Monday, 2021-05-31

*** tosky has joined #openstack-sahara10:09
*** zigo has joined #openstack-sahara14:29
fungiSergeyLukjanov: hey! long time no see... openstack (and other projects represented by opendev) have finally relocated from freenode to oftc... you registered this channel many years ago, and didn't add any of our other sysadmins so we haven't been able to properly integrate it yet. see for details but in short, if14:38
fungiyou could `/msg chanserv access #openstack-sahara add opendevaccess master` it would be a huge help14:38
*** ricolin has joined #openstack-sahara15:00
*** opendevmeet has joined #openstack-sahara19:52
*** tosky has quit IRC22:59

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