Tuesday, 2017-02-21

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sahithirvhello!! When I try to register an image to sahara image registry with apt username, I get "Object ID not found" error. How to resolve it?06:26
sahithirvthe image visibility is public.06:26
sahithirvThe dataprocessing tab is not visible in dashboard.06:27
frippe75Finally (almost) I was able to deploy a 4 node hadoop cluster using the ambari 2.4 plugin. Used the node templates in the Sahara repo. Now the final stage of the plugin (Start cluster) fails. Kafka , Ambari metrics and HDFS complain about not reaching services on the master node (port 50090,6667,61310). Security group looks good.06:32
frippe75In ambari 3 services are in the stopped state, those listed above. Its the HDFS SNameNode that is failing to start. Tried restarting.06:34
sahithirvfrippe75:I use devstack with sahara, ceilometer and heat enabled. I tried to register sahara-newton-vanilla-ubuntu image.06:37
frippe75Sorry, I'm on a packstack all-in-one with sahara deployed manually.06:38
frippe75newton release.06:38
sahithirvI get error while registering image itself. I haven't created node yet.06:38
frippe75looked at the sahara quickstart for vanilla? That guide worked perfectly for me. Having issues with the slightly more complex ambari setup.06:41
frippe75sahithirv, https://docs.openstack.org/developer/sahara/devref/quickstart.html06:42
sahithirvI am following that. I manually installed sahara client.06:43
sahithirvThat could be the reason why I don't find it on the dashboard?06:43
sahithirvBut why do I get object id not found, I can see the image in the image list.06:44
frippe75are u only using the dashborad??06:44
sahithirvno. I tried to run the dataprocessing image register command from command line and I get this error.06:45
frippe75as admin?06:45
sahithirvfrippe75: How do i ensure it is referring to admin project?06:46
sahithirvDo I ssh first?06:47
frippe75did you source the auto-generated .openrc file for admin (not sure what the name is in devstack)06:48
sahithirvno. I haven't06:48
sahithirvAny reference?06:49
frippe75source openrc admin admin06:49
sahithirvIs openrc similar to local.conf06:52
frippe75think I solved my issue. Tried to restart the SNameNode. stdout was quite clear... "failed; error='Cannot allocate memory' (errno=12)"06:53
frippe75So bumping up the size and re-deploy again...06:53
frippe75sahithirv, when you source the openrc file a few env vars are set OS_ which sets endpoint, user,pass and the project (you should point to the admin one)06:54
frippe75sahithirv, "env | grep ^OS" should give you the currently setup which goes for all openstack clients.06:55
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toskyfrippe75: happy to see (from the channel logs) that you solved the problem (and yes, resources are the relevant thing here)09:09
frippe75tosky, created my own flavors and now a new cluster is in the oven. Dedicated to much of my 500GB SSD for cinderstorage so I'm struggling with the diskfilter filtering out my host.  Increased disk_allocation_ratio in nova. Lets hope things work out. But I'm at least getting a good working experience. I'm changing my mind around improving doc. There should he enough barrier to get started. Good thing actually :-)09:12
toskyit's a complicated set of tools; we try to simplify the common use cases, but there are some requirements that should be known nevertheless09:14
kavithahr@tosky hi i am new to sahara... can you please explain me how the sahara clusters are different from creating many nodes in heat09:15
toskykavithahr: which kind of nodes? Sahara knows that some contains some specific hadoop- or other big-data- related services and enables and checks them09:16
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kavithahr@tosky using heat component of openstack we can launch many instances with network connection.. if we provide the image with hadoop installed then that also works for bid data right?09:18
toskykavithahr: sure, if you write the code which configures the various services09:19
kavithahrwhat is specific use of sahara?09:19
toskyfor example out ambari plugin contains only ambari and deploys only the required hadoop services09:19
frippe75kavithahr, think there are some puppet modules that could assist u if you want to go that route.09:20
kavithahrand one more question... hadoop itself is able to do data analytics or what?09:20
toskyit saves you from building your own custom hadoop image and change it whenever you need to change the settings; this is handled by Sahara09:20
kavithahrok thank you..09:20
toskysure, tools like Hadoop, Spark and Storm were born for data analytics (but this is really not a Sahara-specific question :)09:22
kavithahryeah but i wanted to know.... because i got confused with big data processing and big data analytics...09:23
toskyalso Sahara provides an higher-level interface for job submission (called EDP in our documentation), even if it may not necessarily useful for everyone (you may have an existing application which talks directly with the spawned cluster)09:23
toskywell, let's say better this way, and hoping to not mess the definitions: with data processing you prepare your data for the analysis09:25
toskyif you can reorder and filter your data, you will have an hard time to analyze them09:26
toskydata processing tools prepare the data09:26
kavithahraccording to me big data is huge data with comple09:40
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frippe75think of bigdata when hitting any of the 3(4) v's09:42
kavithahr@tosky according to me big data is huge data with complexity... big data processing is retrieving required information from stored big data...     big data analytics is finding some patterns in that stored big data... is my understanding is correct?09:43
toskyyes, that should be it; I would say that you find big data processing for the analytics part (kind of first step)09:44
frippe75also schema-on-read vs. schema-on-write.09:44
frippe75you "trow in" any data (any format) in your "datalake"... The depending on what you want to do ... You apply your schema to the data and process it.09:45
frippe75then depending...09:45
kavithahrThe Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack.. i got this sentence from internet..09:46
kavithahrsahara does only provisioning or it does any other service..09:46
frippe75hadoop also differs on moving the processing to the data instead of the other way around.09:46
toskysahara also provides an interface for the jobs09:47
kavithahrinterface for job means?09:48
frippe75Think of hadoop as a multiple projects collections. Then you have distributions of theese (like Ubuntu and CentOS for Linux). Horton works has their dist and then there is MapR and Cloudera.... And the vanilla.09:49
frippe75It's how you assemble the projects....09:49
toskyinterface for jobs (look for EDP in the documentation, Elastic Data Processing)09:49
kavithahrif i install basic hadoop on my system will it be able to do big data analytics or any specific project (like mapr cloudera hive) i need to install?09:52
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kavithahryou told that think of hadoop as a multiple project collection... my question is if install hadoop all collection will come together or what?09:54
toskyyou need to create your application which uses the frameworks, so whether you use hive or pig or some other component of the ecosystem it's up to you09:54
kavithahrthank you both of you.. you solved my doubts..09:58
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magicboizHi, I have a problem launching my first spark test with sahara. Can I ask someone here to get some help?? Thanks10:41
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toskymagicboiz: not my best known part of the framework, but...spark test? Does it mean that you have a working spark cluster?10:49
magicboiztosky: yeah, I have my own spark cluster running into my openstack cloud.10:50
raissaand what's the problem you're facing?10:51
magicboizI launch an spark job but I get "Done with errors"10:55
magicboizI'd like to know how to debug that error.10:55
magicboizI'm testing with spark-wordcount.jar and https://github.com/openstack/sahara-tests/tree/master/sahara_tests/scenario/defaults/edp-examples/edp-spark10:56
toskyand nothing from the logs on the spark machines? You can access the webui as well10:58
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magicboizI get logs like these: http://paste.openstack.org/show/599790/11:00
toskydid you properly define the output datasource?11:01
magicboizwell, I think so: http://paste.openstack.org/show/599794/11:08
toskyiirc the output should be an empty directory11:08
tosky(that's why he can use placeholders http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-specs/specs/kilo/edp-datasource-placeholders.html )11:09
magicboiztosky: empty directory? something like hdfs://spark16cluster-spark16ngtmasternodegroup-0:8020/user/ubuntu/<OUTPUT_DIR>/??11:12
magicboizbut, how could I configure spark daemon to debug/trace these errors?11:13
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toskyuhm, not sure; this is on the boundary between spark and sahara11:13
toskysparks completes and then the output is copied11:14
frippe75tosky, still resource issues probably. it's stuck in the cluster creation phase... for 2 hours..11:14
frippe75waiting for instance accessibility.. instances are up. with floating ip's11:14
frippe75well.. no floating ip's..11:15
magicboiz<tosky>: Done with Error again :(11:16
toskydid you specify the pool in the node template? (if you use them; if not, the configuration requires some tuning as sahara would need access through the private ip)11:16
toskymagicboiz: just to be sure, did <OUTPUT_DIR>  exist?11:17
frippe75you mean via the ssh-proxy?11:17
toskyfrippe75: yeah, I always mess up that but it should be documented11:17
magicboiz<tosky>: yes it does exists and it's empty:11:18
magicboizopenstack dataprocessing data source show output11:18
magicboiz| Field        | Value                                                                         |11:18
magicboiz| Description  |                                                                               |11:18
magicboiz| Id           | 67f8c794-3476-47b4-9c40-be9e515abb20                                          |11:18
magicboiz| Is protected | False                                                                         |11:18
magicboiz| Is public    | False                                                                         |11:18
magicboiz| Name         | output                                                                        |11:18
magicboiz| Type         | hdfs                                                                          |11:18
magicboiz| Url          | hdfs://spark16cluster-spark16ngtmasternodegroup-0:8020/user/ubuntu/outputdir/ |11:18
magicboizubuntu@spark16cluster-spark16ngtmasternodegroup-0:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/ubuntu/outputdir/11:18
magicboizSLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".11:18
magicboizSLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation11:18
magicboizSLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.11:18
toskyehm, when pasting more than two lines, please use a pastebin11:18
magicboizsorry, you're right!11:19
frippe75The only thing I've changed from being almost successful (last few services failing to start due to memory shortage). Is the flavors. And they look almost the same. Just some more memory on the master/secondary nodes.... Will go over all config again :-)11:19
toskyfrippe75: if it's network and waiting on nodes, it's not on ambari yet11:19
frippe75ok thanks!11:19
toskyfrippe75: when did you say "no floating ip's" did you mean that you configured it to not use them, or do you expect to use them but they were not associated with the instances?11:20
toskymagicboiz: do you happen to have swift around just for a quick test with a swift datasource?11:20
frippe75they were not associated after two hours. Maybe that come later?11:20
toskyno, it's the first thing11:21
frippe75?? ok11:21
magicboiztosky, no sorry, swift not deployed right now11:21
toskyfrippe75: when they are available, sahara access the nodes through ssh and start the real configuration (in your case, by driving ambari)11:22
frippe75really strange. I'm working on a script that sets the sahara bits (images,register them and so on). So I'm really sure I didn't change anything but the flavor_id part.11:22
frippe75Ok sound fairly uncomplicated. Must have made a change somewhere by mistake.11:22
toskymagicboiz: uhm, so, the issue is definitely related with the lack of the output in the expected place: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/sahara/tree/sahara/service/edp/spark/engine.py#n10711:27
frippe75tosky, fired up an ubuntu with a floating ip. project quotas are 37 available. Must be in the node group template after all..11:27
magicboiztosky: any idea on how to enable debug/tracing on the spark daemons?11:28
toskymagicboiz: no11:31
toskymagicboiz: check if the /tmp/spark-edp<something> files are still available11:31
magicboiztosky: http://paste.openstack.org/show/599798/ this is a log from one of the workers11:31
frippe75tosky, sure u were correct. No ip association in the node group template for any of them.. How that got that way is beyond me that's why I didn't even bother to check...11:31
frippe75So... Now I think it will work.... 5bucks on that? :-)11:32
toskymagicboiz: and I may be wrong, it could be an error when the tmp file is read, not when it is uploaded11:32
frippe75floating assigned.... puh11:36
magicboiztoskey: it might be related with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-9844??11:36
toskymagicboiz: uhm, it's not clear if it was fixed in 1.6.1 or later11:41
toskybut we generally deploy spark 1.6.0 unfortunately (only in mapr there is 1.6.1)11:42
toskyon the other side, shouldn't that bug appear with both hdfs and swift?11:42
toskyon the gates that spark jobs writes to swift11:43
toskybut yeah, race conditions11:46
toskywhich spark image did you use? The basic one (vanilla-based), or cdh, mapr...?11:49
toskyyou may try to fix sahara-image-elements so that it accepts 1.6.1 and rebuild the image11:49
magicboizI'm running sahara-newton-spark-1.6.0-ubuntu.qcow211:50
magicboizI'm going to try to update that image and test again11:51
toskythe last comment on the bug says that it should be mostly harmless though11:53
toskymaybe a red herring11:53
frippe75tusky, THANKS A BUNCH, no all services have started and I can continue playing on my own hadoop instead of the HDInsight on Azure ... Woho. I do realize this is more of a dev-department-hangaround so really thanks for giving me the support!11:59
frippe75now all the...11:59
toskyat least one problem solved today12:06
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magicboiztosky: with spark image 1.3.1, almost the same error: http://paste.openstack.org/show/599812/12:37
toskymagicboiz: well, if it is that error, according the bug report it was definitely in 1.3.112:38
magicboizsolved in 1.3.1?12:38
toskyfound in 1.3.1, up to 1.6.012:39
toskysolved in 1.6.112:39
toskythis is what I read from https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-984412:39
toskycan you try to prepare a longer example? Maybe the race goes away if the job takes more time12:39
magicboizdo you have a spark binary that you're fully sure that works? Right now, I'm only working with  spark-wordcount.jar12:41
magicboizspark-wordcount.jar from https://github.com/openstack/sahara-tests/tree/master/sahara_tests/scenario/defaults/edp-examples/edp-spark12:42
toskyas I said, that works at least on the gates with swift as output datasource12:42
magicboizcould I setup a AWS S3/swift store for the data sources?12:43
toskyI can't test right now on a proper environment (which version of openstack are you using, by the way?) but one thing I would try is fix sahara-image-elements to accept spark 1.6.1 and rebuild that image12:43
toskyor that too, if you have a swift setup you can try as well12:44
toskynow why the review that I sent did not show here?13:09
toskyuhm, no openstackgerri13:09
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Default test templates: add missing, remove obsolete  https://review.openstack.org/43611614:31
toskyoh, welcome back openstackgerrit14:32
raissait's alive14:33
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magicboiz<tosky>: I managed to upgrade spark 1.6.3, race condition fixed, but spark job still is interrupted16:00
toskyso maybe it was really a red herring16:01
toskycan you check the files /tmp/spark-edp<something> on the nodes, if not removed?16:01
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magicboiztmp dir looks empty16:03
toskymagicboiz: which node is that? (see https://docs.openstack.org/developer/sahara/horizon/dashboard.user.guide.html#example-jobs )16:18
toskyquoting: "The stdout and stderr files of the command used for executing your job are located at /tmp/spark-edp/<name of job template>/<job id> on Spark master node in case of Spark clusters, or on Spark JobHistory node in other cases like Vanilla, CDH and so on."16:18
magicboizsorry, it was a worker node.16:20
toskyoh, np16:22
toskyI didn't remember that at all, so good thing for me too :)16:22
magicboizummm..... "Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: datasource"16:22
toskycan you please repost the configuration of the data source?16:25
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magicboizhere they are: http://paste.openstack.org/show/599863/16:29
magicboizbut it looks like the job definition is mixing "hdfs" with "datasource"16:30
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toskymagicboiz: how did you specify the data sources in the job?16:35
magicboizI think I miss edp.substitute_data_source_for_name = False.....16:36
toskyiirc that's the default16:37
toskydo you mean True?16:38
toskyyeah, maybe16:38
magicboizyes, I mean, I'm starting to think that I need to set  edp.substitute_data_source_for_name = True16:39
toskyI would try, easier than check16:39
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magicboizgot it!!!16:40
toskydid it work?16:41
magicboizit looks like it works. When " edp.substitute_data_source_for_name = False" Args must look like "hdfs://<server>:8020/full/path"16:43
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magicboizfor example: "hdfs://spark16clusterv2-spark16ngtmasternodegroup-0:8020/user/ubuntu/README.md"16:43
magicboizSucceeded :)16:44
magicboizExit status 016:44
magicboizI love it!16:44
magicboizoutput dir must not exist, btw16:45
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tosky\o/ \o/ \o/16:46
toskyah, ok16:46
magicboiztosky: THANKS16:49
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magicboiztosky: Can I ask you what are the basic steps to transform a spark-apache app (like WordCount.java) into a EDP.Spark-apache app? thanks in advance :)16:59
toskyeh, uh, isn't it what you already did? I mean, the spark example does not use anything Sahara-specific17:02
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magicboizno, jajajaja, I Just made use of work already done by others. In this case, I made use of https://github.com/openstack/sahara-tests/blob/master/sahara_tests/scenario/defaults/edp-examples/edp-spark/spark-wordcount.jar17:08
magicboizbut I'd like to know how to transfor my apache spark binaries into edp-sahara-apache-spark binary....just importing sahara.edp.spark?17:10
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toskyif you mean the name of the package, I don't think that it's relevant17:17
toskyyou just need to specify the correct class with edp.java.main_class:17:17
toskythe example is in the package sahara.edp.spark because it comes from us (sahara), but it's just an example17:18
toskylike the edp-jave example is org.openstack.sahara.examples, or the example used for the pig job is org.openstack.sahara.examples.pig17:18
toskybut it's because we created them17:18
toskyyou are not bound by that17:18
magicboizok, thx again17:19
toskyas a generic note, this week most of OpenStack developers (including Sahara, with few exceptions like me) are at the Project Team Gathering in Atlanta17:33
toskyso expect less answers than usual17:33
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara master: Configure the publicURL instead of adminURL in devstack  https://review.openstack.org/43656717:48
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frippe75where can I find the json version of "openstack dataprocessing node group create --autoconfig",  autoconfig and auto_config return unexpected keyword?18:08
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frippe75now trying to find the volume_type value for cinder storage. Tempest tests suggest it's not "big" I guess...18:19
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Default test templates: add missing, remove obsolete  https://review.openstack.org/43611618:21
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openstackgerritMarianne Linhares Monteiro proposed openstack/sahara master: Code integration with the abstractions  https://review.openstack.org/42748020:18
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Default test templates: add missing, remove obsolete  https://review.openstack.org/43611620:50
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Default test templates: add missing, remove obsolete  https://review.openstack.org/43611622:20
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