Monday, 2023-06-05

*** JasonF is now known as JayF00:01
mharley@fungi, ping. You there?12:49
fungimharley: yep, 'sup?12:54
mharleyGot a reference to your name by @dmendiza. :-) 12:54
mharleyAnd from @d34h0rs53.12:55
mharleyWanted to understand better how the process works and I could help somehow.12:55
fungiyou can also find me on the front of and in the sig chairs list, if you need more references ;)12:55
fungiwhich process? there are quite a few (also i wear a lot of hats in openstack, but based on the channel you're asking in i assume it's something touching on security-related topics)12:56
mharleyExactly that.12:56
mharleyWell assumed.12:56
fungiare you talking about our vulnerability coordination process, or some other security-relevant process within the community?12:57
mharleyLet's consider the vulnerability coordination topic as a start. :-)13:00
fungimharley: have you read and yet? if so, i'm happy to answer specific questions13:04
mharleyNot yet, @fungi. I'll go through those links first. Thanks.13:06

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