Friday, 2022-01-21

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dtantsuryo, has anyone looked into why the docs job fails on keystoneauth? seems legit to me10:34
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gtemadtantsur: this looks very similar to why I was updating sdk docs with :noindex: (i.e.
gtemathat was some year ago and caused by new version of sphinx or whatever11:07
gtemabut here I can't really believe it is also caused by new version of whatever11:08
gtemait looks more that there was no update in a while and thus the issue is only visible now11:12
gtemacause I also see same problem trying to build docs locally from master11:12
gtemaespecially tricky is that whole api doc is being generated automatically, so somebody need to spend a while on that issue11:14
fricklermight be something that thomas could script?11:15
frickleroh wait, that is kind of scripted already. "SPHINX_APIDOC_OPTIONS=noindex,members,undoc-members,show-inheritance" helps
* frickler tries to convince tox to do that now11:28
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Fix docs build
fricklergtema: dtantsur: ^^ that does it for me locally12:15
gtemaawsome, thks12:16
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Fix docs build
fricklermeh, of course it failed for pdfdocs12:29
fricklergtema: now it passed, do you want to review? otherwise I'd self-approve as gate-unblocker13:48
gtemaI have no core rights in keystone, left +113:53
frickleroh, right, I was somehow thinking that this belonged to sdk with patches being reported here, can't approve myself, either. so let's wait for some keystone ppl to pick it up13:55
gtemaI do not actually even know why it is reported here, but it doesn't harm, cause we depend on that heavily13:56
opendevreviewhamza proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add dns_[name,domain] to the port module
*** Guest1320 is now known as melwitt19:18
opendevreviewhamza proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add dns_[name,domain] to the port module
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted briefly to apply a bugfix23:03

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