Thursday, 2024-07-25

aviatorThanks JayF03:03
frickleraviator: there also are public openstack deployments, but they are not free, so you would have to pay for them. also there are often cases where it will be helpful to be able to look at the server side of things, too, while developing client code06:07
frickleranother option would be to use an all-in-one deployment from one of the deployment tools, like openstack-ansible or kolla-ansible06:08
opendevreviewValentin Chassignol proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add retrieve password action for Instances with optional decryption
opendevreviewValentin Chassignol proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add retrieve password with optional decryption
fricklergtema: stephenfin: something is making swift/object commands disappear from OSC. I started to collect some data at
fricklerthe issue does not seem to happen with latest master, but only with 6.6.0 and older versions09:19
fricklerI'm expecting this to be caused by some updated library, but failed to find out which one so far09:19
fricklera possible workaround might be to push forward with the release of 6.7.0, but IMO it would be better to root-cause this anyway09:21
opendevreviewKaloyan Kotlarski proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add a list of Neutron port to attach when deploying an Ironic node
opendevreviewValentin Chassignol proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add retrieve password with optional decryption
gtemafricker: ack10:54
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Add callback on plugin load failure
stephenfinfrickler: Do you have a local reproducer? Can you cherry-pick/manually apply that commit ^ to see if it yields any info?11:49
stephenfinI wrote that yesterday due to issues I was seeing with osc-placement (and previously python-ironicclient), both due to use of distutils when installed under Python 3.1211:50
fricklerah, I was already looking at that code, but didn't know how to add debugging. you can simply rebase your patch onto 6.6.0 and get: WARNING: Failed to import plugin openstack.cli.base:object_store: No module named 'simplejson'.11:55
fricklerso the fix is
fricklerwhich is also what my git bisect led me to, but I couldn't find the connection11:56
stephenfinfrickler: Yeah, I was having commands disappear for seemingly no reason too, which led me to that patch (after a few other attempts at fixes in osc-lib and cliff). Good timing it seems :)11:57
fricklerso 6.7.0 will be fine and maybe we need to backport to stable branches11:57
stephenfinYup. I suspect this is coming about due to, which is included in osc-lib 3.1.011:58
stephenfin(simplejson was a direct dependency that we were including transitively from osc-lib)12:00
fricklerah, right, downgrading my broken venv to osc-lib-3.0.1 pulls in simplejson and that fixes the whole issue12:06
rpittauso need to wait for osc 6.7.0 to land for the fix ?12:12
stephenfinrpittau: We don't have an easy way to release 6.6.1 so yes12:13
frickleranother workaround is to install simplejson into the venv12:13
fricklerwe could do that in devstack for now, I guess12:14
rpittauthat workaround should work12:14
frickleryes, I just confirmed it in my local setup12:15
fricklerstephenfin: we can do a 6.6.1 from stable/2024.1, can't we?12:17
stephenfinoh, yes we can. I had thought 6.6.6 was a D release but apparently not12:18
stephenfindo you want to do that backport and I can approve?12:18
fricklerrpittau: do you want to update your devstack patch with the simplejson addition?12:18
fricklerstephenfin: ack, just a sec12:18
gansostephenfin: hi! have you been able to think more about ?12:19
stephenfinganso: Oh, sorry, I thought we'd agreed that fixing Location would be nice but that we could treat it as out-of-scope for now12:20
stephenfinganso: fwiw I have some largeish typing-related rework under way that should make fixing it easier, but it's not complete yet and won't be complete for a while yet12:20
gansostephenfin: yea I thought we did agree but the gerrit comment history seemed to indicate otherwise. I'm happy if we are ready to move forward12:21
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/python-openstackclient stable/2024.1: Drop direct dependency on simplejson
gansostephenfin: hmm if it is a large rework shouldn't we merge that small patch now so the customers that need it don't have to wait that much?12:22
rpittaufrickler: yeah, gimme a sec to find the proper place 12:34
rpittaufrickler: done12:39
fricklerrpittau: thx, will approve once CI passes12:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient stable/2024.1: Drop direct dependency on simplejson
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opendevreviewTim Bishop proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Respect --skip-resource when deleting.

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