Thursday, 2015-07-02

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritStanislaw Pitucha proposed stackforge/anchor: Implement saving certificate in memory
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VivCheriGood evening.13:54
elmikogood morning =)13:55
jian5397goo morning13:55
jian5397good morning13:55
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michaelxinvivcheri: where are you?13:56
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VivCherimichaelxin: why do you ask ? :)13:56
VivCheriVivCheri: I am in India.13:57
michaelxingot it. Thanks.13:57
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michaelxinjust curious13:57
VivCheriok :)13:58
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openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed stackforge/bandit: Adding a test for partial paths in exec functions
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openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed stackforge/bandit: Adding a test for partial paths in exec functions
openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed stackforge/bandit: Adding a test for partial paths in exec functions
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sigmavirus24I think bkudson mentioned this already, but someone wants us to use oslo.rootwrap in Glance: I added a bunch of you for reviews =P15:28
tmcpeaksigmavirus24: I'm not as up on rootwrap and the evils of it as I should be, is the idea that basically people suck at using filters?15:32
sigmavirus24I'm not entirely sure15:32
sigmavirus24I think it's meant to be the lesser of two evils15:33
tmcpeakI mean, it's fairly prevalent, and I think in theory it could be used securely.  I'd rather at least have the option for filters than people just "sudo this" and "sudo that"'ing all over the place15:33
tmcpeaknext midcycle I"m going to spend some time with bknudson and browne and the other rootwrap experts and finally understand what's up15:34
tmcpeakI'd like a day to just poke at it15:34
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browneas i recall rootwrap really sucks when they use the blank CommandFilter. basically it permits that command to run with any argument.  RegExpFilter should be preferred15:38
elmikotmcpeak: yea, my experience was that filters usually messed our users up15:39
tmcpeakahh ok cool15:40
tmcpeakhmm, yeah that's what we ended up with here.
tmcpeakat some point it would be interesting to dig in, and find some examples of suck and some examples of not-suck15:41
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1470740 in python-swiftclient "swiftclient disclose token in debug logs" [Undecided,New]15:46
tmcpeaksee comment here :)15:46
sigmavirus24thanks for the link tmcpeak15:47
tmcpeaklooks like we need to just say "DEBUG may log all the things"15:47
tmcpeakadd all affected projects and versions15:47
elmikook, so one more re-write on 0049 then?15:48
elmikotristanC: thanks! ;)15:48
tmcpeakelmiko: yeah :( sorry man, this one is turning out epic15:48
elmikohaha totes15:48
tmcpeakthat's cool though man, if you're going to write a note it might as well be an epic one15:49
elmikosure, why not. then at least we don't have to write one like this again15:49
tristanCelmiko: you're welcome ;)15:50
tmcpeakthe fun part is going to be listing out all of the projects15:50
tmcpeaktristanC: would you recommend listing all of the projects, since this could be in any of them?15:50
elmikooh man...15:50
tmcpeakalso what projects do we list? I'm not up on the big tent manifesto as much as I should be15:51
* Daviey regrets looking at the backscroll, and decides to put the kettle on instead.15:51
elmikothere should be a way for use to have an ossn that applies to all services15:51
elmikoDaviey: lol!15:52
tristanCa starting list could be:
tmcpeakyeah, maybe just "all" ? or something, nkinder: ^15:52
tmcpeaktristanC: but just because it doesn't exist in a project now doesn't mean it wouldn't in the future if it's not a security bug, it doesn't seem like we necessarily have a firm stance on this one way or the other15:53
elmikothis seems like a good candidate for an "all", although if need be i'll hit the list that tristanC is suggesting15:53
tristanC"all" seems fine, but then operators will yell that they need debug mode in prod so...15:53
DavieyIf operators *need* to use Debug in prod, then openstack logging is busted.15:54
tmcpeaktristanC: at which point we yell that they're going to get popped and then the cycle goes around again15:54
elmikocan we just say, "if you use debug mode then the security group says" ?15:55
tmcpeak^ if this is a rick-roll I'm going to be upset15:55
DavieyIs there a Tempest job to look for strings that shouldn't be logged?15:55
nkindertmcpeak: just escaped from a meeting.  Let me read the backscroll...15:57
nkinderelmiko, tmcpeak: we have an example of "all services" in the heartbleed or poodle OSSN IIRC15:58
nkinderelmiko, tmcpeak:
elmikonkinder: awesome, thanks16:00
* elmiko heads off back to the re-write dungeon16:00
tmcpeakoh yeah, cool, that's right16:00
tmcpeaknkinder: I even wrote one of them ;)  — I have the memory of a sparrow apparently16:01
sigmavirus24I have it on my todo list to write one for glance16:01
nkindertmcpeak: lol.  I know how you feel.16:02
tmcpeakyeah, I should pick another up soon too16:02
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openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed stackforge/bandit: Adding a test for partial paths in exec functions
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/bandit: Adding a test for partial paths in exec functions
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