Friday, 2022-10-07

fungid34dh0r53: thanks for opening
fungiwould you mind linking the earlier rh bug in a comment if not the description?16:58
fungigagehugo: ^ you may have also had input on that16:59
gagehugoThe 1 minute app cred thing is weird, but I can see the security issue there17:03
gagehugojust an odd use case17:03
gagehugomy main concern is making sure we document the behavior of token expiry using app creds vs the config setting if we change it17:03
gagehugobut that is more keystone talk than security17:04
fungikeystone is security17:06
* gagehugo puts the security hat on top of the keystone hat17:07
fungii mean, it's central to authentication and authorization for all of openstack (except in standalone service deployments), so it's definitely on topic here17:07
fungimuch like pretty much everything barbican touches is on topic here17:07
fungibut yes, if you want to convince other keystone core reviewers of the merits of approving some documentation patch, then maybe the keystone channel would be better. is anyone writing that change yet?17:08

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