Wednesday, 2022-08-03

d34dh0r53fungi: I've assigned the CVE to and renamed the bug13:00
d34dh0r53fungi: so now I should set it to Fix Committed and send out the OSSA?13:00
fungid34dh0r53: the ossa needs to provide links to the backports for the fix. i don't think those are up yet?13:01
fungid34dh0r53: yeah, the master branch fix hasn't even merged yet, so it may be a while still13:05
d34dh0r53fungi: ack, so do I leave the OpenStack Security Advisory field in the bug as In Progress?13:21
fungid34dh0r53: yep. if you really want, since this is a public bug, you could push a wip change to openstack/ossa with placeholders for the backport change urls, but it's not urgent13:50

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