Thursday, 2021-05-27

openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-sahara master: setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores
*** Bhujay has joined #openstack-sahara03:12
BhujayHi ALL, couple of years back I had a pilot roll out of sahara in my org which worked to some extent to deploy HDP cluster. Few days back our team  discovered that the cluster creation fails  since HDP/CDH have changed their policy to access their repos freely . Just wanted to check quickly if the latest versions of sahara have taken care of such issues ? it will be great help to know from you before you we give effort and  venture to upgrade the04:29
Bhujaywhole stack ?04:29
BhujayBy issues I mean - is it capable to deploy key components of hadoop and spark without depending on any commercial  repos04:31
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: Prepare Xena M1
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara master: Fix linters
jeremyfreudbergHi Bhujay I remember you well13:57
jeremyfreudbergUnfortunately the situation is not good with CDH/HDP13:57
jeremyfreudbergHDP and CDH 6.x (and 5.x) are all nearly end-of-life13:58
jeremyfreudbergThere is new CDP product offering from Cloudera, but they have much more control over the deploy (including integration with Kubernetes) so Sahara is not really a good fit13:59
jeremyfreudbergYou can try the Sahara vanilla plugin (or spark plugin), but they are both very basic and especially the spark plugin does not really deploy according to best practices14:00
jeremyfreudbergIf you are a paying customer for CDH/HDP, then maybe you can work on adding support for authentication for access to repos, but we don't have that feature now in Sahara14:00
jeremyfreudbergI am not on IRC much, you can email me at <my nickname> AT gmail14:01
Bhujaythanks jeremyfreudberg14:08
jeremyfreudbergI was trying to talk to some folks about how to setup custom repos to work with Ambari but the conversations are stalled14:10
toskyjeremyfreudberg: uh, as you around: we may have to ask Sergey Lukjanov to release the twin channel on the other network that can't be named14:16
toskyas it's one of the few that's it's not owned by opendev people14:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-sahara master: Get rid of the $pyvers variable
jeremyfreudbergtosky: Yes, I thought infra was trying to contact him14:16
toskyoh, ok, I may have missed that14:16
toskyjeremyfreudberg: do you think it's better to double check with infra?14:17
jeremyfreudbergtosky: on friday last week fungi was going to email him14:18
jeremyfreudbergi don't know what the result was14:18
toskyjeremyfreudberg: ack, thanks14:18
jeremyfreudbergtosky: i'll be afk soon and then for several days, if something related to irc needs action from the sahara team, i trust you to handle it14:21
Bhujaythere is so much demand for Bigdata / ML/AI and that way Sahara should have been the most exciting project. Only thing it should match features like Azure Data Lake and AWS Sagemaker.  I sincerely hope the community come forward to  make that happen14:23
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toskyhoping that we will have a channel :)14:45
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