Wednesday, 2021-06-09

*** tosky has joined #openstack-sahara07:53
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jeremyfreudberggmann just an update, i sent a LinkedIn message to SergeyLukjanov on June 3 and got no reply17:13
toskyI've sent him an email a few days ago, same17:19
toskybut on his personal email, I may try the mirantis one17:20
toskyotherwise, next steps: twitter, maybe fb17:20
fungiif all other options are exhausted, i can ask the oftc staff to grant us control over the channel17:23
fungibut i'd really rather not bother them unless we're out of alternatives17:23
gmannjeremyfreudberg: thanks for updates.17:43
gmannfungi: I think we can go with that option 'oftc staff to grant us control '17:43
fungithanks, let's see if tosky has any luck with the mirantis address and then if not we can work up a request for oftc staff17:53
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