Monday, 2025-03-03

stephenfinfrickler: gtema: TIL that keystone is case-insensitive. The difference in behavior appears to be because Resource.find is case sensitive
stephenfinChanging that globally is likely to be a large change that could have knock-on effects for other services that may not (a) allow filtering by name query string parameters and/or (b) are case sensitive. idk if we want to do that10:11
gtemaneah, we must stick to case sensitivity10:11
gtemaservices themselves are free to be case sensitive or insensitive. SDK must respect case10:12
stephenfinThis is also presumably a change we've seen in the other identity resources that have switched to using SDK in recent releases. I'm guessing this is just the first one we've noticied10:12
stephenfinIf this is important enough as a regression, we probably need to temporarily reimplement Resource.find in OSC and issue warnings on case-insensitive matches10:13
stephenfins/as a/to be classified as a/10:14
gtemawrt keystone I see additional undocumented "case_sensitive" parameters support in the code10:14
fricklerstephenfin: gtema: how about defining this to be a feature instead of a regression, but being nice to consumers and add a reno with a big warning?11:57
gtemaI would also prefer feature rather than regression11:58
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/openstacksdk stable/2024.1: [Stable Only] Do not pin openstacksdk to master
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/openstacksdk stable/2024.1: [Stable Only] Do not pin openstacksdk to master
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/openstacksdk stable/2024.2: [Stable Only] Do not pin openstacksdk to master
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opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/codegenerator master: Bootstrap magnum  OpenAPI build

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