Monday, 2020-06-08

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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/osc-lib master: Remove commandmanager subclass
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openstackgerritArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Wait for the project cleanup to complete
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openstackgerritArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Do not clean keypairs in the project cleanup
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sshnaidmcores, please take a look in your time
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openstackgerritArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Do not clean keypairs in the project cleanup
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Remove mox3 from local upper-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstacksdk master: Make optional name and admin password
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mordredgtema__: if you get a sec, I started hacking on plugin loading in osc: - right now it's just about unwinding the deps a little bit and optimizing a little bit - next I'll work on the client creation steps14:15
mordredI think it shouldn't take too long to get those bits done14:15
mordredhowever, looking at the osc-lib patch, I'm not convinced osc-functional-devstack and osc-functional-devstack-tips are doing the right things - I'd expect tips to pass and non-tips to fail there14:15
gtemayeah, I'm fighting with the project cleanup, which seems also not that easy wrt filters (dry_run with filters is pretty much useless in the network area)14:16
gtemayou can't easily estimate, whether ports would be present in the real run or not (re-evaluate whether dropping resource will result in dropping port or not)14:17
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gtemamordred: what is your intention is "black"?14:19
mordredgtema: dunno. that was just me playing14:20
mordredgtema: good point re: ports - thats "fun" :(14:20
gtemasome things are indeed interesting, but replacing ' to " seems really mad14:21
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add cliff to libs-from-git for devstack functional tips
gtemaI think we also need to have one src job in the osc with all it deps14:21
mordredgtema: yeah. that one is a bit annoying. I like the indentation choice - I think it's good for making refactoring patches cleaner14:21
nightmare_unrealfrickler:  hey , if you get time. Can you read my comment here : . Basically it's regarding that it's cliff that handles the output formatting . So the problem is not in osc-client per se ( I think)14:22
mordredgtema: and yes - the osc patch there updates the tips job to include cliff14:22
gtemawe need same for sdk, osc-lib and cliff14:23
gtemawe will have pretty much changes soon and it becomes madness14:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add cliff to libs-from-git for devstack functional tips
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Remove os-client-config references
mordredgtema: when you say "need same" - what do you mean? you mean updating the jobs there to make sure it's all good?14:27
mordredalso - there's a "fun" thing about osc and devstack jobs that I don't think we've fully captured in our test jobs yet14:27
gtemaoh, I missed definition of the functional-devstack-tips. I thought it was not taking libs from git, but only release ones14:28
mordredwe have "release vs src" - and we have that for both devstack/openstack itself, as well as the client stuff installed into the tox virtualenv14:28
gtemayes, now I see14:28
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fricklernightmare_unreal: well if you think you can fix this in cliff, go ahead.14:44
dtantsurmordred: hey, do you remember from the top of your head, if OS_AUTH_URL has /v3/ in the end, do we trim it in keystoneauth?14:50
dtantsurthis is re
gtemain my case it has v314:51
mordreddtantsur: we don't trim it if we're looking for version 314:51
mordreddtantsur: I think the only time we trim it and use unversioned is if someone requests v214:52
mordredbecause /v3 should also contain a versioned discovery doc14:52
dtantsur doesn't account for a trailing slash #facepalm14:53
mordreddtantsur: hah14:54
dtantsurthis project has a loong way ahead in terms of robustness14:54
dtantsuron the other hand, people are using it \o/14:54
mordreddtantsur: this comes back to the ptg discussion about trailing vs non-trailing in catalogs14:54
mordreddtantsur: \o/14:54
mordredI pinged sdague about that btw and he did not remember14:54
dtantsurtoo much time has passed14:55
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mordredyah. I remember having a summit discussion at some summit. I mostly remember that the room was downstairs14:55
mordredbut I don't remember which city ... maybe it was atlanta?14:55
mordredmight have been paris14:56
mordredor hong kong14:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add for install with pip
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/cliff master: Add load_plugins option
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/osc-lib master: Remove commandmanager subclass
mordredgtema: sorry - I missed this one in the topic:
gtemafeel free to set +A yourself15:39
mordredgtema: thansk!15:40
mordredgtema: so - with the cliff patch, the idea is that in osc we'll have a file that has a ton of "commandmanager.add_command" calls pointing to the classes in-tree rather than registering our own plugins as entrypoints15:41
mordredthen, since cliff will first attempt to resolve those from what it knows before scanning entrypoints15:42
mordredfor the common case we can avoid the entrypoint cost- and only take that cost if someone asks for a command tha we don't know15:42
gtemayupp, makes sense15:42
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/cliff master: Add load_plugins option
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smcginnismordred: Hey there. Doing a search on requirements, I can't find any repos that have shade declaring it as a dependency in their requirements files. Does that seem right?16:40
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mordredsmcginnis: yeah - I don't think anything should be depending on shade at this point16:40
mordredsmcginnis: everything that used to should be depending on openstacksdk at this point16:40
mordredsmcginnis: same with os-client-config16:41
smcginnisOK, great. Another one I can clean out of global reqs then.16:41
mordredsmcginnis: we're probably in a good place to change the release model for them now too16:41
mordredsmcginnis: maybe just to independent?16:41
smcginnismordred: If you think it will only need occasional releases from time to time, that may be better.16:42
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mordredsmcginnis: yeah- the're mostly on life-support for backwards compat16:44
mordredthey definitely don't need cycle based releases16:44
smcginnismordred: cinder16:46
smcginnisDarn clipboard.16:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cliff master: Remove python3.5
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cliff master: Migrate to stestr
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cliff master: Remove unneeded tests
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mordredmnaser, dtantsur|afk, smcginnis: if you get a sec, mind reviewing ? It's mostly just moving code from osc-lib to cliff so that we can remove it from osc-lib and then do a followup which will let us optimize osc by skipping entrypoints loading for common cases18:44
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dmsimardhey o/ maybe I'm blind but I can't find an openstacksdk method that maps to keystone's /v3/users/{user_id}/projects ?,list-projects-for-user-detail#list-projects-for-user19:04
dmsimardlooking at the openstacksdk docs from
dmsimardI guess I found but not seeing in the docs :p19:11
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mordreddmsimard: we might just not have it linked in the docs :(:19:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Add user_projects method to docs index
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Add user_projects method to docs index
mordreddmsimard: ^^ thanks!19:37
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add cliff to libs-from-git for devstack functional tips
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Remove os-client-config references
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: identity: autogenerate docs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: image: autogenerate docs
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mordredamotoki: if you get some time, would you mind reviewing ? the more important bits are the followup change which won't start working until is landed, but that won't start working until we release osc-lib with the first change :)21:49
mordredthen once all of that is in and happy, we can make an osc patch to register the in-tree plugins with add_command and skip the entrypoint scan cost for most of the commands21:50
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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/cliff master: drop mock from lower-constraints and requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/osc-lib master: Add get_osc_show_columns_for_sdk_resource function
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add OpenStack Client for Manila docs
openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: drop mock from lower-constraints
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstacksdk master: Extend statistics reporting

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