Tuesday, 2024-02-27

fungihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2054590 is now public15:15
SvenKieskeah, finally :)16:39
SvenKieskemhm, I'm a little bit baffled it was private to begin with, parts of this circulated already in the scs community16:40
SvenKieskefungi: this was public as of this posting (meeting minutes): https://input.scs.community/2023-scs-team-iaas#Notice-about-a-potential-security-issue-josephineSei16:41
fungiSvenKieske: that would also have been good to know16:41
SvenKieskewell, I/we redirected the reporting to you. I wondered if I should say something with regards of reporting this in public but didn't speak up.16:42
fungiluzi e-mailed me privately with her concerns but didn't mention that some of it had already been discussed publicly, so i advised her to start with a private security bug for neutron to get a few eyes on it16:42
fungibut yeah, if i'd known about prior public discussion i would have suggested just opening a public security bug about it16:43
SvenKieskeyeah my bad I guess, as I think I was the one the most familiar with openstack security process. I silently hoped that it would be obvious (from the reporting side) that this is of course public once it enters public meeting minutes.16:43
fungistill, it only sat private for a few days before it got some attention16:43
SvenKieskeyeah, not much harm done I guess.16:44
SvenKieskeI'll circle back with our PO guys and some security guys if we maybe should write down our own policy on how to report security bugs upsteram16:45
SvenKieskeI also didn't really interfere much, because I thought it might be debatable if a trust boundary is crossed/this really is viewed as a security issue.16:46
fungiSvenKieske: if you think it would help, i could add something to https://security.openstack.org/#how-to-report-security-issues-to-openstack about circumstances for bringing already public items to the vmt's attention. so far we've tried to keep it brief in order to avoid unnecessary confusion16:48
fungimmm, also i see a missed a variation of "responsible" there when i cleaned up all the others16:49
SvenKieskewell on one hand it is good in theory to maybe add a note like "if the information you want to report is already public knowledge, e.g. described in another public bugtracker, please just open a public security bug"16:50
SvenKieskeon the other hand this document is already rather long, so making it longer might have negative impact16:50
fungithe "how to report" section is fairly short, thankfully16:50
SvenKieskeI would maybe move the whole section "reporting security issues" out of it into it's own document that can be prominently linked to from the website. possibly with a link to the more detailed informations for deployers and developers.16:51
fungithough i suppose it could also warrant a dedicated page like i did for https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/latest/vulnerabilities.html16:51
SvenKieskeyeah right, from the perspective of security researchers it's always good to have a dedicated document which is short imho16:52
fungigood call16:52
SvenKieskeI notice we do not happen to have a "security.txt" on our website, what do you think about that?16:53
SvenKieskein case you are not familiar: https://securitytxt.org/ it has it's up- and downsides, as usual. :)16:53
SvenKieskeah nice, last time I looked it was not yet an actual RFC: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc911616:54
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/ossa master: Clean up a couple missed "responsibly" mis-uses  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ossa/+/91037116:54
SvenKieskea clear downside of a security.txt is, that you might get more spam/low quality reports, depending on your usage of the file16:55
fungiSvenKieske: that looks like a way for operators of a service or site to publish how people should report vulnerabilities for that service or site in a discoverable way, not for producers of open source software to direct vulnerability reports for their various projects. probably would make more sense to put a file in the top level of each git repository, or just mention it in every17:00
fungiit's not clear to me where we would put an rfc 9116 security.txt file the way it's described17:01
fungialso keep in mind that the openstack community doesn't maintain the (www.)openstack.org web site17:02
SvenKieskeyeah, that seems difficult :)17:02
fungiso any information published there would need to be coordinated with the third-party webdev contracting firm that maintains it on behalf of the openinfra foundation17:02
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/ossa master: Move Reporting and VMT sections to dedicated pages  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ossa/+/91037417:17
fungiSvenKieske: see if that ^ makes sense17:17
fungii tried to retain the existing anchors so external referents still end up somewhere useful17:18
fungihttps://e5f1af19c3b87103bfc3-8ce5690b0835baabd00baac02d43f418.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/910374/1/check/openstack-tox-docs/7c7e0b4/docs/ is the preview17:23
fungithere are probably some internal references that could still stand to be cleaned up, but it's a start anyway17:25
SvenKieskeI'll take a look, thanks!17:29
fungiit's mainly just a forklift of those two sections into separate documents/pages17:29
funginothing reworded17:29
fungiminimum effort expended to make sure sphinx remained happy17:30

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