Thursday, 2021-09-23

thomasb06gtema: there's no `runTest` in the original `TestObjectStoreProxy`, maybe I need to rebase the code?05:28
gtemathomasb06, I think you can skip object_store. It is already split somehow. On the other hand it look really weird, I will take a deeper look myself07:06
thomasb06regarding the workflow, what should I do? Maybe cancel the commit and start over07:17
gtemayes, abandon the change and go for next service07:17
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thomasb06would you know how to refetch the directory? It has become messy and I start to have error messages regularly07:44
gtemapretty much `git reset --hard feature/r1`07:45
thomasb06It seems it just worked. Thanks07:47
opendevreviewPrzemyslaw Szczerbik proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add support for CRUD operations for QoS minimum packet rate rule
seongsoochoIn Korea mentoring, We are trying to implement a command that is not implemented for each component command of openstackcli. ( I'm referencing this link. )08:27
seongsoochoAre there any special reasons for things that haven't been implemented yet? If not, we'll try.08:27
gtemaseongsoocho - mostly just because nobody has found time yet to do that, or even that the list is not up2date08:29
seongsoochogreat. I think It is a good starting point to contribute to the openstackcli . :-) 08:30
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diablo_rojogtema, still good to meet in ~12 min?15:48
gtemayupp, can start even earlier if you are free15:49
diablo_rojoGimme like 3 min to make a cup of tea and get an etherpad up for notes and then I will poke you :) 15:50
diablo_rojounless you already have an etherpad or doc started somewhere? 15:52
gtemaactually nope15:52
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