Monday, 2021-06-14

*** tosky <tosky!> has joined #openstack-sahara07:45
toskySergeyLukjanov: ping ping! Do you read this one as well, in addition to freenode?18:44
fungiSergeyLukjanov: i followed up by e-mail as well, but what we're looking for is here on oftc to have you run `/msg chanserv set #openstack-sahara access add opendevaccess master`18:59
SergeyLukjanovtosky fungi hey, sorry folks for the late reply, it should be all good now -- ChanServopendevaccess added to #openstack-sahara access list as MASTER.19:13
toskySergeyLukjanov: thanks!!!19:19
fungiSergeyLukjanov: thanks a ton! i've confirmed it looks right, and rechecked
fungialso it just dawned on me i gave you a slightly incorrect command, but thanks for figuring it out19:28
SergeyLukjanovit was close enough to figure out easily :)19:29
SergeyLukjanovfun thing is that my bouncer is running on a VM with almost 8 years uptime and I wasn't using it for about 4-5 years, so, we were lucking it's still working19:30
toskyoh, wow19:32
jeremyfreudbergthank you19:42

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