Thursday, 2018-01-11

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openstackgerritcaowei proposed openstack/sahara master: Update the command to change the hostname
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-extra master: WIP Add a native Zuul v3 build job
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tellesnobregatosky, did you get a chance to look at the launch job stuff?11:44
toskytellesnobrega: no, not yet11:46
tellesnobregaI'm hitting that create job binary issue again11:48
tellesnobregayou said that this could be S3 patch missing11:49
toskyin the saharaclient, because the dashboard uses saharaclient11:50
toskyI didn't dig into the code though11:50
tellesnobregaI will try to see if this is the problem11:50
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tellesnobregatosky, quick question, how do I apply a patch for saharaclient on devstack deploy?12:45
tellesnobregapython-saharaclient isn't on /opt/stack12:45
tellesnobregado I have to force devstack to pull it and uninstall from pip?12:46
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toskytellesnobrega: can't you just reinstall the patched saharaclient with pip?13:04
tellesnobregatosky, not sure13:05
tellesnobregaoh, ok13:05
tellesnobregaunderstood now13:05
tellesnobregayeah, I can do that13:05
openstackgerritAllen proposed openstack/sahara-dashboard master: Rename the 'SAHARA_AUTO_IP_ALLOCATION_ENABLED' config parameter
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openstackgerritAllen proposed openstack/sahara-dashboard master: Remove the redundant codses
tellesnobregahey shuyingy_, are you going to be at the meeting today?13:31
tellesnobregagood, we need you there so we can understand the issue you had with the openstack-hadoop.jar problem13:45
shuyingy_yep, I found a work around method. and it works now13:45
shuyingy_but still need you guys' opinion about it.13:46
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Image generation for MapR
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tellesnobregashuyingy_, sounds great, we can talk about it at the meeting13:51
shuyingy_yes, I will write an E-mail to you and give more detail about the problem.13:51
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* shuyingy_ writing email13:52
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openstackgerritAllen proposed openstack/sahara-dashboard master: Add "*.swp" to ".gitignore" file
tellesnobregashuyingy_, #openstack-meeting-314:01
openstackgerritAllen proposed openstack/sahara master: Add "*.swp" to ".gitignore" file
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tellesnobregatosky, you don't need help from me, thats why I didn't offer :)15:02
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: Add group to policy management
toskytellesnobrega: I'm going to ask some question on #storyboard, if you didn't ask already16:09
openstackgerritmelissaml proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: Update openstackdocstheme>=1.18.0
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tosky(and refresh in a while, there are still few lines)16:52
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tellesnobregaI didn't17:06
tellesnobregajoining there17:06
tellesnobregatosky, seems like we could migrate fully. we don't fully use LP and we don't have cross-project there17:15
toskyyes, it seems so17:15
toskyI was not totally sure about the possible objections to the usage of the tools, hence my questions about documentation17:16
tellesnobregait was good, I will read it too so I understand what are the possibilities using it17:16
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to an unexpected issue with zuulv3.o.o, we were not able to preserve running jobs for a restart. As a result, you'll need to recheck your previous patchsets17:48
tellesnobregatosky, I like how storyboard is structured17:54
tellesnobregathe whole Project Group -> Project -> Tasks -> Stories17:58
tellesnobregawhat is you feeling about it17:58
toskyI think it may be more or less complicated depending on how you use it, and I even suggested Elise to use it some time ago18:03
tellesnobregait could get complicated18:04
tellesnobregamy basic idea is to have something in the fashion: take the decommission of a specific node18:04
tellesnobregathat would be a story18:04
tellesnobregathe tasks would be implement decommission on sahara side, other task is implement on client, the last implement on UI18:05
tellesnobregathat all linked to the specific project, all under Sahara Project Group18:05
tellesnobregathan we can track easily the progress of each task and we don't forget any steps18:05
toskyyes, that makes sense18:09
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jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega, you said you were having problems with the job binary form?18:17
jeremyfreudbergme too, on a fresh devstack18:17
jeremyfreudberg(first line is a warning actually, but looks related)18:19
toskywith your patch for python-saharaclient too?18:20
jeremyfreudbergtosky, i don't think saharaclient has anything do with it, i just made OSC and docstring changes18:21
tellesnobregaI tried with jeremyfreudberg's patch18:21
tellesnobregafailed all the same18:21
tellesnobregaalso, jeremyfreudberg can you try launch job?18:22
toskyoh, right18:22
toskyjust osc18:22
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, PTG will be Thursday and Friday18:22
* tosky goes back to his corner18:22
tellesnobregaTypeError: render() got an unexpected keyword argument 'value'18:22
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, I saw that too18:22
jeremyfreudbergtosky, don't go back to your corner yet, this render() stuff is your kind of bug usually18:23
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, I was going to say something similar, don't hide tosky18:23
toskythat's a reason more to hide in the corner :)18:23
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, can you try launch job?18:24
tellesnobregaI feel it should be the same problem18:24
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega, i'll try it now18:24
jeremyfreudbergerr, i have to create a job binary first18:25
jeremyfreudbergso i have to remember how to use cli to do that18:25
toskyoh, now that I think about it: should devstack deploy the sahara dashboard, or do I need to add anything?18:27
jeremyfreudbergtosky, well there is a separate devstack plugin for sahara-dashboard if that's what you mean18:27
jeremyfreudbergbut it works great most of the time18:27
toskyoh, that, I always forget it18:28
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega, launch job opens for me18:28
toskyand I even fixed the jobs that use it18:28
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, that is good to here18:28
tellesnobregaone less problem18:29
tellesnobregaprobably some issue here, I will clean my env18:29
jeremyfreudbergyes, i wonder why yours is broken18:29
jeremyfreudbergprobably you have django version out of sync or something18:29
tellesnobregaI will clean the env and see how it goes18:30
jeremyfreudberganyone ever use sahara with barbican? I never actually used it before, just trying it now for a downstream thing and it is a bit broke18:40
toskyprobably only when it was developed18:41
toskyelmiko may still remember something18:41
jeremyfreudbergi didn't want to bother him18:42
jeremyfreudbergbut it looks might it might have been broken since early 2016...18:42
tellesnobregaI think elmiko is the right call18:42
tellesnobregayou can blame me for bothering him18:43
elmikowhat's the issue jeremyfreudberg ?18:43
elmikoand yes, i've actually run sahara with barbican18:43
elmikoalthough not recently18:44
jeremyfreudbergelmiko, i'm able to fix it myself, but it looks it's been broken since the march 2016 of castellan18:45
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elmikothat's a bummer =(18:45
elmikootoh, the barbican/castellan team are great so it shouldn't be tough if we need to get anything upstream there18:46
jeremyfreudberglooks like someone thought context.__class__.__name__ was better than issubclass18:46
* elmiko hopes it wasn't him18:47
jeremyfreudberganyway, it should be an easy fix18:48
jeremyfreudbergthe ping was mostly ceremonial18:48
jeremyfreudbergbut it is a bit sad18:48
elmikoi'm glad it's not too bad to fix18:48
elmikolooking at the commit in castellan, i'm surprised. the person who got the git blame usually puts up good quality code18:53
jeremyfreudbergi'd rather blame the vendors for not promoting sahara+barbican use more18:56
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