Friday, 2015-05-01

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openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed openstack/sahara-specs: Reworking improved secret storage spec
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tmckaywoohoo, ^^ looks like good reading14:40
* tmckay gets snacks and kicks back for castellan14:40
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bjarne_few general questions re creating a new hadoop cluster using Sahara: after creating an instance using Nova, how does sahara execute cmds on the instance? setup ssh keys and run cmds using ssh?15:20
bjarne_and how does sahara connect to the new instance? over public floating IP?15:21
bjarne_does sahara need admin role to be able to call nova,neutron etc apis?15:24
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elmikobjarne_: couple of answers16:19
elmikobjarne_: sahara uses ssh to communicate with the instances of its clusters16:19
elmikoas for the ip addressing, you have the option of using floating ip or static16:19
elmikosahara does need an admin role to run some of its commands to the other services16:19
elmikobjarne_: there are more options for connecting to instances but it is probably best to check the documentation for more information16:20
elmikobjarne_: as for instance creation, you can use heat or the direct engine(which will be deprecated in liberty)16:22
elmikowell, sahara will use heat or direct16:22
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elmikotmckay: ping16:45
elmikoso, you think the spec needs examples for both sahara and barbican configs?16:45
elmikoi mean, it's mostly just a single line change16:46
tmckayelmiko, I think it seemed strange to me because what is shown is the default.  So you normally wouldn't set it.16:47
tmckaynot a big deal, though16:47
tmckayjust a suggestion16:47
elmikook, so maybe just show the barbican example?16:47
tmckayor maybe use that format from the sample configs, where we show the param with #?  I don't know.  Trouble with the barbican one is that it's not final yet :)16:48
elmikoright, plus i figured it might make sense to show how it will appear normally16:49
elmikowhere normally == default =)16:49
tmckayok, that's fine.  It is only a spec after all :)16:50
elmikoyea, i didn't want to define too16:51
elmikoi'll clearly mark that example as the default though16:51
elmikothanks for the comments though =)16:52
bjarne_elmiko: thanks for taking the time to answer16:59
elmikobjarne_: np, hope it helps =)17:00
bjarne_yes, this helps. floating IPs is not an option for me, so I'd have to access instances through a relay machine or custom network namespace17:01
bjarne_for ssh connectivity from sahara server to instances17:03
elmikoif you turn floating ips off, and are using neutron, the instances will still get fixed ips on a private network17:03
elmikobut yea, there are multiple options for allowing sahara to reach the cluster nodes17:04
bjarne_yes .. I'd turn off floating ip17:04
bjarne_just to confirm: if I turn off floating ip and use neutron, then I have to setup a relay machine or custom network namespace for sahara server to be able to connect to instances?17:11
elmikono, you should be able to turn off floating ip and sahara will use the private network supplied to neutron for connection17:11
bjarne_that's the part I don't get .. does it mean sahara server and instances are in the same private network?17:12
elmikowhen creating a cluster you will need to supply a private network for the instances to attach on17:13
elmikosahara will use this network, through a virtual router to communicate with the nodes17:13
elmikothe floating ip option provides a mechanism for operators to create a "public" network that can also attach the instances17:14
elmikolook at the last paragraph in
elmikoit's kinda confusing, but we provide multiple options to help provide operators the most flexibility with their configurations17:15
bjarne_last paragraph is about Policy configuration17:17
elmikooh, i meant in that section. just before the "Notifications configuration"17:18
elmikoit's more or less what we were just discussing17:19
bjarne_yes, thanks a lot elmiko. what part of the code should I look for details re network setup during cluster setup?17:23
bjarne_like create the private network and virtual router17:24
elmikohmm, let me see if i can find a link17:25
elmikoi think that's the actual module that does some of the assignment17:26
elmikobut you will also want to look at the direct and heat engine classes to see how the cluster is provisioned17:27
elmikoi think if you follow those pieces of code around you will see some of this interaction17:28
elmikobjarne_: i gotta run out for a few, good luck!17:30
bjarne_thanks much, elmiko17:31
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openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed openstack/sahara-specs: Reworking improved secret storage spec
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed stackforge/puppet-sahara: Fix Sahara installation for Ubuntu
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed stackforge/puppet-sahara: Beaker tests
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed stackforge/puppet-sahara: Fix Sahara installation for Ubuntu
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed openstack/sahara: Implemented support of placeholders in datasource URLs
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed stackforge/puppet-sahara: Beaker tests
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed stackforge/puppet-sahara: Beaker tests
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