Thursday, 2014-10-09

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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/sahara-ci-config: Revert "Set Vanilla 2.4 jobs as non-voting (broken heat master)"
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Fix problem with cloud-init on nova-network
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Fix problem with cloud-init on nova-network
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zigoWhat are sahara-image-elements and sahara-extra for?15:12
zigoDo we need them in Debian too?15:12
elmikozigo: sahara-image-elements contains the script and diskimage builder elements to create sahara ready vm images15:13
elmikozigo: sahara-extra is moving towards deprecation, let me see what it still contains15:13
elmikosahara-extra used to have our examples and the hadoop-swift filesystem component.15:14
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elmikoi think it only has the hadoop-swiftfs still15:14
elmikozigo: yea, sahara-extra contains the hadoop swift filesystem component, and that's all currently.15:15
zigoelmiko: If it is to be deprecated, can I skip it?15:15
zigoOr is it still useful?15:16
elmikozigo: good question. the only thing that someone would use it for now would be building the hadoop-swiftfs stuff. so it's like a dev thing.15:16
zigoAh ok.15:16
zigoSo not for final end users?15:16
elmikousers who are interested in being on the bleeding edge would probably need it, but that's about it15:16
elmikolikewise, image-elements will be needed by anyone who wants to generate their own VM images15:17
zigoelmiko: You mean, there's already pre-built images available somewhere?15:20
elmikozigo: yes15:20
zigoI'll be packaging sahara-image-elements I think.15:20
elmikozigo: has more info on image-elements15:20
toskyzigo: please consider that the packaging script has a dependency on diskimage-builder, or at least on git (it clones the dib repository, unless you specify a variable)15:21
zigotosky: I'll add a dependency on diskimage-builder, yes.15:21
toskyzigo: also, the builder script in sahara-image-elements requires/is guaranteed to work with a specific tag of diskimage-builder15:21
toskyso not master15:21
elmikozigo: also, pregenerated images can be found here for vanilla plugin
toskyyou can force master, but it's not tested15:21
zigotosky: Does it work with the latest tag from diskimage-builder?15:22
toskyzigo: as I wrote, you are on your own15:22
zigotosky: That's not fun! :)15:22
elmikozigo: it currently uses the 0.1.29 tag of DIB as the default15:22
toskythe tag exists because changes in dib sometimes breaks stuff15:22
zigotosky: This looks like a WIP, no?15:22
elmikozigo: it's a dev tool currently15:22
toskywell, from *my* personal point of view, the problem is dib itself, but that's another story :)15:23
zigoProbably I should just package it, but not upload it?15:23
zigoOk, got it.15:23
zigoThen I may wait for a while, until all this stabilizes.15:23
zigotosky: What's special about the image?15:23
elmikoon our doc page we have pregenerated images for several plugins, i think pointing users there is the first step15:23
toskyzigo: it contains hadoop bits15:24
zigoWould it be hard for me to use my own script? (eg: openstack-debian-images)15:24
toskywhat does it do?15:24
zigoI know almost nothing about Hadoop...15:24
elmikoi would say study and the elements15:24
toskyuhm, you would need quite al lot of work, the installation of hadoop requires few steps15:24
zigotosky: It just generates a "normal" OpenStack Debian image, nothing fancy.15:24
toskyzigo: so debian+cloud-init?15:25
zigoI use it for generating the official Debian images in the HP cloud for example.15:25
toskyyou need much more for hadoop, yes15:25
elmikothat probably won't work, we don extra configuration for like cloud-init and, like tosky said, the hadoop bits15:25
zigotosky: Yeah, *EVERYTHING* from Debian repo only, including cloud-init, openstack-debian-images, and a bit more.15:25
zigoEverything is in wheezy-backports too.15:25
toskythere is a mode which allows to use a simple image to be dynamically populated, but I'm not sure how much is tested compared to the "prepopulated image" case15:26
zigoHadoop isn't in Debian, right?15:26
elmikoimo, study the file and the related elements to see how images are configured15:26
zigoIt's looking like it isn't.15:26
zigoMaybe I'll wait and do all of this a bit later.15:27
zigoI'm quite busy with the release right now ...15:27
zigoBTW, did anyone test my Sahara packages?15:27
zigoI'd be happy to have feedback.15:27
toskyan old version was packaged, but I guess removed later:
uvirtbotDebian bug 535861 in wnpp "ITP: hadoop -- Java MapReduce implementation" [Wishlist,Fixed]15:27
toskyand the repository on alioth is not exactly maintained
dmitrymezigo: I did, but I have already told you :-)15:28
toskyso I personally would more this to the bottom of the priorities :)15:28
zigodmitryme: Right! :)15:28
elmikozigo: i've been working on the fedora/redhat packaging, so i'm kinda caught up in that testing15:28
zigoelmiko: Ok, good luck then! :)15:28
zigoI know Thomas Koch, I met him in 2 debconfs already.15:31
zigoI may shoot an email to see why Hadoop has been removed from Debian.15:32
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elmikoi hear there are donuts in openstack-meeting-alt ;)17:59
SergeyLukjanovmeeting time18:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Adding support for oslo.rootwrap to namespace access
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix bashate errors
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Add bashate checks
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Moved and up to plugins dir
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Use new style classes everywhere
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: [IT] Fix deleting transient cluster when cluster in error state
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