Saturday, 2020-06-06

ierdemhey, sorry for latency. I am running on lxc sahara container which is exist on my OSA environment. I read some docs, containers use host system's kernel but /boot folder is empty00:41
jeremyfreudbergi don't think we ever tried sahara-image-pack inside a container00:43
ierdembut we need image manifests to create images, right? I thought I need to run it inside sahara env (container)00:51
jeremyfreudbergierdem: yup, you are basically right.00:55
jeremyfreudbergyou could also try to copy your sahara dir to a baremetal host and install in a virtualenv00:56
jeremyfreudbergotherwise, i'm not sure whether your sahara container has proper permissions to access the host kernel and the host kvm device00:57
ierdemactually it is possible to load kernel module to new version of container (lxd) but I could not found any load module for pre-lxd containers, so I will copy the files to bare-metal as you said00:59
jeremyfreudbergsounds good. in theory it should be possible to configure to successfuly run inside lxc -- we can think about it next week :)01:03
ierdemI took an error when creating image with sahara-image-pack, it is about disk space and I do not have any idea how can I solve that. Here is the error log
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ierdemHello, I create image for CDH 5.11.0 with sahara-image-pack and sahara-image-create, altough the images created for the same CDH version there are differences between their sizes. The sahara-image-pack one is 6.5 GB and the other one is 4GB22:25
ierdemnow I am getting error about disk size when trying to create with sahara-image-pack for CDH 6.3.2, there must be a reason and solution of this situation. Do you have any idea about this, jeremyfreudberg and tosky ?22:28
toskymaybe the space required by CDH 6.3.2 is too big and the base centos image is too small for that22:29
toskyyou would need to resize it before; my suggestion is to look at
ierdemI understand but as I said, two image create method are generating images which are have two different size for the same version of CDH22:57
toskythat's not a problem23:16
toskythe process is slightly different and that's kind of expected23:16
ierdemok then, thank you23:18
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