Wednesday, 2022-10-26

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opendevreviewDaniel Wilson proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Use the compute SDK in server list
opendevreviewDaniel Wilson proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Accept queries when listing migrations
opendevreviewDaniel Wilson proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Use the compute SDK in usage commands
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opendevreviewRafael Castillo proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Updates volume for 2.0.0
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Updates volume for 2.0.0
opendevreviewJakob Meng proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Change subnets_info module to work with new SDK
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Added "openstack image metadefs namespace list" command
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstacksdk master: Improve swift headers handling
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: volume: Volume names are optional
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Change subnets_info module to work with new SDK
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: compute: Add '--no-network', '--auto-network' flags
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: Added "openstack image metadefs namespace list" command
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: compute: Add functional tests for volume attachments
opendevreviewJakob Meng proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Refactored ci script with shellcheck suggestions and install collections
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/cliff master: Removing helper functions providing Python < 3.3 compatibility
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/cliff master: Clarification of the algorithm used
fricklernot sure if everyone is subscribed, discussion about the storyboard issue is now happening here
fungiit looks like a lot of folks who were in here via the matrix-oftc bridge dropped around 08:05 utc and haven't rejoined yet13:47
fricklerah, that explains why gtema dropped from the publiccloud meeting13:48
gtemahmm, I was even posting during the meeting13:49
fricklerI only can recommend not to use that bridge, some colleagues of mine do and see regular disconnects13:49
fungigtema: now we see you13:49
fungilooks like it must have fixed itself and the bridge auto-joins you again as soon as you say something new13:50
gtemacool, I was permanently here and seeing everything posted here13:50
fricklergtema: "full house today" at 08:02 was the last thing we read from you13:50
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Improve `server dump create` helptext
gtemafunny, but this half-sync is really confusing13:51
fungigtema: while you're here, just to get some additional clarification on the rackspace api_key extension... are you saying you were trying with the configuration documented here and it wasn't able to authenticate arbitrary api calls with the resulting session?
gtemathis is also not the first time - jm1 was already telling similar to me - being in element he could see everything what I post, but it was never reaching IRC13:51
gtemafungi - interesting. I was not trying auth_type cause I was sure it is something only present in the rax hacks13:52
fungiyeah, the matrix bridges can end up in strange half-connected states where you see things inbound from irc but nothing you say gets back to irc (but other users of the bridge still see what you say because that doesn't have to round-trip through itc13:53
fungier, round-trip through irc13:53
gtemafungi - rackspace_apikey is not implemented part of the keystoneauth lib13:54
fungigtema: as noted in the openstacksdk docs, to use auth_type: rackspace_apikey you do need to install the rackspaceauth plugin for ksa13:54
gtemaso honestly I have no clue how that supposed to work without this lib being installed 13:54
* fungi is just parroting the sdk docs tell rackspace users to do13:55
gtemaand it has entry_points - trying now to install it13:55
fungigtema: you're installing right?13:55
gtemaha, - try to guess which one to install13:57
fungijust making sure, since it doesn't look like the package on pypi is the same as the repo you linked in github13:57
gtemaexactly, with that one I passed one step further13:57
fungispecifically, the package the openstacksdk docs say to pip install13:58
gtemaright - I never seen this part, so was not sure13:58
gtemabut now I am through the auth and get: Policy doesn't allow compute:get_all to be performed. (HTTP 403)13:59
gtemapretty much nothing is allowed, either api key didn't receive right permissions or I use wrong project14:00
fungioh, is there still some question as to whether the tenant/project id is correct?14:01
gtemaat least this tenant/project is reported as the only one in the auth response14:01
gtemaso it should be right14:01
opendevreviewDenys Mishchenko proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Existing images update name, visibility etc
fungiwhat would compute:get_all normally return? is that the list of server instances?14:02
fungiso essentially `openstack server list`14:02
opendevreviewJiri Podivin proposed openstack/cliff master: Removing helper functions providing Python < 3.3 compatibility
gtemathank you fungi14:03
gtemaI learned something new about sdk today14:03
fungii'll see what more we can get from my contact there, i just wanted to make sure i had a more complete picture of what/where the problem is before reaching out14:04
gtemasure. This rackspaceauth is a thing that we would also need to install into sdk jobs, but it should be not an issue14:05
fungiwell, since it's been an advertised option (going back at least 5 years in the published sdk docs), double-checking that it can be made to work would be good anyway14:06
fungiand if it can't, then a docs update is in order14:06
gtemaat least now I eventually see where clarkb's problem with cinder may lay - in this type of auth project_id is not being set and we try to concat None14:07
fungibut i'll see if he's willing to give us a password for the account too, so that both paths can be tried14:07
gtemaawesome, thanks14:07
fungigtema: fwiw, with opendev's tenants we don't use api_key, we set password and project_id in our clouds.yaml files14:09
gtemayes, I have seen that, but clark mentioned he was trying in venv so I assumed he may be making few tweaks14:09
funginah, the venvs we've been talking about still rely on the same /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml file we install on the server where we're running the client14:10
fungithough we do end up needing to use an old version of the sdk and we pass --os-volume-api=1 on the client command line in order to make it work14:11
gtemaok, then if "cinderclient.exceptions.UnsupportedVersion: Invalid client version '2.0'. Major part should be '3'" is the broken thing it is due to cinderclient having dropped support14:11
gtemasame is for v1 - it was dropped in cinderclient14:12
fungii have python-cinderclient==4.0.1 in both a working and broken venv14:12
gtemawe can try to implement here raw API requests (or hope SDK v1 is still working)14:13
gtemabut is that the exception you get?14:13
fungithe problem i'm seeing with the non-working (newer sdk) venv is a "Not Found (HTTP 404)" response from the cloud14:13
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: compute: Add '--no-network', '--auto-network' flags
gtemafor something like volume list?14:14
fungiif i downgrade openstacksdk from 0.48.0 to 0.41.0 then volume list works with the same command-line options and configuration14:15
fungii haven't finished bisecting between those yet14:15
gtemawow, but that is very very old14:15
fungiyes, we had to go back that far to make it work14:15
gtemaanyway, in order to reproduce I need to pass through "Policy doesn't allow volume:get_all to be performed" which I get now14:15
fungirather, we started pinning when it broke and haven't been able to upgrade14:15
fungiand yes, trying to use cinderclient as a workaround is problematic in the way you noted14:16
fungi(newer cinderclient dropped old api versions)14:16
gtemathat sucks quite heavily - supporting such old things is terribly complex14:17
fungithankfully most of the problem impact is to volume management, which we only do manually. it hasn't adversely impacted stuff like nodepool since it doesn't need to care about the volume api14:19
fungiso we've been able to get by with custom venvs containing really old libs for the times when we need to add/remove/replace volumes for our persistent control plane servers14:20
fungiit's not ideal though, of course14:20
gtemawhich osc-lib and osc ver are installed? I can't get matching combo14:20
fungii'm going to make fresh venvs first just to make sure i have a consistent reproducer14:21
gtemaI mean the one which is working14:22
gtemawith older versions, cause sdk==0.41.0 is not working with "any" OSC14:22
gtemaand older OSC falls on osc-lib14:22
gtemaand finally falling on "module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'"14:23
fungiyeah, that's why i'm trying to reproduce with clean venvs first, because i'd like to know how to create an equivalent of the working reference venv i have from scratch14:25
gtemaok, thks14:25
fungialso note that the venvs in question are built for python 3.6 because they're on an ubuntu 18.04 lts (bionic) server14:26
fungilooks like i need to force downgrade cryptography because of that14:26
fungipython3.6 -m venv foo14:34
fungifoo/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools wheel14:34
fungifoo/bin/pip install openstackclient python-openstackclient==3.17.0 openstacksdk==0.41.0 python-cinderclient==4.0.114:34
fungisudo foo/bin/openstack --os-cloud=openstackci-rax --os-region-name=DFW --os-volume-api=1 volume list14:34
fungigtema: that ^ reproduces a working one for me14:34
gtemaugh, now I need to find somewhere py36 for me ;-)14:35
fungii'm winding forward with openstacksdk versions to find the one where the first breakage occurs14:36
fungihuh, so i was able to wind forward to openstacksdk==0.48.0 and it continues working14:37
fungialso it may be reproducible on newer python interpreters, i haven't tried yet14:37
gtemaokay, in any way now I nearly always fall on policies14:38
gtemaI mean either some other py exception of policy14:39
fungii'm able to make i work with 0.102.0 in fact14:40
gtemalol - so something different in playing a role14:40
gtemawelcome in the dependency hell14:41
fungiyes, i'm trying to play with other dependency variables now14:42
gtemawhat is the issue with v2 itself?14:43
gtemamaybe fixing this will cost less then making v1 work14:43
funginot completely implemented in rackspace14:43
gtemaah, ok14:43
fungiat least that's my understanding, but i can get a more specific error14:43
fungiwhat was the cinderclient version where v2 api support was dropped?14:45
gtemaroughly a year ago14:45
fungiyeah, if i pin python-cinderclient<8 i only get the deprecation warning for v214:47
fungiadding --debug, it looks like it's trying to get /v2/610275/610275/volum14:48
fungier, it's trying to get /v2/$id/$id/volume/detail14:48
fungifrom the block storage api endpoint14:48
gtemaok, seems like a bug14:48
fungiand that returns a 404 not found14:48
fungiserver list uses /v2/$id/servers/detail so i guess the doubled project id in the url is a problem14:50
gtemayeah, on the other side v2 cinder is not present in the "service_catalog" - explicitly in the quotes since this is a thing on its own14:51
gtemaand using normal OSC it fails to find volumev2 endpoint for region14:51
fungiright, i got that as well once i pinned back a bit14:54
fricklerfungi: checking on bridge we set block_storage_endpoint_override to .../v2/610275. maybe drop the last part of that14:56
fungiooh, good eye14:56
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Implement server and host evacuate commands
fricklerI haven't found a cli option to override that override14:57
gtemain cli no way14:58
gtemathe problem is that this override is only influencing SDK, but not cinderclient itself14:58
fungifrickler: good call. with that edit i'm able to get it work with latest sdk and cli installable on python 3.6, as long as i pin python-cinderclient<514:59
fungii'll push up a change to our clouds.yaml since that simplifies what we need to do to make the cli work14:59
gtemathat all sounds like a very dirty hack ;-)14:59
fricklerwith the same cap it also works on the new bridge with py3.1015:03
opendevreviewHaeIYoon proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Add image metadef object operations
fricklerhack for maybe-a-non-openstack cloud, but progress anyway15:04
gtemathis is exactly what I always want to say - this doesn't feel like openstack cloud15:04
fricklerthough admittedly there may be an old private cloud running icehouse or similar that might alse need the capped cinderclient15:05
gtemasooner or later we will drop cinderclient from osc, but we can't really test all of those things15:06
fricklerso possibly still worth fixing that dependency15:06
fricklerand I agree about testing and all that15:06
fricklerjust dreaming about an ideal world, that still should be possible to work15:07
fungi Correct block_storage_endpoint_override for rax15:07
gtemathe bigger question for me is that such clouds most likely run on py2, how should we be able to make this running if admin want to use newer OSC15:07
fricklerfungi: I think that comment about v1 is wrong. this is about the v2 api and at least "volume list" works fine for me with v215:09
fricklergtema: for the use case I'm thinking about, the client would be running a modern system, just talking to the API of an old cloud15:10
gtemaI know, it just so frustrating and funny at the same time15:11
fungifrickler: oh, you're right!15:11
frickleralso capping cinderclient\<8 seems to be enough15:11
fungiyep, i was about to test that15:11
fungiokay, amended15:14
fungialso confirmed that <8 works if i drop the v1 override from the command15:14
fungiremains to be seen if i'll be able to do things like server attach/detach now, but at least volume list is working15:15
fungii'll play around with it a bit more15:15
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: compute: Fix '--network none/auto' handling
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: compute: Add missing microversion check for networks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Refactored ci script with shellcheck suggestions and install collections
opendevreviewDenys Mishchenko proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Existing images update name, visibility etc
opendevreviewJakob Meng proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Always remove temporary files in volume's integration test
opendevreviewDenys Mishchenko proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Existing images update name, visibility etc
opendevreviewDenys Mishchenko proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Existing images update name, visibility etc
opendevreviewDenys Mishchenko proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Existing images update name, visibility etc

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