Thursday, 2024-09-19

JayFThe requirements for being a VMT-managed project suggest you need a security liason and links here: which contains /many/ emeritus contributors who are no longer active15:28
JayFIs there a new way to indicate your security liason? I thought you only put one in projects.yaml if it was DPL, but IMBW15:28
JayFif you can point me in the correct direction I'll update the docs as needed15:28
fungiit's not been well formalized. i tend to check governance first and then the wiki page and then fall back on the ptl15:30
fungii would love for it to be better formalized, but how we do that needs some discussion i suppose15:30
fungimostly it doesn't matter since we use the security reviewer groups in defect trackers as the first line of contact on a vulnerability, and only need a liaison as a point of escalation15:31
fungiso it rarely comes up, but we do still need it as a fallback15:31
JayFyou mind if I add a note there to the effect of "by default, the PTL or any members of the project that are also in the VMT are considered security liason"15:32
JayFs/members/cores/ 15:32
JayFI don't love, tbh, that the wiki lists out of date contacts for security, even if someone almost seems like they'd have to be *intentionally* looking at the wrong thing to get there15:33
fungisounds great to me15:33
JayFfor purposes of checking the boxes for Ironic to be VMT-managed, I'm going to skip this as I think it's obvious for us15:33
JayFand I'll update that doc once I get to the end and ensure we're in good shape15:33
fungialso, the out of date liaisons are a big part of why i was pushing for dpl liaisons to reaffirm every cycle15:34
JayFI was also pushing for that. Well, it wasn't my idea, but when I heard it I <3 it15:34
fungithough obviously the dpl liaisons don't cover all of it15:34
JayF is PTL approved now, and over half the active cores were asking about it's status this morning, so I think we have consensus17:00
JayFI've removed my W-1 and will start adjusting config on the repos now, but IMO that can land now17:00
JayFfungi: when you get a chance, can you help show me how to mash buttons to setup LP for VMT stuff? It's not documented in the checklist afaict17:01
fungiJayF: i'm not really around today or tomorrow, travelling for family stuff, but could i help walk you through it on monday if that's soon enough?21:46
JayFHonestly, I'm not in any kind of hurry to get it done other than clearing it off my todo list21:47
JayFwe've treated ironic vulns as if they were VMT for a while anyway21:47
fungiit involves me figuring out an lp project where i have full owner access to be able to identify the right bits to click on21:47
JayFso you take your time and we can look next week (I may not be around Monday; it's my birthday so might try to sneak out)21:47
fungioh! yes you should21:47
JayFfungi: I think some of the issue may be "full owner access" not being held by me (or julia when she checked)21:47
fungii expect to be around all next week, so any time is fine21:47
fungiand yeah, that's an added complexity, but since i'm (for unrelated reasons) in the openstack-admins team on lp too i may be able to fix that while we're at it21:48

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