Monday, 2014-07-07

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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add vanilla plugin with Hadoop 2.4.0
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Add support building images for Hadoop 2.4.0
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Added validation check for number of datanodes
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix formatting in readme on vanilla configs
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix formatting in readme for vanilla configs
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to stackforge/sahara-guestagent: In .gitreview rename savanna to sahara.
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to stackforge/sahara-guestagent: In .gitreview rename savanna to sahara.
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aignatovcrobertsrh: Congrats, 50th patch set :) Looks like a huge anniversary!15:43
elmikoi knew he was going for the record15:43
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tellesnobregahi, im starting to implement a storm plugin for sahara, and i have some question that you guys can help me out with16:30
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toskytmckay: ^^16:30
tellesnobregastorm doesnt use namenode, datanode it has only master and slave nodes and zookeeper16:31
tellesnobregathe get_instances method returns instances based on the node_groups16:31
tellesnobregashould storm use node_groups as well? The way I see the groups would only be about having a zookeeper in the instance or not16:34
tellesnobregadoes that make sense?16:34
crobertsrhaignatov:  Yes... a rather dubious anniversary.16:37
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aignatovtellesnobrega: that’s make sense, also if you want to have mixed topologies (if it’s posible in storm architecture) you should describe your topology in terms of node_groups16:51
aignatovalso how could you manage master and slaves placement without node gorups?16:52
tellesnobregaaignatov: huum. that makes sense. What do you mean by mixed topologies?16:54
tellesnobregahaving the master and slave in the same instance?16:54
aignatovI mean, if you want to deploy master on some VM and using flovor A for it and 10 slaves which use flavor B for others VMs I only think about node_groups16:55
tellesnobregaaignatov: i see, that makes perfect sense. And yes, this is possible in storm16:57
aignatovso I must use node groups for master, slaves and zookeeper nodes :)16:57
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tellesnobregathat makes things easier since i can reuse what is already done16:58
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openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Update docs to reflect the changes in security group section in horizon
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tellesnobregai'm following spark's plugins implementation, but i'm a little confused with the config_helper part. Are those configurations needed for sahara or for the instances running Spark?20:34
openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Update docs to reflect the changes in security group section in horizon
tellesnobregaor both?20:34
elmikotellesnobrega: on a quick look, those look like instance configs. let me dig a little more20:38
tellesnobregasure, thanks20:38
elmikohmm, think it may be both20:39
elmikothose xml files look like files that live in sahara which get uploaded to the instances20:39
elmikoyea, my best guess is both. some of the stuff in looks like sahara config stuff20:40
elmikomind you, i've only just looked at it. tmckay is the one to ask, when he gets back.20:40
tellesnobregai will for sure20:40
tellesnobregastorm config is really simple, I just need to set up in /etc/hosts the machines that are part of the cluster and storm it self has one config file and the master has a list of slave nodes. I think that is all that is going to be needed to have it running20:42
elmikolooks like some of what config_helper does is interpolate config options to the xml files that need to be on the instances20:42
elmikotellesnobrega: might be worthwhile to start simple, get the basic configs working, then expand to allowing more configurable behavior like what's going on in config_helper20:42
tellesnobregathat is what im thinking. Cleaning some of this stuff up and work my up to have it all20:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix tools/get_auth_token
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-saharaclient: Fixes ambiguous cli output between "None" and NoneType
sballeelmiko, Hi, still me :-) I am now ready to run a test on my hadoop cluster. I took the pig example from sahara-extra/ edp-examples/pig-job. I defined two data sources input and output, I defined two binary jobs udf.jar and example.pig, I defined a job that which include example.pig as the main binary and udf.jar as the libs.21:26
sballeI get job successfully creater but when I launch the job I get Error: " None and Error "Could not luanch job".21:28
sballeHas anyone tested the example.pig in the sahara-extra repo?21:28
sballeRobLevas, Do yu have any advise? on ^^^21:40
RobLevassballe: I don't have any experience running the tests in sahara-extra... sorry. :(21:41
sballeDo you have experience running any other jobs with sahara? At this point I cannot get any further than setting up the cluster but I haven't been able to run any example codes21:42
sballeI volunteered to fix a bug that is super simepl to fix but I cannot test my fix because I cannot get a job to run :-(21:43
sballeRobLevas, If i remember correctly you were familiar with the HortonWorks plug-in. I will try to use that instead and maybe I can get soem guidance from you :)21:54
RobLevassballe: I do have some experience witht he22:03
RobLevassballe: ... with the HDP plugin. I added the ability to install Hue.22:04
RobLevassballe: using Hue, you can run through a bunch of tutorials from
sballeok I would liek to start simple. What is the hello world type job I can run just to see it it works?22:05
RobLevasHmm... I dont really know of I "hello world" like example.22:06
sballeit doesn'have to be hellow world but just somethign taht tells me that my cluster works end ot end22:07
RobLevasmost of the examples in the tutorial requires you to upload a file or two and type in a pig script.... the NYSE stock tutorial isnt too bad to get going -
sballeok that is the vele of complexity I am looking for.22:08
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