14:05
crobertsrhI'm just restacking and hoping it will be resolved14:07
crobertsrhworking fine now14:13
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: correcting the paths
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/puppet-sahara: Updating the puppet module to reference Sahara
crobertsrhtmckay:  Looks like the tables not updating issue is actually a problem in the horizon code itself.  I've talked with the horizon crew and filed a bug.
tmckaycrobertsrh, cool, thanks!14:43
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tmckayaignatov, ping, did you see my email?  Make sense?14:51
tmckayon the bigpetstore run14:51
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crobertsrhtmckay:  side note...I have also uploaded a fix for the bug.  If you want, I can update the OS1 instance with the fix this afternoon.15:08
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openstackgerritMaxence Dalmais proposed a change to openstack/sahara:  correcting the paths
mattfcrobertsrh, service catalog is cached client side15:22
crobertsrhOf course it is...that explains why my earlier efforts were fruitless :)15:23
mattfor as part of the client's session15:23
mattflogout + in may do the trick15:23
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crobertsrhI eventually figured it out15:23
mattf^^ hard fought knowledge15:24
crobertsrhAnd this time, I added the endpoint creation to my for my devstack.  I shouldn't have to worry about it again.15:24
tmckaycrobertsrh, yeah, an update would be fine15:50
crobertsrhOk, I should be able to make that happen15:50
aignatovtmckay: yes, thanx for the detailed dscription for bigpetstore scenario16:08
tmckayaignatov, still poking at sharelib issues.  Going to go ahead and see if I can run part 3 standalone first. I did find "mapreduce.job.classpath.files" buried in the conf.xml for a Java job, which references the sharelib.  I think the key for Java which invokes Pig may be to figure out how to get the Pig lib listed in that value16:11
tmckayIt's a comma separated list16:12
tmckayanother solution in the future possibly is to implement <files> and <archives> tags, too.16:13
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tmckayaignatov, update, I think Pig will run, the case of "$input" and "$output" made it break.  Now I just have to get the path right (I think we need my hdfs path patch)16:53
tmckaycrobertsrh, ^^ any progress on UI fix for simple hdfs paths?16:54
crobertsrhI haven't had any chance to look yet.16:54
crobertsrhpuppet madness mostly, then the horizon bug fix this morning16:54
crobertsrhHopefully, I can get to it this afternoon16:54
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tmckaycrobertsrh, you know what else we need?  A UI link to pull up the Sahara logs for dev support17:01
tmckaywell, maybe not.  I should at least pipe the logs somewhere.17:02
tmckayhmm, I don't seem to be able to submit jobs to oozie anymore.  Need a restart17:04
crobertsrhtmckay:  mind if I restart horizon now?17:07
tmckaycrobertsrh, no, that's fine. I was about to restart sahara17:09
tmckayI set the logfile to sahara.out17:09
tmckaycrobertsrh, ok, it's logging to sahara.out and I turned on debug17:11
crobertsrhah, ok :)17:11
tmckaySomething happened with the connection to Oozie ...17:11
tmckaythat would have been a good one to see17:11
tmckayseeing as Oozie is currently the cornerstone17:12
crobertsrhOk, looks like horizon is up with my fix included17:12
crobertsrhLet me know if you continue to see non-updates.17:12
tmckaycrobertsrh, thank you17:12
tmckaycrobertsrh, hmm, had repeated failures to write to hdfs from sahara17:23
tmckaythat's a new one.17:23
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crobertsrhThat is fresh and exciting17:25
crobertsrhWas it with an old cluster that had been tinkered with?17:25
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tmckaycrobertsrh, it wasn't too old.  I think I launched it end of last week17:38
tmckayIt was working fine all day yesterday17:38
crobertsrhStrange.  Any chance one of the processes died somehow?17:38
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tmckaycrobertsrh, not sure.  I didn't poke at it too hard since I'm chasing other issues17:50
tmckaycrobertsrh, btw, looks like updates are working17:50
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tmckaycrobertsrh, heh, that hdfs error is apparently because there is something wrong with the binary internal.  Download link from sahara fails too.18:16
tmckayI'm guess for some reason the data is coming back None.  Perhaps upload failed in the first place?18:16
tmckayI may go back and instert pdb on that one later ...18:17
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crobertsrhhmm, that's strange.  Was it a fairly large file?18:20
tmckayno, 3k.  I can't seem to upload any job binaries to internal on OS1 currently18:21
tmckaylooks like it's failing during keystone auth of the request18:22
tmckayI'll try starting again18:23
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crobertsrhThat's really weird.18:31
crobertsrhI'll give it a go as well.18:31
crobertsrhI can't even connect atm18:31
tmckaycrobertsrh, I wonder if a token expired.18:33
crobertsrhCould be, but that's still strange.  We would have seen it before, wouldn't we?18:34
crobertsrhI can't upload either18:34
tmckayUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 11: invalid start byte18:34
tmckayalright, I may just try a restart18:38
tmckaycrobertsrh, so when we start this, we don't need to source an rc or anything, do we?18:44
tmckayk, gonna try restsrt sahara/horizon both.18:45
crobertsrhgo for it18:45
crobertsrhany chance binary upload works from cli?18:45
tmckaycan't try the cli, because we still have that cert token problem18:46
tmckayWe're not set up for it yet18:46
crobertsrhah :)18:46
crobertsrhIs it the json parsing that is throwing that exception?18:47
tmckayI wonder if a horizon update killed it18:52
tmckayJSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 2 (char 1)18:52
tmckayis it because I have logging on?18:52
tmckaycrobertsrh, yeah, it's below the "" call18:52
tmckaybecause I had it output requests/response18:53
tmckayLet me turn that off.  Heisenbug.18:53
crobertsrhPossible.  I can revert to something less recent.18:54
crobertsrhI think there were a few other changes that came in with my change.18:55
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tmckaythat's it, crobertsrh.  Logging request/response crashes Sahara request processing inside the middleware_auth_token stuff18:58
tmckayaignatov, fyi ^^.  This needs a launchpad bug.18:58
tmckaysigh, finally.  I got the bps_analytics to run as a standalone 3rd job.19:06
tmckaynow the only question is what's up with the oozie share lib and Pig19:06
tmckayand having the relative path fix in would be nice.19:07
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openstackgerritRobert Nettleton proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Turns off ambari and hadoop2 services for initial VM boot in HDP images
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