Thursday, 2019-01-10

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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: Prepare Stein M2
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tellesnobregatosky, I'm back10:15
toskyme too (I was before, I had to go for an errand)10:19
toskybut I sent few rechecks10:19
tellesnobregathe split plugins patch is failing the grenade and tempest10:20
toskyJeremy's patch seems sane10:20
tellesnobregathe enhancements on apiv2?10:20
toskyit fixes the issue with Internal Server Error on data sources operations10:20
toskyI'm down to 12 failures on APIv2 tempest tests10:20
toskygrenade failure is expected, as we should add some code to install the new repositories10:21
toskytellesnobrega: as for tempest, you should add the project-deps: as you did for sahara-tests-scenario:10:22
toskyit's the same issue10:22
tellesnobregaI will do that10:24
tellesnobregaon grenade10:24
tellesnobregaI should update the run or post part?10:24
toskyafter the upgrade10:26
toskyif I'm not mistaken, there is a specific part where you can define the post-upgrade operations (and per-version)10:27
toskyscenario tests with v2 almost passed (failure on EDP because I mistyped a method)10:31
tellesnobregaawesome :D10:32
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 client and tests
toskynotifications are back \m/11:55
toskyand scenario tests basically working11:56
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 support for scenario tests
tellesnobregaawesome :)11:56
toskytempest tests are improving11:56
toskyI had to do horrible hacks, but I kept the methods unchanged for the v1 versions11:57
toskylet's see this new run11:57
tellesnobregagreat to hear11:58
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Prepare Sahara core for plugin split
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 client and tests
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Some polish for APIv2
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 client and tests
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tellesnobregatosky,  did you see how I wrote the grenade change?13:45
toskyno, not yet13:46
toskyI'm fighting with return keys in APIs13:46
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Prepare Sahara core for plugin split
tellesnobregatosky, sure13:49
toskytellesnobrega: please check also my comment on the changes for zuul.yaml13:49
tellesnobregasplit-plugins patches?13:49
toskyyes, I commented on revision 1813:50
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 client and tests
toskynot sure that just adding PROJECTS to grenade is going to work13:53
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Prepare Sahara core for plugin split
tellesnobregatosky, I'm not familiar on how grenade works13:58
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toskytellesnobrega: I should be a bit more, but to be honest, I'd probably defer the fix for this as "high-priority item" post M214:05
toskyif we can't fix it today or tomorrow14:06
toskyand I can't help much until sahara-tests is working14:06
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
tellesnobregamakes sense, should I mark grenade as non-voting for now?14:14
toskyI'd say yes14:19
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 client and tests
openstackgerritJeremy Freudberg proposed openstack/sahara master: Give the illusion of microversion support
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: APIv2 support for scenario tests
openstackgerritJeremy Freudberg proposed openstack/sahara master: Give the illusion of microversion support
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega, tosky, just commented on the policy fix patch, see if it makes sense15:00
jeremyfreudbergtosky: oh, that was the /plugins thing15:01
jeremyfreudbergtosky: yes, it's fine15:01
toskyjeremyfreudberg: thanks!15:01
toskynot on the policy, but the fact that I was seeing /plugins + project_id or something like that15:02
toskyI should recheck my logs too, but not now15:02
openstackgerritJeremy Freudberg proposed openstack/sahara master: Declare APIv2 stable and CURRENT
jeremyfreudberg^ just some rebasing15:11
toskydo you know if there a command to list the supported API versions and their status, or is that just exposed through internal version discovery?15:12
jeremyfreudbergi think it's just GET /15:13
toskyah, ok15:13
toskyit's interesting that we can serve both APIs from the same service type; cinder decided to define two different service type15:13
jeremyfreudbergyes, it's one service type because we want to show off the latest api-sig standards15:14
toskyoh, so cinder did it before the last changes15:14
jeremyfreudbergi believe so15:14
toskyjeremyfreudberg, tellesnobrega: please do *not* upload new versions of "Some polish for APIv2" or "Preparing OSC for APIv2" for the next 15 minutes15:17
tellesnobregayou got it15:18
toskymaybe you were not planning to do it, but just in case; I'm waiting for the results of the last version of the tempest patch15:18
toskyotherwise it will be lost like tears in the rain15:18
toskyand it's relevant for the OSC patch too, as I see already an error in part that was changed last15:18
toskywow, down to 3 failures in all tempest tests15:19
toskywell, less then 15 minutes, the results are being exported and uploaded15:20
toskytellesnobrega: ok, you can update the OSC patch if you were working on it, but check
tellesnobregatosky, weird, isn't this error coming from tempest? looks like the command there is not set15:35
tellesnobreganot sure if I'm misreading15:35
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Fixing policies inconsistencies
toskytellesnobrega: uhm, I thought it was something related with the change15:52
toskylet me recheck the code; I have to fix at least the other two errors15:52
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Prepare Sahara core for plugin split
openstackgerritJeremy Freudberg proposed openstack/sahara-dashboard master: Reflect job_id->job_template_id in v2 jobs
jeremyfreudberg^ there's that, if anyone likes dashboard stuff... i need to sign off for a bit now but i will be back soon enough. email if you need anything immediately16:21
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toskydashboard can wait :)16:25
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara master: Deploying Sahara with unversioned endpoints
toskyand one16:50
toskythe scenario tests passed also when using the microversioning patch16:55
tellesnobregado you know why jeremy -2ed it?16:56
toskyuhm, not sure, for testing?16:56
toskylet's see16:56
toskywe can approve the other patch, though16:57
tellesnobregawhich one?16:57
toskyunless you see something weird there16:58
tellesnobregagreat +2 ing now16:58
tellesnobregayou do the honors16:58
toskyin the queue too17:00
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara-dashboard master: Reflect job_id->job_template_id in v2 jobs
elmikotosky, tellesnobrega, hope that clears everything up. sounds like you are good to go with regards to releasing the microversion support later in the cycle17:02
tellesnobregaelmiko, yeah, we should be able to merge microversion today17:03
elmikooh wow, awesome!17:03
toskyelmiko: let's see what Jeremy says; the patch itself may be fine in the end17:03
elmikowell done gang17:03
tellesnobregathanks :)17:04
tellesnobregasplit was verified :D17:29
toskyoh, good17:31
toskyso let's see if I manage to fix the remaining tests17:31
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Fixing policies inconsistencies
toskyI think I fixed one, I have some troubles with another one17:31
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jeremyfreudbergalright, so i guess microversions is okay to merge...18:12
jeremyfreudbergis it okay if to wait until after m2 before merging the patch declaring apiv2 stable?18:13
toskytellesnobrega: ^^18:15
toskyjeremyfreudberg: in any case, microversioning support when the API is not stable is still safe to merge, which should answer your concerns on the microversioning patch18:17
toskyin fact we could have merged it even before; as long as the API is experimental, who cares :)18:18
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega: my thought is that I still might catch tiny problems in apiv2 between now and the end of the cycle, so why not leave it experimental a little while longer? we can think of it in our minds as stable, just not flip the switch too quickly18:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara master: Some polish for APIv2
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jeremyfreudbergsorry, network glitch18:25
toskyno answers so far18:27
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, breaking api problems?18:30
tellesnobregaif not, I would push for making it stable now18:31
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega: yeah, what I mean is, I'm pretty sure we are in good shape, but maybe there will be another breaking change needed similar to job_id->job_template_id which I haven't discovered yet18:31
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, I see, if that is the case we can postpone the mark as stable patch18:33
jeremyfreudbergyeah, it just makes me a little more comfortable-- we can still celebrate apiv2 server side being done (because in all likelihood, I won't discover any more problems), but this is just a bit of insurance against any catastrophe18:34
toskyso basically we consider APIv2 as "done" (and deployed, with the unversioned endpoints)18:35
toskybut we are not going to flip the "STABLE" switch until M3 or RC, to make it easier to apply fixes to bugs18:35
toskyif any bug is found18:35
toskyI'd say that it's even more important to merge the tests soon then18:36
toskyscenario tests are fine, they depend only on the microversioning patch right now18:36
jeremyfreudbergtosky: on a slightly different note-- are there scenario (or similar) tests for osc? trying to avoid doing some manual testing18:39
toskyso I'm happily going to approve the microversioning patch18:39
jeremyfreudbergyes: please approve it18:39
toskyjeremyfreudberg: the tempest CLI tests18:39
toskyif you see the tempest patch, it tests OSC, and depends on the OSC patch, and in fact I found few issues18:40
toskyprobably there is just one left18:40
toskythat's why I wanted to merge the OSC patch too18:40
toskylet me send an update18:40
toskyof this
toskythose are the last results:
toskyI fixed one of the issues, I'm fixing the second one, there is just the CLI one which may require a change in the OSC patch18:41
toskyway better than yesterday, where the first run had 4 passed jobs and 52 failures :)18:43
jeremyfreudbergtosky, tellesnobrega, another thing: going ahead with the split means health repair is less likely to ever be achieved (which is fine, it was getting too messy and i'd rather just work on making sahara more resillient in other ways)18:48
toskyjeremyfreudberg: oh, ok - is it because it's going to be difficult to define a unified interface?18:48
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, why is that?18:49
jeremyfreudbergtosky: that's part of what makes it messy, yes18:49
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega: because the mediator doesn't expose health repair yet (because it hasn't been written)18:50
tellesnobregaI see, the good thing about mediator is that you can add new ones, no harm done18:50
jeremyfreudbergoh yeah, i guess it's not that much of a problem then18:52
jeremyfreudbergbecause the operator would have to upgrade sahara anyway to get the health repair feature18:52
jeremyfreudbergso actually, no cause for concern at all18:52
toskyas long as we don't break the existing mediator interfaces, it's fine18:52
jeremyfreudbergthanks tellesnobrega, i'm much less worried now, appreciate it18:53
jeremyfreudberg(well, some care would be needed to ensure that new plugins which try to import the health repair feature from the mediator won't try to import it if an old version of sahara core is used, but that's fine and easy to handle)18:57
jeremyfreudbergso i'm still :) about it18:57
toskyjeremyfreudberg: that's easy: bump the version of sahara required18:58
toskyin the plugin18:58
jeremyfreudbergtosky: yep (it could be done without a req bump too-- just some flag to disable the 'feature')18:59
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega: on the same topic, should the plugin split patch be getting merged? i don't see anything wrong with the patch18:59
tellesnobregaI was waiting for some more apiv2 to get merged so I can rebase it18:59
toskyjeremyfreudberg: I suggested to have the APIv2 patches in place before that, just to not mix too many stuff18:59
toskythat :)18:59
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega/tosky: ok, good thinking, let's do that :)19:00
toskyto not introduce additional moving parts while testing the tests19:00
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: WIP APIv2 client and tests
toskytellesnobrega: let's see the result of ^^; it may require a fix for the OSC patch19:10
tellesnobregatosky, sure19:12
toskyso if you see anything weird in the test patches, please tell me now19:16
tellesnobregawill do, looks pretty good19:18
tellesnobregaso far19:19
jeremyfreudbergyes, i think it is getting progressively less "weird"19:19
toskytellesnobrega: I confirm that, with the last OSC patch, there is an issue with19:24
toskyopenstack --os-data-processing-api-version 2 dataprocessing job template update --description new-description <job_template_name>19:25
toskyit says:19:25
tosky'JobTemplate' object has no attribute 'job'19:25
toskyreproduced locally19:25
tellesnobregatosky, can you point to the log?19:30
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, tosky I'm on #openstack-keystone asking lance if he knows anything on the policy issue19:33
jeremyfreudbergcool, just joined19:33
toskyI'm going away for dinner, but I will read it19:34
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
tellesnobregaelmiko, are you around?20:03
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Fixing policies inconsistencies
jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega: so the answer from lbragstad is good news20:08
jeremyfreudbergso based on that, isn't the simplest thing, change all the v2 endpoints to singular (since there is no deprecation period needed for the current stuff), and eventually dperecate the plural stuff on v1?20:09
tellesnobregajeremyfreudberg, yeah20:10
tellesnobregaI will do that20:10
toskytellesnobrega: the OSC patch is going to fail (at least the unit tests)20:32
jeremyfreudbergsigning off for a bit (I think I mentioned it's my birthday). looks like we are in pretty good shape. i'll be reading the logs and checking email and reviewing as needed. back online in a while.20:34
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elmikotellesnobrega: yo/20:36
tellesnobregaelmiko, actually already got the answer but I'm double checking20:37
tellesnobregawe have the policies for apiv220:37
tellesnobregais it ok for us to change policies without deprecating period on experimental API?20:38
elmikoon experimental, pretty sure you are good to do as you please20:38
tellesnobregathanks elmiko20:38
elmikoit _is_ experimental after all, no expectation of stability or compatibility for users20:38
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Fixing policies inconsistencies
tellesnobregaelmiko, that makes sense >)20:38
toskyoh, I didn't get that it was Jeremy's birthday - happy birthday! (he reads the logs)20:43
tellesnobregayeah, me neither20:43
elmikojoyous solar circumambulation to you Jeremy!20:43
tellesnobregahappy bday man20:43
elmikotellesnobrega: the weather getting good down there yet? (starting to snow here...)20:44
elmikoi might need to escape XD20:44
tellesnobregaelmiko, what do you consider good?20:45
elmiko20C and up?20:45
tellesnobregait is WARM20:45
tellesnobrega30C and up20:45
elmikothat's HOT in my book20:45
tellesnobregaits is close to 18h and it is 27C20:46
toskywell, beginning of Summer20:46
elmiko(not sure how you say "wowzers" in portuguese XD)20:46
toskynot unexpected20:46
elmikothat seems really warm though, but you are closer to the equator20:47
elmikotosky, i forget did you move back to the island or on the mainland still?20:47
toskyelmiko: to Sicily, yep20:48
elmikooh man, must be nice there as well =)20:48
toskyyep, not so warm of course as it's winter, but still20:48
toskyright now (almost 10pm) it's 7°C20:49
elmikooh wow, didn't realize it got that cold20:49
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toskyit's snowy on the mountains20:50
elmikoliterally! XD20:51
elmikoalright, i'll stop bugging you guys now. but this is what you get when you ping me in the afternoon!20:51
toskyyou never bug us :)20:55
tellesnobregathat is true21:01
tellesnobreganot so true the other way around21:01
tellesnobregatosky, from the looks of it, it is a simple mock issue21:09
tellesnobregastill trying to figure out why21:09
toskyyep, I checked that the code itself works21:09
toskywhen you send the new patch, I will recheck the API patch21:10
tellesnobregatrying to debug this asap21:10
tellesnobregathe issue is:21:10
tellesnobregait is not properly mocking the return of client.job_templates.update(...)21:11
tellesnobregatosky, I think I got it21:18
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tellesnobregapatch is on its way21:19
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
elmiko<3 you guys, too kind =)21:19
toskyand now my patch...21:20
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: APIv2 support for all Tempest-based tests
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Fixing policies inconsistencies
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openstackgerritJeremy Freudberg proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
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jeremyfreudbergtellesnobrega, do you still want to tag an m2? i just saw your conversation from a while ago in #openstack-release, not sure what you decided22:07
tellesnobregawe don't need to22:15
tellesnobregawe can just leave as is22:15
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: Fixing policies inconsistencies
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toskyat least we can still the python-saharaclient (which would help with testing)22:52
tellesnobregawe can still ...?22:53
toskytellesnobrega: "But if you have any libs that are ready to be released, you can do those at any point."23:00
toskytellesnobrega: with the last OSC patch, my last tempest patch passed23:01
tellesnobregatosky, awesome23:01
toskytellesnobrega: do we want a release note entry for the OSC patch?23:01
tellesnobregaprobably yes23:01
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
tellesnobregatosky, release note is up23:08
tellesnobregacan we merge this one and the test one as well now?23:09
tellesnobregaonce it passes everything?23:09
toskyas the only difference is the release note, I'm going to +2 58411023:13
toskyI guess Jeremy will check them too23:13
tosky(I think that the release note should not refer to "this patch", due to the way it is aggregated with the other notes)23:14
tellesnobregacheck it now23:15
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/python-saharaclient master: Preparing OSC for APIv2
toskysorry :)23:16
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/sahara-tests master: APIv2 support for all Tempest-based tests
toskyI forgot that I had to reenable few jobs23:21
toskybut otherwise the job is working23:21

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