Monday, 2018-08-06

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openstackgerritJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: [TEST] bionic
openstackgerritwangqi proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Trivial: Fix the pep8 warning
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Bhujaytosky, hi , i was checking for the retry_on_repo_unavilability , couldn't find any solution from ambari documents , in case you have any solution kindly let me know08:47
toskyBhujay: I was checking too and I didn't see how to override those options (if any)08:48
Bhujaytosky , thanks , le me see for any workaround08:52
Bhujayit might be possible that in ambari 2.6 will be more stable and solves this problem ,  sahara master branch allows ambari 2.6 but will it run on my existing openstack env which is queen ?08:55
toskyI checked the last source code of ambari, so I don't think it changed too much08:56
Bhujayright , that reminds me that  one my my colleague is trying to  set it up manually , he also faces occasional time out which need "reinstall and service start" from ambari console08:59
toskyif you have some time, maybe could you please check on ambari support channels?08:59
Bhujaysure , I will , apart from search in internet , I have spoken to hortonworks (sales) , and hoping a call back09:02
toskythank you! If there is a way to override the options from the interface that Ambari exposes, we can implement it in Sahara09:04
Bhujayyeah that will be good09:05
Bhujaytosky , i was thinking once the the cluster is made ok  manually from ambari , a function to force complete the remaining steps from here
Bhujaywill this work ?09:08
toskya force recheck function?09:08
toskythat may be possible, but let's see what also tellesnobrega says09:08
Bhujaytellesnobrega , would you please consider this ^ ?09:10
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara stable/queens: Update the command to change the hostname
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara stable/queens: Sets correct permission for /etc/hosts
toskya bit of backports09:38
toskyI wonder if we need them on pike too09:38
toskygiven that pike is going to be supported for a while still (2019-03-03), maybe yes, but let's see first about stable/queens09:39
openstackgerritMatthias Bastian proposed openstack/puppet-sahara stable/queens: Make providers use auth_url for authentication
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP New tests for data sources
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara stable/queens: Update the command to change the hostname
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara stable/queens: Sets correct permission for /etc/hosts
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toskytellesnobrega: if you want to unlock the sahara-extra backport, you should start from the "Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE" one13:12
toskyI rebased all the backports on top of that13:12
tosky(and then the publishing job)13:12
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP New tests for data sources
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Add basic S3 data sources API tests
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara master: Enable also ambari by default in devstack
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Add basic S3 tests (job binaries and data sources)
toskyunified two commits16:40
toskywith release notes16:40
tellesnobregatosky, I will do that16:42
tellesnobregasorry, I was away the weekend, just got home16:45
toskywelcome back :)16:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara-extra stable/rocky: Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/rocky
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara-extra stable/rocky: Add native Zuul v3 build and publishing jobs
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Add basic S3 tests (job binaries and data sources)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara-extra stable/rocky: fix tox python3 overrides
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara-extra stable/rocky: Host some patched jars in common artifacts
toskytellesnobrega: all patches merged for sahara-extra, it should be ready for the release17:31
tellesnobregaI will send a new release request now17:32
tellesnobregado I need to change version number?17:34
toskythe last one was 9.1, this one can be 9.217:34
toskywasn't this the original idea?17:34
toskyor was 9.xx the version number for queens?17:34
toskyok, so this one maybe can be 1017:35
tellesnobregabut stable/rocky is marked with 9.1.017:35
tellesnobreganot really sure what version number should be17:36
toskyit's marked 9.1.0 probably by mistake17:37
toskyI'm confused17:38
toskyqueens is 8.x17:38
toskyall the 9.0 is for rocky17:38
toskyI wonder how 9.0.0 was tagged17:38
toskyso probably 9.2 is better17:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara master: S3 data source URL format change
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara master: Another small fix for cluster creation on APIv2
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: Add basic S3 tests (job binaries and data sources)
tellesnobregatosky, sahara-extra 9.2.0 is on its way :)19:16
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